Sunday, March 27, 2011

Turned On By Yourself

Civil Society Engagement and Education: Keys to Democracy.


global crisis, multidimensional and dramatic and inhuman consequences, today represent the worst and greatest enemy of democracy acting. In the world of neoliberal global time, post Cold War Fall of the Berlin Wall, liberal democracy representative on the world stage fight against democracy itself. The only political opponent in the last two decades of democracy is democracy itself. Proposals and alternatives to the global crisis have been and are many, but neither has the ability to at least provide a safe road, and all this mess "academic" political, technocratic, passes a wrong analysis of the global crisis. For neoliberals and global powers that is one crisis: financial and economic alternative is an invaluable set of proposals, even the criminal which is finished, complete with the social rights of the general population. For us there are three global crises and the output is multidimensional and a single in Democracy. Today protectionism pose via the forward-looking nationalism, consolidating the domestic market, stimulate local economies, strengthen the rights of workers and begin developing a better quality of life. Herein lies the true local power of the new local civil society, citizenship and participatory democracy.


Civil Society and Education in Commitment:

Keys Democracy.


Progressive Journal. Sunday March 27, 2011. Josu Gómez Barron bad times certainly live for poetry, dark weather of challenges in the long shadow of the global economic crisis has created an effect of pessimism and sit-down between much of the citizenry, not The surveys determine a clear positioning of the company is unable to see a solution to a systemic crisis in my opinion has shown something many times and referenced by different authors and intellectuals of the world: The Weakening of the State against the economic power.

extremely serious and this has been accompanied by a constant protection that we are citizens convicted of a so-called "markets" that consist of small round tables in London or New York determine that is what should or should not do, which cuts the rights of citizens should or should not be carried out by states in pursuit of global economic stability. Curious at least see who were the "bandits" of the global economy are now giving their rules and guidelines to the states, unable to cope with such a supranational political and economic realities in a global world where if costipa Europe Japan Sneeze. /////

thus is established a clash in my opinion between two models of globalization and global governance, advocated by a progressive thinking for a fair globalization, strengthened state and public system in pursuit of equality among citizens or actions as ensuring the primacy of law and control of migration, strengthening international cooperation to improve living conditions, economic and social conditions in the sending countries, and develop a clear immigration policy that provides for rights and obligations of migrants and compared this model of global society this neoliberal thinking - on the rise today, in which the economy sent over the rights and freedoms and where public systems are blurred garantistas coup nut measures as "budgetary control, which basically measures carries with it the collapse of the overriding principle of equality in democracies principle that allows citizens have the opportunity to have their old conquests reached as education or public health among others.


Ultimately it is the state model that is at stake in the aftermath of a century full of new challenges to be faced now played by the generations born in the shelter of Democracy we have before us the duty and responsibility of our active participation, and is at least curious to see how the "blackout" and the "alignment of content" offered the TV stations in countries like Spain or Italy might seek to demobilize by the new culture dummy makes personal problems Belén Esteban or frames are Big Brother for generations of young people in our country of more interest than the conflict in Libya or labor reform. .

At this point there is no doubt that there are two key from thinking should be progressive in value as key elements to address the situation that the present and the future will bring to our democracy, on one hand the strengthening of civil society, an active civil society free, independent and demanding , a society that should serve as a counterweight to the traditional powers of the state against the deviations from them could make in relation to the exercise of its responsibilities, the quality of a democracy it is more on the basis of the existence of a therefore civil society in the terms described above. .

it is converted in this way in a safeguard and an active guard's own democratic development, or is that perhaps it was largely thanks to such civil society committed our own transition to democracy or not was less in the movements that raised their voices to say No to War.


Today, however, witnessed a stagnation of a lack of commitment and involvement in the new generations Youth, generations of university students who are mobilized around big bottles or football matches of the English in South Africa world but mostly away from the active involvement of the social and political participation, tools for Thus since the civil society must not only meet the challenges of this new time but to continue to maintain the rights and freedoms that previous generations have managed to work, effort and commitment. .

