Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Find The Relic Sims 3
that with a little work will be realized.
always has fascinated me the tech world paying more interest from childhood to the field of electronics and now in this now so I'm leaning digitized by the fusion of computing with electronics. Tell me you office equipment does not depend almost 80% of electronics?
technifying Our world is fast at speeds exponentially, daily
new technologies are discovered or refined other most backward with a single purpose development of this civilization.
Although it is worth remembering that many of the best discoveries of men were employed in their own destruction as is the case that military
radioactivity is used in the construction of bombs of mass destruction and peacefully
generation electricity. There are thousands of examples
that you probably know too well.
The focus of this blog is intended to discuss technological breakthroughs
general type and for some categories as well as some practical ideas that will detail easily.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tatoo On Male Genital
Submitted by nitrox through Google Reader:
During the 50's of XX century, devised a project aimed, through the impetus provided by nuclear explosions on a shield inertial trigger an interstellar spacecraft.
In Alt64 wiki are:
Looking for a more efficient way of using atomic energy emerged Orion project, which involves using an atomic explosion to produce plasma that when it hits a plate in the spacecraft generate an enormous boost.
burst duration is so brief that the drive plate, steel or aluminum, suffering only slight wear.
The result is an engine with a ratio of pulse thousands of times greater than a chemical engine. You also need a much lower reaction mass due to the high speeds reached plasma.
However, a small mistake in the process of detonation can destroy the ship, and everything that is near . Thus, an international treaty prohibiting the deployment of nuclear weapons in space.
But science fiction has been able to circumvent these drawbacks. In the movie Deep Impact , the ship built by the United States to intercept the comet that will destroy the Earth is equipped with an Orion propulsion system and drive plate can be seen perfectly in the sequence starting from the ship. This is an important skill in the atmosphere science of the film, because with current technology this is the only system that would achieve the necessary speed to the orbital maneuver quoted the comet . Video
seen in the fabulous blog telephoto
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Pokemon Crystal Trade Evolve Gameshark
Hello! I thought you might be interested in this story from Science @ NASA: (or \u0026lt;a href = " "> \u0026lt;/ a>.)
Where Is Taarak Mehta Shooting
Posted by Nitrox via Google Reader:
long ago and industrial researchers think about graphene (isolated for the first time in 2004) as a replacement for silicon for the development of semi-conductors in which underpin future ultra-fast computers. And this is just one of many applications that evolve as "both in the field of nanotechnology as outside of it from this extraordinary material properties. Now scientists have also confirmed what has long suspected: it is the strongest material we've ever known. By César Gutiérrez.
graphene applications (some have already taken other potential and the reality and practice) range from their use because of its extraordinary electronic-conducting and semiconducting properties, "until the future construction of space elevators, through the manufacture of armor in the field of human security, such as a vest flexibility matched only by their extreme resistance, and as thin as paper.
The latest news about graphene, according to a statement University Columbia,
is that for the first time, researchers have confirmed what we already suspected: that this is the strongest material ever tested.
A solid future
Tests have been carried out by Jaffrey Kysar and James Hone, mechanical engineering faculty of Columbia University , and consisted of measuring the force required to break the graphene . To do this they had to use-how could it be otherwise-diamond allotrope of carbon and also natural mineral extremely hard, with 10 assigned to the classical scale Mohs hardness.
holes were made of a micrometer wide on a silicon wafer and placed in each of these holes a perfect sample of graphene. And then broke the graphene with a sharp instrument made of diamond.
To give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe strength of graphene, Hone proposed Technology Review a curious analogy. Comparing tests conducted by him and Kysar to put a tarp over a cup of coffee and measure the force required to click the cover with a pencil.
According Hone explained if instead of plastic that is put on the coffee cup out a sheet of graphene, then situate above the pen, and on top of it we put a car that someone held him poised on the graphene sheet or budge.
course, this would be very difficult, not only because of the difficulty of putting a car on a pencil, but because it is extremely difficult to get a sample of perfect graphene at the macroscopic level of pens and coffee mugs ("Only a tiny sample may be perfect and super-tough, "said Hone), but the comparison is perfectly valid because that is proportionally the resistance of graphene at the microscopic level.
carbon nanostructures
should remember that this is a material made from graphite, with the notable peculiarity that it is only one of the layers that make up this one. That is, and to put us on the nanometer order that we are talking about: the graphene sheet has a thickness "a" atom, regardless of the forms and structures which may be acquired (eg, nanotubes, if the foil is rolled cilinder shaped, or buckyballs -translated as fullerenes or buckyballs, "if the sheet rolls into a ball), or how many of these layers can be overlaid or combined to their applications and industrial applications.
