This story was set in the romantic city of Venice, when the evening fell, in a secondary school , they saw, and was where they met and Linconbert Polette. Two names that may never clicked. Everything began to lower Polette, there at the end the staircase was the young Limcombert, a young boy without being handsome, was nothing more than perceived, with dark skin, eyes deeply innocent and great gallantry, Polette saw a girl who never stood out. High enough, fair-skinned, firmly walking, blue eyes and brown hair. We can say that when they crossed their eyes would be something that will always remember them. Then he asked a friend who will take certain messages to young Polette, its fleeting attraction to her. The shy young man only just think you never would look at it, let alone the young and young people, as was Limcombert. I remember it was a weekday, when he sends a note, and which invited her for a ride through the canals of Venice, when she was filled with excitement to know that for the first time was matched by a boy. Of course he accepted. He was picking it up on a bridge that was close to some of the ancient courts of the city; done so in the moment is approaching Lincombert Polette, his heart began to jump so much emotion. When he finally arrived he said:
(L) .- You look especially attractive now Polette ... And with those words she blushed. When he finally answered, with a kiss on the cheek, and he said
(P) .- I would not come, and ... And he said
(L) .- What do you think is play my part, inviting you? She replied a bit confused.
(P) No, but we only met once .- (smile).
(L) .- That to me was enough to know that you're beautiful and I'm in love with you!
(P) .- She was speechless with this response, and he contented himself hesitating: T or I like you much
(L) .- I know that you should look somewhat hasty, but you've got something that I love. And I inspire that feeling which I confess my fair lady ...
(P) .- Totally confused suggested him .- How about if we walk across the bridge? And he answered:
(L) .- It is an honor to walk with you my love ...
Polette And they did, they walked down the long bridge and looked and not had to do it; when they reached the end of the bridge, he proposed: That would give a ride by gondola. And in this, when the boat moved slowly glided through the waters flooded with love, he took her hand and said: - I'm loving you Polette. That afternoon it appears that the decline re ahead and soon over. The next day, when the school was found at the break, looking with wide eyes, Polette was looking through her friends and all the other guys at that time around him. After a while, and since everything had worked among them, decided to be boyfriends, and had a great time for several weeks. So very soon finished the school year, Polette and withdrew a week before a trip I had to make his father. This logically separated from all the holidays, since they could not communicate. Then Lincomberth also traveled to London, all that time was a real agony to the two young lovers. Come the following year, the first day of school, went to school Polette not because it was Agrippa, but on the fourth day, when you enter the classroom, sit in the front seat of the middle column of the room, with a old companion, and it tells Polette Linconbert ear that is in the room. She quickly turns to locate where I was actually sitting and sitting against the wall and looking at Polette, it feels very nervous, but in his heart leaped with joy to see that he was so close to her. But it was not, by an enmity that had Linconbert with a partner, and he decided to change course, and also things had cooled Polette, because during all the holidays they were hardly seen or spoken. Everything happened so, and since then Polette began to realize that their love was losing him slowly, and the most painful thing for her was knowing that maybe she was to blame for that all this was happening, Polette thought that being so young the two were taking everything just like a simple game of adolescents. But she was not without hope that everything would be resolved between them, and was little seen, and when they were together barely spoke, and felt elle Linconbert was no longer the same. All this began to deteriorate, when Polette Linconbert saw another girl, and comments from other friends in saying that this other girl was interested in Linconbert, knowing all this hurt a lot Polette. That girl looked for ways to get closer and closer to Linconbert, and therefore very soon they were seen together. But this was the beginning of the great suffering that awaited the unhappy Polette. The changes began experimenting Polette, were quite dramatic. Since neither was feeding well, just wanted to be locked in her room crying, and soon his parents realized that something was not right in the young, also tried approach her, but it was impossible for them confidante of such immense pain that was happening. In addition to Polette, had to be made fun of at school by all who knew of the deception, and despised by the sudden Linconbert, and thought only that he never really love , As he said, and wondered where it was so much love that he swore, how could she change so quickly and it did nothing to prevent Polette go through all this, I could not believe it was all a lie a young immature and cruel. First of all what was happening, came the coup de grace and a friend of Polette, went to talk to Linconbert, and all but forced him to go talk to her friend who was evidently suffering, then he agrees to do so and is directed to leave everything in clear Polette, knowing that this would destroy the true feelings of the young. Everything happened as it had to happen coupled to speak, and every word that fell from Linconbert lips, was a knife stuck in his chest suffered in love. Willing to resign that was lost, Polette, and his face bathed in tears Linconbert answered!: Not to worry, that they had not worked and that was free to do what he decides. Soon transcurred year and final exams Linconbert, he was repeating the course, and Polette finished school, of course all this would separate them more. And almost without hope, a light appeared and it was that Linconbert, one day closer to her and says: What if she forgives him for having caused so much pain and all that that evening he confessed was not lie and that will always occupy a special place in his heart? - After this Polette did not know whether to wait for him or if you absolutely forget they ever knew. But the young man smiled Linconbert not life as it revolved around many rumors, that was not the same guy right, and had become a missing person and misaligned, and of course very relaxed in studies . The following year was very little Polette Linconbert saw, because she did not belong to school or to the life of him, and that this had caused much pain, she chose the distance between them. But all that hardly mattered to Linconbert, because his life had taken a course that he was wrong sized. Years passed for these two young men, and each took a different tack, as she left the city and he was finishing the studies. Were exactly five years that have passed that did not come to see or learn about the other. Polette was working elsewhere, and suddenly without more ado she remembers him as I knew nothing about him, decides to look in the phone book, so little to remember the name of the man who had so much damage caused, without ever she had a real explanation. They were good the result and were able to locate your phone number when you decide to call, answers his mother, he tells the confused Polette: T and I communicate immediately. At this time many memories back to mind the young man who was about to hang up, but did not, the time when Linconbert answer was as if everything had not happened this time and returned all such beautiful memories of love that they lived, the conversation was somewhat puzzling, as recalled in Linconbert not even confused with someone else after a while he recognized, and actually was surprised because I never imagined that she will remember him and much less than have forgiven all what he did in the end were to come together to talk. When it was time they met, each was very changed, but they realized that the time had not passed in vain, and that really existed and there was a true love between them. He apologized for the mistakes he had made in the past, then understood. This true love story ends at this moment when both realized they were made for each other, and after 10 years still together loving and respecting. Today they have a son, with plans to have many more, and live together, sharing a life and try never to allow problems and adversity do you part, it is difficult to grow, mature, and learn to forgive, because when there is true love, is, you always win. End (L) .- LINCONBERT. (P) .- Poletto. PS: Never let go of true love, because it probably is for all life.
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