Or Does anyone think that the rights we enjoy today are the result of a summer afternoon ? . And at this lack commitment discussed above and in my view a virtual absence of an active civil society, we study from causes progressive thinking that has led us to this. Here I believe are several causes and several solutions. .

clear Causes: lack of political participation and alienation of this society, the lack of an active and independent civil society, the lack of an educational model that has as its guiding principle education in the commitment or the existence of communication models through the mass media to forge new generations of young people in values away from the commitment, effort, or the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, practical solutions: the implementation of a model of political parties open to the public and participatory democratic processes within it that enable the real participation and free of who wish to contribute their time and effort in building a just society, free and equal, strong support for the activation and independence of civil society and the ongoing work of this network and the public and private construction projects in common and the rethinking of the educational model at all levels are only some of those solutions from thought Progressives need to get going. .

It should be pointed here importance of Education, the firm commitment to refocus the same, because not only is education that is formed on the basis of content but also assimilation that forces men and women in democratic engagement, the subject of citizenship education is a first step no doubt but I firmly believe that there should be others, such as our universities should be places for reflection and commitment to values \u200b\u200beducation not only knowledge and the construction of full citizens in the meaning of the word citizenship, the enhancement of creativity and criticism are other values \u200b\u200bfrom our public education ought to value and equally constant public investment in educational infrastructure to enable the development of this education everyone and not just a few, it is this fundamental element forging democracies and it is this that determines the temperature of our present and our roadmap. *****

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Arriola: "Globalization responds to the crisis that did not close on the 70"


consider three central issues important to the book by Dr. Arriola. First, you are absolutely right that Spain had no "golden age" of the welfare state especially the 60's and 70's, years lived Spain under the Franco dictatorship and not fierce built a social and economic structure competitive and better able to enter the European Union. Second, and many intellectuals who now approach the problem of global crisis on the stage not only economic and financial , but multidimensional crisis and present out of the crisis, only in the economic field is the worst mistake, a situation today that increasingly leads to the depth of no solution in sight. And third, is very important to consider the unions , well structured, democratic and high recognition of public legitimacy, it is a good opponent to neoliberal globalization and all its policies increasingly conservative just liquidator of the rights of workers. Ending the last thing left of the welfare state.

///// Arriola. Globalization is driven by the crisis that did not close in 70 '

twentieth century.


Arriola: "Globalization responds to the crisis that did not close on the 70"


Professor of Political Economy blamed for the recession to the "neoliberal recipe"

David Orihuela. Saturday March 26 2011.

Joaquin Arriola, Professor of Economics at the University Basque Country is not too optimistic about the output of a crisis that in his opinion, goes beyond economics and began well before 2007, particularly in the seventies of last century.

Arriola presented yesterday at the Press Club Asturian NEW SPAIN his book "Globalization and the reason for the stronger" framed in the collection "unionism to neoliberal globalization."

For the economist, the chances of escaping in a manner worthy of the crisis not many because "there is no social force, cultural and political enough to propose alternatives." all goes back to forty years ago, "when Spain, due to Franco not met the golden age of capitalism and then later we joined the European Union leaving many hairs on the flap, as the productive capacity of country that was not right. "

In his view, globalization " responds to the crisis that did not close in the 70 "and is the continuum of" the implementation of neoliberal formulas. " But the crisis that we are not only economic, "but there are other overlapping crisis as energy, which also has resulted in a rise in food prices for the use of raw materials into fuels such as biodiesel , among other things. "

was presented by Professor Virginia Palacios , district secretary of CCOO in Oviedo, which publishes the book union through the Peace and Solidarity Association Asturias, and Alejandro Suarez, coordinator of IU in Oviedo . Palacios Arriola summarized the study as demonstrating "that there are other possibilities to capitalism." For unionist "must be intellectuals who enlighten us and open us the way." In the same line, said Suarez, who understand that from his political position "we must give voice to the discourse permanently silenced by a globalization that breaks the constitutional consensus." IU leader opted for the unions to deal with globalization.