As a curiosity, for the individual layers of graphene from graphite (previously rubbed on a silicon wafer) in university laboratories have been using the so-called "heat method, which involves applying a" duct tape " bent at both ends of the piece of graphite, and then separating, and repeating the process several times until obtaining a single layer. All this (tape included) at the nanoscale, of course.
Some universities has been paying about $ 10 fellows for making this work. For industrial production continue to research and develop methods obviously different to the "zeal" and, given the number of potential new applications arise every day for the graphene and the extraordinary properties of the same over and over again are discovered or confirmed, is expected soon to be a large scale and low cost.
silicon semiconductor industry, one of the fields where the material appears to be more promising, " that it intends to build computers much faster than the current through the development of microprocessors with graphene transistors, you're in luck with these last tests on the strength of it.
fact, one of the major impediments in the construction of microprocessors is the pressure, as explained by Julia Greer, researcher California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - and the materials used to manufacture the transistors must not only possess excellent electrical properties , "but also must be able to survive the stress they are subjected during manufacturing and heat generated by repeated operations. The process used to stamp metal wiring in the microprocessor, for example, has a voltage that can cause failure of the chips. "
Greer concludes that" the heat is too much for materials to support it. "But now, after tests on the resistance of graphene, appears to be demonstrated that it is able to cope.
Konstantin Novoselov of the University of Manchester , who was the first to isolate two-dimensional sheets of material, said: "We knew the graphene material was more resistant, this work is confirmed.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Dvd Ram Gsa H55n Don't Detect Dvd
(first night game)
was a day like any the great wall, the guards came and went. The skirmishes of creatures like waves beating at all times and likewise were exterminated.
I was called to save my honor and my gempukku to finish after my unfortunate bug in the search for Kuni-san. My teacher was really upset by it, even so called give me a chance to show my worth as a crab. Agreed to it because other samurai had not achieved its gempukku either. No I have to say I am glad to hear, be treated as a ronin between crabs was something that was not willing to endure for long.
had started to rain a couple of days and I was in a small hut next to a rather quiet fan and Hida appeared to be ill, I kept coughing and scratching. All were lost in their thoughts until they arrived two more samurai. A Hida, who kept complaining about being there with us and the other sadly and greatly to the time it was a Hiruma, regrettable because another family member fails miserably but pleased to be a member of my family. All were silent except for the annoying Hida who kept complaining about not being in the wall of duty or be crushed oni ... so that was interrupted by another member of our bizarre group. A unicorn was present before us. I noticed as poor samurai was cold and soaking wet after a life spent in the desert. He carried a fishing pole and a small drum. I'm sure I'm not the only one who was surprised by it. Like the rest remained silent, a silence that was quickly interrupted by a samurai-ko Crane. Came together with another look shy and somewhat scared. What tends to happen to anyone visiting the wall for the first time. Like the first Hida told his apprentice that was a mistake to be with our group for various reasons that only one crane is pompous could happen. Finally let his apprentice and left. The samurai-ko was a shugenja in the scrolls he carried. She was so shy as attractive. Still will not save on the wall. Silence reigned until the arrival of the last member. Kalli was presented Kuni-Sama and his apprentice. I think everyone had the same question as he entered. What you chew and spit oni leaving it? The man had scars all over, luckily sat away from us to be left by Kuni-sama. Silence returned to take control of the hut.
