Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Greetings Sms For 1 Year Baby

Galileo Galilei

1.-open to all students interested in gaining extra points for qualification in SCIENCE II
2.-The theme is "Galileo Galilei"
3.-The present work should be at least 20 power point slides with the following characteristics:

  • Title Brief biography
  • European discoveries and brief explanation
  • most important contributions
  • currently Importance
  • Issues contributions Bibliography consulted Galileo
4 .- The work will be sent to the email: under pseudonym.
5 .- The 5 best works will be uploaded to this blog for a vote. 6.-E ltrabajo
received the most votes wins.
7.-The decision will be final.
8.-Deadline January 15, 2011.
9.-Dates to be voted on January 17 to February 7, 2011.
10.-Publication of the winners: 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd place February 21, 2011

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Low Phosphorus Buffer

Santa Claus as the Mexican Revolution Summary

Is Santa Claus? Given that kids today are not satisfied with anything, so you can give a scientific answer, or lying as usual, but knowing what they hide. Here are the results of recent scientific study:
traditional physics
1. No known species of reindeer can fly. However, there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, you can not completely rule out the possible existence including flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.
2. There are about 2,000 million children in the world (considering only persons under 18 years). But since Santa does not seem to deal with the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist, the figure drops to 15% of the total (about 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau). According to these statistics, we can calculate an average of 3.5 children per household, so we're talking about 91.8 million homes (assuming that each of them, at least one child who has done well) .
3. Santa Claus has 31 hours of Christmas to work, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the Earth (assuming he travels east to west, which seems logical). This means 822.6 visits per second. In other words, for each Christian household with good children, Santa Claus is 1 thousandth of a second to park, get out the sled down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, climb into the sleigh and move to the next house.

Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed over the surface of the Earth (which is false, but it can be an approximation for the calculations), there are 1.2 km per household. This gives a total distance of l l0 million miles, not counting stops and needed to do what each of us would do at least once in 31 hours. It follows that Santa Claus sled moves at about 1,000 km / s , 3,000 times the speed of sound. As comparison, man-made vehicle to achieve higher speed, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a paltry 43 km / s. A conventional reindeer can run at a top speed of 24 km / h.

4. The payload of the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child only Tente carries a medium-sized (0.9 kg), sled carries some 321,300 tons , not counting Santa, who is always described as quite plump. On land, conventional reindeer can not carry more than 150 kg.

5. 5,353,000 tons traveling at 1,000 km / s creates a huge drag, which will cause a warming of similar reindeer who suffers a spacecraft on re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. The pair of reindeer will absorb head 1 trillion joules of energy per second each. In short, caught fire and consumed almost instantaneously, exposing the posterior pair of reindeer. It also will originate a deafening sound waves in this process. EI full reindeer shot is vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa Claus, meanwhile, will undergo centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than those of gravity. Santa Claus weighed 120 kg (which is even too thin), be crushed against the back of the sled with a force of more than 2 million kg .
Therefore, if there ever was Santa Claus and brought gifts to children at Christmas, is now dead.
Quantum Physics
If the above answer a child when we ask for the existence of Santa Claus (or it appears by itself), the child can be a tremendous disappointment. Fortunately, there is a contraexplicación that can be very useful in this case the above analysis, based on laws of classical physics, has a major flaw because it does not consider the phenomena quantum, which are quite significant in this particular case. As indicated, it is known with extreme precision reindeer terminal velocity of dry air through December on the northern hemisphere (for example). Likewise, it is known with tremendous precision the mass of Santa Claus and his sleigh (since we know the number of children, gifts and reindeer just before the flight). With regard to the management and direction of flight, this is mainly from east to west. All this means that you can determine with excellent precision of the angular momentum vector of Santa Claus and his cargo.

Simply apply the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to find that the position of Santa Claus, Christmas Eve at any time, is extremely vague. In other words, is "dithering" on the surface of the Earth, similar to a certain distance from the nucleus of the atom. Therefore, can literally be found everywhere at any given time.

Finally, the relativistic velocities which can get reindeer for short periods of time make it possible, in some cases even some places a bit before leaving the North Pole. Santa Claus, in other words, assumes for brief periods of time Tachiona features. We agree that the existence of Tachiona not yet proven and is speculative, but so do black holes, and no one doubts its existence. It is therefore quite possible that Santa Claus exists and distribute all the presents on Christmas Eve.
So just in case, you have to behave.