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Easter rarámuri

Easter rarámuri

In the Sierra Tarahumara of Lent is celebrated with a ritual in which they combine their own beliefs with Christian traditions. Throughout the week you can hear the sound of the drum and flute. drums can not stop playing. We hear from the four cardinal points. "They are our guides on the path of wisdom; mimic the heartbeat of Mother Earth," says Martin Macahuit, one of the more than 800 rarámuris living in the municipality of Guachochi, in the Sierra Tarahumara in Chihuahua.
The sound is not to since I started in February and until Easter Sunday, the last day of the celebration of Easter for Christians. About
drummers are the grandparents, the sages who for years have taught others the meaning of life and love of nature.
Here in the Sierra Tarahumara, holy days beginning on Wednesday at noon. After the singing of the drums down all members of the community to the church and decorate it with pine needles and flowers sotol.
crosses are placed around, and climb the hill, which is also decorated for Thursday (our Holy Thursday), the day on which he dances to the wind. "The wind is a human being that helps us understand the way, "says Martin.
The church was finished spruce up late at night. All the trappings are to protect the Spirit. Martin explains that the spirit lies within the church and can not wake up until Saturday. Only the chirping of crickets is heard. The rarámuris and rest at home to prepare body and soul for long hours.
Thursday "pinto"
Three of the morning. Guachochi The community begins to leave their homes. The drum announces the start of the day. "First come the authorities (leaders of society).
whole community passes through them. Then they will wear out the Pharisees, are painted white and carrying a machete. Others wear hats decorated with turkey feathers. This is a day of fasting, not eating anything until the 13 hours, "explains Martin. Lent is not only a time of sacrifice, but a spiritual retreat in which meditation and prayer should be intensified to achieve renewal.
At Guachochi church, placed at the entrance of the door four champions, two of them dressed in red and two white. The flag has the function of protecting the temple, to see who enters and leaves, control the energy of souls who are still in sin and monitoring to make sentences.
Inside hear the murmur of prayers, all occurring in Castilian and are led by a priest. When finished, one of the Pharisees out and makes a rattle sound, this means that the party has been blessed and all who were inside the temple by a path laid out with flowers and go on pilgrimage around the circular church to protect "onoruame" as he called the Spirit rarámuris.
Martin said that after that we rest and go to their respective homes to eat, so, about six in the afternoon, return to the church and den start dancing. Again playing the drum. Whoever touches of white face makeup and put a bandana on his head. Then becomes the guide of all. After dancing around the church to give strength to the Spirit and also for any evil force approaching you. "
The first to dance are called" pinto ", they wear a loincloth and a red collar and pintitas are white all over his body and face. From now until the morning, they will not stop dancing. "Up until the sun rises must dance to ward off evil."
tesgüino Friday
The dances continue. A pintos are joined by the Pharisees. Today we drink the tesgüino, a traditional fermented alcoholic who is prepared at home by the authorities. "We all gathered outside the church to get on the Cerro Colorado," continues Martin.
It's 11 o'clock in the morning. Not only is the beating of the drum is heard, also the breath of the flute.
Pintos, Pharisees, flag, man, women and children go toward the hill. It represents the Christian procession and the crucifixion. They go about 15 minutes and do so in silence. They leave offerings in the middle of a circle that has been decorated with flowers. There nopales, tortillas, pinole made with roasted corn, and pumpkin porridge, and of course tesgüino. The pinto dance, jump in a circle, the drum is the heartbeat, the accompanying flute. Everyone else is standing, also in a circle with his arms crossed.
The ceremony lasts for two hours and the standard bearers and community authorities take tesgüino and shared with others.
"This is the dance of wind, we thank him for his life, who gives us breath and give it to plants and animals."
Pilgrims down the hill to the church and spread the offering and the tesgüino. "After that the priest performed a Mass for people continue taking good care of the Spirit. "
After the Eucharist, the pascolas and wait outside the temple. These are other characters of Easter, they wear a white trousers known as wisiburka, are brought to the Judas who have developed with grass. "They are in a circle and walk around the church, do it three times and then let the Judas exposed front of the temple. All tesgüino and pinto drink, accompanied by flutes, start a new dance. "
Saturday, for a new cycle
The Judas burning in the flames. He was stoned and pierced by the spears of the Pharisees . The fire burned along with it. "The evil has been expelled from the Rarámuris "says Martin, while the flute and drum perform a melancholy song. It's been over 48 hours of nonstop dance of days under the hot sun and cool nights lit by the moon.
By Sunday, there's no dancing, or painting. The rarámuris leave at noon to listen to the last Mass of the Holy Week. Those days that they mean spiritual unity, saying: "One way to thank your god and the wind for the new life. " Martin Macahuit, cultural promoter taraumaras he sighs. He says that as of today have a new travel rarámuris based on mutual respect." I learned these days is the sum of our existence in the world "and open a chest where he keeps his paintings and flute, that they will play until the next holy ceremony. 63510.html