Minutes later we heard the arrival of Hida Bikomi-sama. It would be in charge of organizing to defend the wall. The crab was complaining about wasting time on us ... "The group of losers." Asked the unicorn for a couple of samurai belonging to the same clan and they were not present, desert samurai appeared as "Samir", it was not difficult to understand that he had a gaijin name could not be more strange group. After the response of the unicorn, Hida-sama took us to another hut where a Kaiu finished nailing a bed on a separate enough so we could sleep the minimum space possible, you never know who will get a Kaiu ingenious madness. The place was a warehouse before we arrived, and rats had a feast. I think Doji only place he felt disgusted. Others just wanted to get some sleep. Talk a little while Hiruma-san noted that the type of scars slept on the floor and said nothing at all. It began to seem somewhat gloomy. The unicorn took out his drum and began to sing it without any melodic sound, they asked him why he did it and just said "to ward off evil spirits," was one of those situations where there is more to laugh at how ironic it was .. . "Evil spirits on the wall? obvious that the unicorn was not yet understood where he stood. The sound of the drum brains when he started talking in a strange language ever heard in the northern lands, knelt while talking to strange movements. I think we all struggled to sleep that night. A couple of hours later our dreams were interrupted by the alarm of Oni. I got up as fast as I could to find the Hida complaint with the gift of arming to the teeth, surely was not the first time it happened. It was the first out and ending his life that night ... as he ran out the door we could see an Oni of more than 3 meters was just outside. Hida had nothing to do, we saw how a piece of his body was torn by the creature as it fell out of the room inert. We all left to fight with the beast and our attacks were useless but we enough to distract the archers shoot a spray of arrows and gave him purpose. He soon went back to sleep ... Hida after death and destruction Oni's was even more difficult to get some sleep.
The next day we got to start guarding the wall. It was still raining and Bikomi-sama took us to a department to arm ourselves. The grim kind of jade asked something else they did ... somehow thought little and just gave us the request. By taking our jobs Iuchi-san came to take his drum to make it sound trying to scare away the evil spirits of the wall, besides taking some incense. Not to mention that in the hut turned her clothes ... not that things will have happened in the desert but the Unicorn proved to be some lunatic. While we there spoke little, I think everyone wanted to stay focused to get out unscathed at the slightest threat. Heard noises on the wall and saw a creature that looked like a broken man by the stain ... asked to be let. We look to the nearest guard and told us to leave it alone, that creature had become a legend on the wall. He was not spotted, they said that some kami kept him safe from the spot. Otaku had been before it was, was in love with a woman who refused the love of what is internal to the Shadowlands. Unable to do anything we are dedicated to see to be in the wall. Note that I get a flute with which began playing a sad melody. I did not understand if it was a spell but some crabs and even the grim man who was in the group were absorbed by the melody and began to mourn. I saw Kanameshi Hida-san fall to the ground to writhe for some reason. React as fast as I could and shoot an arrow when he played under the wall, but interrupted his song for some reason the arrow bounced before reaching you. Actually protects a kami ... after that went away from the wall and not see him again.
A Kuni step of controlling the spot we were there, everyone was fine until prodded to Hiruma-san ... like a pig about to be assassinated the bastard started screaming in pain from the bite of jade, two guards took him and took him quickly. Another member of the group that lost.
Minutes later we heard a guard shout in the distance but we could not do more than imagine the same thing happened with Hiruma.
A Hida old man approached us while we waited for something to happen. Talking to himself. He remembered the past when growing grass under the wall and repeated ad nauseam in a sad ... remembering seemed lost and sinking more and more in sadness. A guard approached us and told us that the old man was crazy. When all seemed quiet the old was released from the wall. We saw several meters broke below ... the only thing I noticed is that I drop a bag while jumping. He had some kind of seed. Hida-san Kanameshi approached me and said he saw the poor old man digging weakly on the ground while slowly dying from his wounds. Did not know what to think ... poor man's devotion to see the wall on a green ground led him to give his life to plant a seed ...
When I least expected the old man got up turned into a zombie, as he ran to react as quickly as possible and I gave him with an arrow that ended his career. Falling began to crawl slowly. Our partner Iuchi one of the charms bag he was carrying and out of nowhere came a wall of fire that ended the old zombie. Everyone looked surprised by the strange magic. I think the person who was more surprised to Doji-hime by looking at him in a strange way, "love at first spell?" I do not understand the truth shugenja too. For a moment I thought was good and the most bizarre, "a love of a Gaijin Doji at the Great Wall? from the beginning knew that things would look strange in this place but still managed to surprise the fortunes ...
