This is the story of a child first goes to school, was accompanied by her mother, to get to school the porter told the lady that the child can go, but she, the child looks sideways at her mom and waving his hand in farewell, go to school.
The school was very big, but when the boy saw that he could go to her classroom door directly from the outside, she was happy and since then the school did not seem so big.
Thus the child - touching the door and heard a voice saying forward - timidly enters and greets the teacher tells you to sit - the child realizes that it is the first to arrive and see a place near a window and Suddenly the teacher says,
Stop! Sit Here, the child would have preferred to sit near the window.
So one morning, when it was little I was in school, the teacher said:
Today we make a picture.
"Well," thought the boy, I really like drawing.
He knew many things, lions, tigers, elephants, airplanes, trains, boats and took his box of crayons and began drawing monkeys, painting carts that was what he liked, then drawing lions, tigers, chickens, planes, trains, ships, because he loved drawing.
Suddenly the teacher said
Stop! Not time begin, begin to paint only when I order.
And he waited until everyone looked ready.
"Now they can start - the teacher said - let's make flowers." "That's great." - Thought the little boy he liked to make flowers.
and began to paint a daisy suddenly the teacher says,
Stop! Today we are going to paint roses, are not going to paint daisies.
The child immediately drawing a rose black stem and yellow petals, I'm beautiful, but the teacher says
Stop! Lets paint green-stemmed roses and red petals. I'll show you how to do. Look.
So ... - said the teacher - and drawing on the blackboard a red flower with green stem.
"Now," said the teacher. "Now they can start."
The boy looked at the prime of his teacher and then, and he liked the flower more than the teacher. And did not reveal this. Just kept his role and made a flower like the teacher, red with green stem.
Another day, the teacher said:
- "Today we will work with clay." "Excellent" - he thought, and could do all sorts of things with clay.
and began to squeeze and knead the dough ball and immediately began to make snowmen, snakes, elephants, cars and trucks until the teacher said:
Stop! "It is time to start"
And he waited until all were ready.
"Now - the teacher said - you're going to make a snake."
"Well," thought the child. He liked doing snakes. And he began to make some different sizes and shapes, suddenly the teacher says:
Stop! I'll show you how to make a long snake.
can now begin.
The boy looked at the serpent of the teacher, then I look at him, and he liked more than his "culebrota" from his teacher. But did not reveal this. Just kneaded the dough into a large ball and made a big snake like that of the teacher.
So, then, the boy learned to wait and see and do things the teacher.
It happened one day that the boy and his family moved to another city and therefore to another house and another school.
That school was much larger than the first, had a door out, but to get to their classroom, the child had to walk a very long corridor.
And just his first day of classes in that school, the teacher said:
"Today we do a picture. "
" Well, "thought the boy, and waited for the teacher to tell him what to do.
But she said nothing, just walked around the room. When he approached the boy, she said
" - You do not want to draw? ".
-" Yes "-" the boy said - "but I'm hoping you tell me how I have to do. What are we to draw? "
" I do not know until you do not do it, "said the teacher.
" How do I do? "He asked.
" Why? "Said Teacher - "The way you want."
- "And any color?" He asked.
"In any color" - the teacher said, - "If everyone used the same colors and make the same drawings, How could know who did what and where would he?"
"I do not know the boy said .
"As you wish - -." said the teacher is a personal expression. "
I do not understand - thought the child -. And he began to draw a red flower with green stem.