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The Olmecs also imagined dragons

The Olmecs also imagined dragons

Archaeologists studying images of fantastic beings comparable to medieval representations or Chinese
Worship the dragons was not confined to Asia and Europe. Archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have located in Veracruz, Guerrero and Morelos images carved in stone, paintings and sculptures of clay dishes reporting on rituals of worship of a wonderful animal: the dragon Olmec.
archaeological and iconographic These tracks date from the period from 1200 to 400 BC. This is not the famous feathered serpent that received the names of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan. Another figure is much older and has not yet decided whether to be regarded as a deity is a god. In some cases the so-called Olmec dragon appears as a fantastic animal that combines features of snake, bird and jaguar. In other representations looks like a human animal shares details that identify this mythical being.
"has very specific features of Olmec culture, as is a type of flame-shaped eyebrow, eyebrow is known as flaming, also in the eye or torso cross we call Olmec Cruz de San Andrés" , said in an interview Rodríguez Meza Carolina archaeologist responsible for the excavations at the site of Chalcatzingo, Morelos, where there have been numerous findings of this figure. "Another interesting aspect of Olmec dragon emerging from his mouth a virgules-signs like eat, which can be words or clouds. It could also be some type of fog that the animal or the priest launched from inside a cave to make it rain or make the land fertile, "says Meza Rodriguez. The Olmec culture expert indicates a very strong academic debate to determine whether this animal should be called a dragon or not. However, when most scholars use the term that was coined in the mid-twentieth century by two of the pioneers in the study of the Olmecs: Miguel Covarrubias and Beatriz de la Fuente, who were the first to see paintings fantastic animal that Olmec archaeological sites in Veracruz.
symbols of power
Archaeologists Giselle Canto Aguilar and Victor Castro Mendoza, INAH-Morelos, also found stylized images of the dragon and dragon priests Zazacatla site, Morelos. These images are always related to the entrance to caves and had allegedly been the symbol of power of an ancient Olmec lineage that ruled between 800 and 500 BC. Sometimes the iconographic elements that are associated with the Olmec dragon are separated in different parts of a cave, in parts flaming brow appears in other parts of the cross of St. Andrew, so that the entire cave becomes the dragon or the animal represented by the most fantastic Ancient Mesoamerica sedentary culture that record.
- In what seems and what is not like this picture of Olmec dragon dragons we know of other cultures? - Is asked Meza archaeologist.
"The dragon is the best known oriental and medieval Europe. These two images are very much like a picture you are Chalcatzingo we call "the figure of creation", which is a figure of a snake which has the face of a bird, with jaws of an eagle, with wings is flying and has the cross San Andrés in his torso. Anyone coming from another culture think it is a dragon.
There is also a figure of the archaeological site of La Venta, which is a character in a mythical snake with features that combine various animals. They are mythological figures, with the syncretism of several animals in many cultures are consistent with the figure of the dragon. In contrast, I must say that the Olmec deities are more related to water and land and not to the fire, like the dragons from other continents, "he says.
drawings instead of words
Because the Olmec culture dates back more than 3 thousand 200 years is very difficult to explain many things about your life, organization, emergence, splendor and decline. There are no written documents, their cities are few and very few glyphs that can be interpreted. Therefore, apart from archaeologists, the other scientists who study this culture are Hitori art, specializing in pictograms.
The Institute of Aesthetic Studies at UNAM has a specialized seminar on pre-Hispanic murals and participated in it have some of the most important experts in Olmec iconography, and Beatriz de la Fuente. This line of study was taken up by Dr. Maria Teresa Uriarte, who explains some of the major gaps or concerns about the image of dragon named Olmec.
"It is very important noted that in prehispanic Mexico representations of animals there one hundred percent pure, or almost not there. What does this mean? Well, in his worldview animals thrive in the realm of the supernatural. His world is numen-sacred-and its representations recreated a supernatural world in which myth and ritual occupied all their issues, "the expert in art history.
Uriarte stressed that the supernatural animals comprising a space that a human can not reach, and mixed in different beings areas: earth, fire, air and water as the four elements of ancient Greek.
- Does called Olmec dragon was a god? - you asked the researcher at the UNAM.
-not as easily call the so-called Olmec dragon deity. Why? Because we do not have enough evidence to worship that deity, as if it would to an elderly man who appears in Cuicuilco and is associated with the fire until the arrival of the English, they call Huehuetéotl, I dare say it is one of the oldest deities "says Uriarte.
As discussed the attributes and ritual function of the figure of the dragon, the findings continue to appear on the site of Chalcatzingo, site specific as a sanctuary located between two mountains and is located 40 minutes east of Cuautla. Dozens of pieces of pottery reveal the same iconography, but there are large gaps in information on their characteristics, their functions and their relationship with Quetzalcoatl.
"From some points of view one could say that there is a relationship with a deity who appeared many years later and that is Quetzalcoatl, but can not directly demonstrated this relationship because there is no archaeological information that directametne interlock. What is a fact is that those who do not refer to this fantastic animal called the Olmec dragon dome 'monster land ', while maintaining his supernatural role, "said Meza.