The wall was quiet for a moment until the arrival of a horde of goblins with a troll. As they approached the organizing ran Kaiu boiling oil, crossbows and a large number defensive equipment. In less than a blink reached the base of the wall and the Troll spinning a sac throw us all little goblins with long claws dug into many of us. The breeding damn goblin reached me on the shoulder and bit me. With a swift strike fails to remove me and let me kill him but badly wounded. Saw the launching Kaiu oil on the drinks with the attack ended. I sat a moment watching if the rest was fine. A Kuni helped me with my injuries while Bikomi-sama Hida approached us and sent us back to the hut. Like prisoners killed two guards outside our home and try to get ready for bed. Iuchi-san helped me finish my cure wounds while the rest settle in for sleep. Strange visions
dominated my dreams ... I saw many comrades die that night. Hours later
Hida-sama Bikomi interrupted by the courtesy of a crab our dream to start a mission. Assigned a hunting party to track the drinks they escaped from our recent fray and take us with him. Some heimin came seconds later and we dressed in armor for the dangerous mission. Hida Bikomi-sama took us where your group of hunters. Hiruma had three archers and a Fanatic Hida. A Kaiu accompanied us on the wall along the narrow aisles. Hiruma output a study and determined the tracks the way forward ... started hunting. We walked a couple of hours to find our quarry. Iuchi-san began to play his drum and asked me to sound my bow rope to help chase away the evil spirits ... I refused to give him a taste for my lunatic friend. Hida-sama did we end up with the noise to organize the attack. Seeing me with a bow I chose to be on the left flank with the other Hiruma, Iuchi Doji-san and Hime would be on the right side casting. Our friend Ideku a Zealot who did not speak much go along with the service Fanatic Hida-sama, our friend Kanameshi Hida-san go along with the grim man who called himself and Hida Kyo-Sama. Groups Nearby fighters split to separate the goblins that the crowd had a Troll. When starting the skirmish our friend Gaijin a parchment bag and throw a wall of fire again, this time was larger. I must admit that despite being a lunatic was pleased to have him mate. His spell caused panic among the goblins and completely messed up. Doji-hime invoke lightning from the heavens and lie down multiple enemies. Along with the Archers cast the first dash to the Troll, the bushis rushed frantically into battle, it was amazing to see the pair of fans entering the fray. Ran completely controlled by his anger Zen As the goblins out of the flames and began to attack more Fans who beat more than enrage them failed to achieve that were destroyed. When launching the second arc sprayed the damn kick broke the wall. For some reason I have punished fortunes. Take my katana and guided by the wrath of my ancestors ran to enter the melee. Upon entering the crowd a blinding light erupted Doji-hime, the goblins were stunned when starting to kill the damn creatures. At that moment I noticed that Kyo was fighting with a katana surrounded by flames as he moved impressively, the bastard seemed to move faster than ever to attack the small creatures, perhaps driven by his anger I do not know the truth. The goblins to recover and were greatly reduced so that signified a major threat. The skirmish is over and we walked a few meters to go back to the wall. Hida Bikomi-sama looked satisfied with our work and started taking a different attitude with us. After all, what better way to meet someone in a fight in the Shadowlands? crab all to learn that since childhood. We went behind the wall of our hut. Hida-sama gave us two days to rest and that's precisely what we did. Before bed you prepare some jade powder to try to calm dreams on our first night's sleep, all accepted except Hida-san seemed Kanameshi have a problem with you, even Kyo drank with us that night ... but drank it all ... the guy is obsessed with jade. From the first meetings to see the jade his face seems to change completely and thrown to the ground by any piece even tiny. Doji Hiyorico-hime that interrupted his sleep sleeping seemed to drink some tea, returned to prepare the main course for the samurai-ko ... despite being crane began to realize that was a companion in our gallant team. Began to like the young samurai-ko.
all get to sleep peacefully, peacefully and would not sleep in a bed peacefully crane if you do not have nightmares at night as usual on the wall.
Spend the rest of the time distracting and walking carefully so as not to run into the Kaiu-san looked sad ... not long since the day I fail and do not want to have to see their sadness again.
After our day of "rest" Hida Bikomi-sama brought us back to the wall. After this time the mood was different. Although the Shadowlands failed to take your soul achieved at least take away the spirit of life. Iuchi san when he played his drum made him more and more slowly as if he understood that it was useless to try to scare away evil spirits on the wall. Kyo was still just as always, do not open it made the poor man But whatever your taste just by being together. Fanatic Ideku our friend out every so often to ... The truth never told us. Most of the time, talk to Kanameshi Hida-san ... although I would have been nice to know something more about the pompous land-hime Hiyorico Doji cranes seemed more interested in knowing Iuchi-san than any of us ... Or talk a lot with Iuchi-san trying to get away from Doji-hime ... few could understand and would achieve complete our gempukku ... I neither knew.
