- Want to be a Daimyo?
- Want To govern armies, Mastering the Elements or be the Master of the Imperial Court?
- Want to check if the honor is stronger than steel? Welcome to Conquest
[i] "The Emperor Hantei 38 has died. The son of the sun for weeks and left us after the tense atmosphere of sadness that occurred in the capital, Otosan Uchi, when they found the big one has happened daimyos tense calm.
As preparations are made for appointment as emperor arise Hantei XXXIX Two questions are on everyone's lips: that the old Emperor died? What will be sufficiently powerful and just Sotorii (Hantei XXXIX) to rule an empire threatened by shadows?
It is in this atmosphere of uncertainty when the Oracle of the Void up and utters the words that are repeated in the ears of all of Rokugan daimyos:
"... dark days are coming to the Emerald Empire and Emperor stronger necessary on the throne to defeat the threat that hangs over us all. "
The big clans are preparing to travel again in the spring to the capital to attend the Sotorii Hantei official appointment as the new emperor Hantei XXXIX, but a new question arises as snow from the roads is melting and the cherry trees begin to bloom: how many daimyos will be to support the new emperor and go to their appointment?
The answer will have you, daimyos-samas, fate is in your hands or the hands of a 9-year-old Hantei Sotorii. " [/ i]
Rokugan Conquest is a game NOT OFFICIAL inspired by The Legend of the Five Rings, strategy and diplomacy, which will be the Daimyo of a family clan of the Emerald Empire. Your mission is to lead your clan or family in a time of uncertainty and clan warfare. Use all the resources in your power to survive or perhaps become the new emperor. It is a game via email and shifts forum run by a group of masters.
Each player will play a faction within the Empire, in Daimyo, manage their land, will lead their armies and decide the fate of her clan through turns oficales corrected by the Masters group.
The game is run by a web and has 3 major components: -1
Strategy: Managing
territories, trade resources, build armies, conquer and defend territories ... -2
As a player, you must interpret the forum meetings and phone conversations diplomatic personalities and Daimyo. Whatever, may be your victory and your death. -3
Your decisions, actions and dialogue are crucial to decide the fate of the Empire. Your role may be key to the downfall or salvation in the Emerald Empire rich and interactive with other players.
What do I need to sign up as a player in this new edition of Conquest Rokugan? Simple:
-be knowledgeable of the basic atmosphere of the game "Legend of the 5 Rings." Know at least some of the history of the Empire and their clans.
-Link to this site and the official forum to see over the rules and the features available.
"Of course, access to the Internet to follow the forum and the game turns on the web.
-Contact the Masters of the Game and apply for a position as a player. Each applicant must submit 5 families who want to take in order of preference by putting the features that interest you.
-Finally and possibly most necessary condition as a player: Commitment. Rokugan Conquest is a game that we prepared for a long time and we just want people involved. The features are limited and Most players are loyal, if you're not sure you can commit to playing and answer, leave the job to another player if you can.
prefer before a steady player that can only access the forum once a week someone you post every day but we leave in the 2 nd shift.
This is a game made by fans for fans of "The Legend of 5 Rings"
If after reading this, you think you give the profile and you want to sign up for this new campaign, visit our website:
http://www.rokugan.hieratica.net O
contact the Managers and Masters:
- hatori.sensei@gmail.com
- motofeng@gmail.com
- kyosonooni@gmail.com