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Mexico cartels grow in Europe

Mexico cartels are growing in Europe

Mexican drug cartels increased drug trafficking to Europe via North Africa and Middle East, taking advantage of the current political instability in those areas.
Justice Department data from United States of Michael Braun, former administrator of the DEA, and Edgardo Buscaglia, professor at the ITAM, refer meetings of the Mexican cartels with foreign terrorists and criminal organizations. Information
U.S. Justice Department claims that national bosses met in countries of North Africa and the Middle East with criminal organizations, including the chaos generated by the political crisis in these regions, and increased the transfer of drug Europe.
"There is growing evidence that Mexican cartels are also involved in the loading of cocaine to Europe via west and north Africa, and would also work hard to create permissive environments in the west and north Africa to operate," said in interview Michael Braun, the former chief operating officer and administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Braun said there are a growing and significant demand for cocaine in Europe, the Soviet Union and many other countries outside the Western Hemisphere, which represents a great opportunity of money for organized crime.
"The Mexican cartels are not sitting idly waiting for others to global drug traffickers reap all the gains of the emerging European and Soviet markets," said Braun.
regard, said the euro is worth more than the dollar and less risky than cocaine trafficking in those markets, because the forces of law is not conspiracy laws have international drug trafficking or a tough mandatory sentencing guide that Congress created for the DEA.
"I do not think there is any evidence that reveals a connection between Al Qaeda with one or more Mexican cartels. However, we know that representatives of the Mexican cartels are now occupying the same space, while Middle Eastern terrorist organizations and their members in certain African countries in West Africa and in northern areas, "he said.
commented that, without doubt, there is a high risk of operating cartels and terrorists to form alliances in this permissive environment, and that is probably already happening.
"The cartels and terrorists certainly recognize the instability in areas of North Africa and Middle East as an opportunity to exploit, and experts can be naïve to believe that criminal organizations do not exploit the situation," he said.
zones of influence
Between 2009 and 2010, the DEA informed the U.S. Congress on the presence of Mexican drug cartels operating in northern Africa and the Middle East.
"A Mexican criminal groups are going to charge more to access routes that are used today, but they pay for drug trafficking is still business for them, "said Edgardo Buscaglia, professor at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM).
These groups, he said, are now in 52 countries worldwide.

