Universe The Secret Key
1st Edition, March 2008
Aimed at readers from 12 years. Especially the "future scientists" and those full of curiosity about the world around us. Also for those who want some fun.
ISIS, this comment goes for you ...
I'm sure most of you know who Stephen Hawking, the British scientist who comes in a wheelchair and all the appearance of having a total immobility. Yes, at age 21, recently finished his degree in physics and projects of marriage, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Doctors told him he would not live to complete his doctorate. The disease was progressing, leaving increasingly low, and conceiving it more and more projects. We moved the desire to know what happened in the universe, how did everything, including life ─ how the basic laws of nature ... Today, 66 years old, is one of the most prestigious scientists who had the humanity and Despite his immobility is almost complete, with the help of a voice synthesizer lectures, exhibits his new findings and the universe knows better than anyone. And you know why he could get there, 'cause your brain is intact and has super used to stop, in the end is the body that can move around, with the irreplaceable will. Excuse me
has spread both in this section, but that his life is worthy to be taken into account. I would like you fijarais on how far you can go if one wishes to strength.
Well, I present the book has recently been written by this man that I just presented and their daughter Lucy, a journalist and storyteller, and stories for adolescents. Maybe one day they sat down to talk ─ by ─ speech synthesizer and decided to tell young people are beginning to study all these issues and say they are bored!, Some things that happen in that space as amazing and unknown as it is outside our planet. So Lucy wrote the part of the story, and Stephen, the father, was responsible for directing the fantasy of his daughter in the strictest scientific reality. Thus, the adventures of George, the high school student crushed by the gang of "matoncillos" ignorant, and Annie, the daughter of Eric, a scientist who has the most powerful computer in the world ─ ─ called Cosmos have the privilege to go into outer space and learn through a very scientific fantasy, what the place is so often visited by the mind of this great sage who is Stephen Hawking.
and that your progress may be more complete, Christophe Garfald, one of the many helpers who have helped to make sure nothing is out of touch in this book, conducted a series of fact sheets that you will clarify the scientific questions that you are doubtful .
Speaking from my experience: I've been in outer space, which fascinates me, and I've seen "how" in spite of living an adventure, even Today, science fiction. The fantasy that we are living is not nothing like the worlds of fairies, ogres and sea monsters. It has to do, however, with a really quite fantastic. Good travel on the tail of a comet ...
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