We were back on the great wall standing guard ... I take another bow and ensures that it would break. Time passed slowly as we watched the devastation South. Each time I felt the sting of a needle in my back jade. It happened so often that I get used to it.
Our peace was interrupted by the scream of a guard. Shouted "Abunai!" while pointing to the sky. Sharpen the light and saw strange shadows upon us. In less than a blink, a tragedy occurred. The flying creatures descended rapidly killing several guards. To stoop to avoid the same bad luck that I saw crab guards as life left to Doji Hiyorico-hime ... two winged creatures down brutally on it to restricting it to half. It was the first time I saw a fellow die ... The attack was upon us and some creatures were to be seen. I felt like a directly observed by removing the full value of my blood warrior. I dove quickly to the floor when I heard a shriek from one of the creatures ... Fear had gripped me. Many crabs are hiding like me ... at that moment I saw Kanameshi Hida-san fell to the ground and start to squirm ... Iuchi-san and Kyo also jumped down and hid as they could to avoid being caught by one of those winged demons. Ideku-san was the only one who remained firm ... I understand that the fear of death was nothing for him, I remembered that people like him were trained to die. He only threw punches with his tetsubo when he approached the demons until ended their lives. He remembered the stories of the glory of my family on the Shadowlands ... Ideku struggling to see just in that moment I could see all those martyrs who gave their lives for what was theirs. My blood began to boil slowly ... could not afford to fight alone. Could not continue to dishonor my ancestors ... I could hear my father's voice calling me to fight and die if necessary. Take the bow firmly and began to tighten the rope with the ability of my ancestors. In the scuffle I noticed that Iuchi-san was being led by a creature just happened to Ideku at the time to stop him .... led by my instincts quickly launch an arrow that made the child losing strength and fall ... fortunes not accompanied me that night ... Iuchi beast-san callus under the wall. Kanameshi had left his strange state and I was fighting a few yards north of the wall. I approached the wall and try to collect more than where he had fallen Iuchi-san do not see anything in the thick darkness of the night. The beasts were slowly defeated, the battle had been hard but the crabs had emerged victorious again. Hida Bikomi-sama had been fighting a few yards north. After the fight we are looking for the next guard shift care of the rest ... battered a guard should be changed immediately for the safety of everyone. Before I looked down the body of the young samurai-ko fall in battle. Although Crane was born term as crab dying ... take your daisho and give it to Hida Bikomi-sama to be delivered to his teacher. Returning to the hut we found Ideku Iuchi-san ... both had fallen off the wall and could not see anything they said. Achievement Ideku sharpen the view and see a door to the tunnels under the wall where a Kaiu waiting. When trying to get under the wall were shot by arrows and an Oni appeared to them that I lock the door of the place where they had gone ... the bastard took the door and not allowed to close it. Ideku smashed his hand with the achievement tetsubo and shut the door ... Both were badly injured and would be served by Kuni. As we talked Hida-sama Bikomi burst into the room in the usual way that made him and gave us eight hours to rest. There was a better gift at that time. Ideku was not so hurt and decided to leave the room to do something ... never tells the truth too. I took some of the dust of jade and went to exchange it for you with some Yasuki. Also got a straw hat to avoid the rain that never ended. Beginning to believe I would die drowned before destroyed by some bizarre creature. Returning to the hut and dry my clothes bothers entered Doji-sama ... Crane believed that they were very calm but looked like a crab had owned ... was upset by the death of his pupil and wanted someone to answer for it. After being keeper of the Great Wall all the courtesy is useless and no one cares about the opinion of the Crane. I get upset that prides itself on the honorable death of the young samurai-ko ... gave his life protecting the rule of the Shadowlands. Crane finding no answer she decided to leave grumbling. After that we had a quiet night.