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Leg "or heart? Calderón

Leg "or heart?

I told him. Other times I have told how I came to fentanyl patches, morphine.
, 2010 Celebrating the Kings played going to bring what they had left here by mistake, the happy pages. Children know best those who do not kiss, and in these, mine, when he had stuck to the cheeks lead dropped to one knee and popped the finger me and I broke a bone. Since then pain. It was all clear. And journey from consultation to consultation and no one would listen to anyone over nine diagnoses, and now is ischemia, it is now something else, because nobody wanted to see the x-ray broken bone injury and a lack of irrigation, but my doctor family. But the pyramid of power in medicine is such that it is impossible to see a specialist who sees someone in primary school. To top Carlos Haya Hospital I transplanted, called a P10 that I treat the injury at the Day Hospital of Endocrinology, Virgen del Rocío, because I live in Seville, where, with the reason given the role, refused to assist me, because there was no grade two injury. If the paper says, going to church. And with the P10 are cleaned what I know.
As the months passed, pain and infections. A sore as hell at the tip of the finger that no one dared to remove, because only the friction was unbearable, and when in doubt ... blame it on the nail, if fungi that if her mother. And in September, tired and crying after touching me again in the School of Podiatry, without a role to take me to hand, because nobody has left no trace of the process (I doubt that there is less literature of any other case), discussing with Professor Martinez Camus, I agree there begin to heal. The only place I have had the courage to take the final was a clinical area of \u200b\u200ba university, and I always wonder how can this be.
The pain has been increasing, and the extent of the injury (the phalanx is now on the air) because not enough blood for severe aortic stenosis there is to see if it can intervene. When I went to morphine could only remember those who love and were in oncology, and my first thought: this is already the end, but many promising, seeing the seriousness of the case in part, to come out of this. The bias, which is bad.
Now there are two paths. One is to fix the heart, and promise to walk Lazarus, who get up and walk. But most of those who go after cardiac surgery is an infection and I have all the points with open source and immunosuppression balls. The second is to cut to the chase first. And healed the wound (to the height of the joint, ankle or knee, which I give a damn, the thing is to have a heart), valvular intervention.
I have good surgeons and a team of luxury, but then what?. ICU to the ball, and so they put you next to an infectious, that the mule francis. I prefer the mule, of course, until I hit nothing but whinny. At its meeting of 22 among those running UCI transplant associations and management, we promise to make an effort to make these things happen. Proment But because they are happening. And then? As a plant. And what I find there and I imagine it. Running. I am out running on one leg or feet first, but I'll go. This if the first thrown by the engine. But if the wheel is what will happen?, "Give me time to heal everything and can take you before, to ride roughshod angina, no morphine conceal?
worst plays when you face who decides wheel or motor. Each sees a pate of the problem: the mechanics who know do not want to see piston wheel and the wheels are not paid by motors. With so much politicking clinical management units as private companies, faced with defense budgets and no people, no one is willing to listen to anyone.
From Primary, nothing, one of the emergency physicians advised me write for a commission of experts. It sounded a committee of wise men and the Jedi and the Force be with you. At this rate, all the force be with me. And the day to squeeze pain, strength, shine by their absence. Like today. I dreamed I was on an operating room was freezing cold and affected me both at the foot would not stop mourn, and woke up.
A committee of experts ... not agree or to see if they correspond to assist me, as I touch the balls with a committee fry me to death ...
In Podiatry again I have to say I cut my leg. And my teacher, which I appreciate, like the rest of my other "teachers" from there, asking me to wait and see what they decide after the catheterization, which is already. That decide now. Every day I'm more angry, more hurt, and I feel more alone in the middle of this chain of irresponsibility structured five-year plans "I do not see you play." Decide now, not going to kill me, because I have many projects yet, and fights to win. To decide or I decide.
Beatriz González Villegas. # comment-form