The next day something happened which did not happen as you want ... Yasuko-san Kaiu appeared in our room. I could not look up to see her in the eye. Her eyes reminded me on my mission fails and preferred say nothing. She noticed my presence, but seemed not to mind. His eyes still kept the sadness of the death of Kuni-san. Commanded us to prepare ourselves to enter the tunnels under the wall. Guards needed help to protect them while planting some extra traps in an area under the Great Wall. We followed and met with other Kaiu. When you enter go through many corridors that had changed its form and direction compared to the previous time we had been there. After a long walk to the area we wanted to prepare. Yasuko-san Kaiu sent us several meters ahead to anticipate any attack that ended with the engineers. Ideku went ahead lie complied with the order. Out of nowhere we heard a sudden noise that stopped and the wall was opened to our right. There were many zombies started walking towards us from the wall open. Quickly throw some blows to the corrupt men. Following them were many more in the shadows. Iuchi-san began to scream that we retire ... we would die if we stayed there fighting the horde of zombies. Seeing that everyone started running immediately followed them. Upon reaching Kaiu Yasuko-san said the find and was surprised ... immediately saw the horde of zombies that was behind us and everyone started running. Kaiu Yausko-san stopped me and asked for help to activate a trap that would end some of them. I stand in front of a lever to signal lower samurai-ko. The ground opened up and discovered a series of giant revolving tetsubo ... the active lever she opened the ceiling and rocks fell on the zombies ... many were caught and crushed, but there were too many and the trap would not be enough ... I ran out and gave the order to guide everyone through the tunnel by which I was ever with her while she activated another trap with the help of Iuchi-san ... I knew I could not fail or be trapped ... for a moment I was lost but I felt that one of my ancestors I pointed the direction that turned out to be correct. When running a long distance a wall opened out of nowhere and hit me knocked down ... Yasuko-san Kaiu and Iuchi-san went out after her and we headed for the exit. The look of the samurai-ko had changed ... looked worried, like the rest of Kaiu also were puzzled by the finding. We returned to the hut to rest after the horrible experience in the tunnels. Iuchi-san told us what happened when we split in the tunnels ... Yasuko-san Kaiu had asked to be bait to lead to the zombies into a trap and did just that using a spell which flew through the tunnel and achievement to follow him. Reported seeing a large square rock hill the road where they were and heard noises behind her ... whatever had killed the noise from the zombies. As we talked Hida Bikomi-sama was present and called us to meet with Kuni Yori-sama ... without thinking went immediately to the Daymio. We asked what had happened. He was thoughtful to the bizarre incident. Iuchi informed him that he had seen the mon scorpion in one of them and also a Moto. In response, the Daymio we ordered us back to the tunnels and regain much information as possible ... with this ending our gempukku ... We returned to the entrance and Iuchi-san led us through the tunnels. Was the same stone that closed the road to the zombies. After pulling a lever, the stone was removed from the road and saw the floor covered with mutilated zombies. The trap had been very effective. I began to see between the zombies looking for something that might help. Able to find a card in a zombie Kaiu ... just in time to take the letter one of them got up ... We were forced to fight through the narrow walls ... all wild when zombies attacked immediately deployed two small wings of bone and a kind of peak bone .. Attempt to strike a blow but I do not succeed ... Iuchi-san plunged his hand into a sack of powdered jade and then throw a blow to the creature. Our friend the unicorn showed his ability with his hands hurting the creature with a lethal blow. The beast would respond with anger at the attack ... by the look he had in Kyo knew that he would attack but acted quickly ... powder was sprayed jade what the zombie horror. He looked at Iuchi-san and quickly took the groin. With the movement of combat most of the jade roseado fell to the ground and brought his anger Zombie Kyo again which took the chest. Ideku not stay back and throw a mortal blow with the tetsubo to return to the ground. The beast was determined to leave mark at some of those who had been arrested, let go Iuchi-san and he was about to fall Kyo with a quick pull out a jade pendant and buried him in the arm, the beast can not stand the pain and released it fell without achieving revenge. Before the availability of Iuchi-san ran up against the sinking again jade his fist and throwing a deadly blow to the head of the creature. Another deadly blow Shugenja you just smashing the skull and the Zombie. Quickly take the letter and examine it without understanding it was. Pass it on to Iuchi-san and read aloud. Kuni was a message I had to look and I found, was addressed to Kaiu Yasuko-san and spoke of an army that would attack the wall in a few days ... both were involved in a plot to destroy the great wall ... glad I have not ever met the bastard at that time. Ideku asked me to review the letter with Kanameshi Hida-san ... using their skills of war realized that the letter carried a report on the size of ejecito aggressor. Quickly the tunnels and we present ourselves before Yari Kuni-sama. Took all the information collected and we assigned a new mission we must go north of the wall to join the army of Hida O-Ushi-sama. We had to help in the battle. As we explained our mission, I could see a few meters far Yasuko was tied and hanged for treason to all. The shame of having failed quickly became anger ... and would charge no more with the weight of that failure ...