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supports tourism in Acapulco and dismembering five gunmen

supports Calderón Acapulco tourism and dismembering five gunmen

The official appointment was not calling for ambiguity: tourism fair in Acapulco. And this speech was expected in an area that has long since left the glamor of a bygone age and has lost 25% of your visitors by the wave of violence plaguing the country. So this Saturday knowing that in the past 24 hours five people have been butchered in the tourist port seems not new news. But it is noteworthy that the gunmen took pains both the same day the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, tried to support the industry and boasted the country's leading tourist destination in Latin America.
Any posting of Calderón is wrapped tight security, for obvious reasons. And surely the reason given your visit to Acapulco, which has become a showcase to try to prevent precisely the image associated with violence, more. However, nothing prevented the offenders in the service of organized crime continue with their 'work'. reality once again hurt the official discourse. Not far from the place where Calderón, five bodies were found. The bodies were dismembered and their members, bagged. Everything inside an abandoned van.
"Nine of every 10 tourists who visit Mexico want to come back," proclaimed shortly before the Mexican president. "Those who visit our country have at their disposal everything a tourist wants to see. If you seek the world's most beautiful beaches are here, if you want the most spectacular archaeological sites, here are, if you want to see the Magical Towns, or indigenous or colonial, rich architectural traditions extraordinary, of course we have them. But if they are looking for stunning natural beauty, biodiversity we have the fourth largest in the world, and we, in Mexico, from desert to tropical jungle. "
The only mention of security out of the mouth of Calderon a thank you to military commanders present at the inauguration. "I want to say to both commanders to forward, I am sure not only on behalf of President of the Republic, but all present, our gratitude to all elements of troops and sailors for the excellent work they are doing, protecting the safety of Mexicans, of course here in Acapulco, and in Guerrero. " Next to the remains of the bodies of the five killed, to leave no doubt about the authorship and intent of the crimes, the gunmen stopped his speech also three 'narcobanners'.
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Nishikori Nadal finished off in Miami and will meet in the second round Feliciano

Nadal finished off Nishikori in Miami and will meet in the second round Feliciano

The English Rafael Nadal in Miami was not comfortable and pending release that is the case of world number one ranking against 62. Japan's Kei Nishikori forced to battle for nearly two hours before giving a double 6-4 could be misleading if only considering the outcome. It was not easy.
To win the first set, Nadal had to raise four break points' against Nishikori worker to a bully at the bottom of the track, while the English had only one break point in his favor. The advantage, yes, and allowed him to gain an advantage in the fifth game (3-2) that was enough to win the round.
After the first set everything was easier for Nadal, and the second had five break points' for any Nishikori. The Spaniard only needed to take advantage of them to break the resistance of the Japanese and win the set for the same result as the first. Nishikori forced Nadal to be on track for an hour and 49 minutes, more than double what they needed the Serbian Novak Djokovic, fresh from Masters Champion 1000 Indian Wells, to pass over Denis Istomin of Uzbekistan, which defeated 6-0, 6-1 Friday in just 48 minutes.
Nadal will fight for a place in the quarter-final with compatriot Feliciano Lopez, who beat Argentine Juan Ignacio Chela, the twenty-sixth seed (7-6 (3), 3-6, 6-4) and reached the third round of the Miami Masters 1000 second season.
The current world number one has never won in Miami and is one of the few Masters 1000 to resist him after 18 titles in this tournament. His best finish in Miami is 2008, when he played the final against Russian Nikolay Davydenko and lost 6-4, 6-2.

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first detected in Spain a French bulldog sex reversal

first detected in Spain, a French bulldog sex reversal

Tana, a female French bulldog, went to a veterinary center for his first vaccination. The size larger than normal "in her clitoris alerted the specialists who carried out the appropriate tests. analysis first identified in the world of reproductive genetic alteration in this race: the dog had cryptorchid testes (not the scrotum). His case appears in a study published in the journal "Reproduction in Domestic Animals'.
The genetic alteration of the reproductive and sexual reversion "is described in many species such as goats, swine, equine, and even human," said Mark Fields SINC, author of the study, researcher at the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University and director of assisted reproduction center for small animals Reprovalcan.
The dog Tana, three months old at their first visit, had a diagnosis consistent with a genetic disorder of the reproductive tract, had a large clitoris. "It was a female XX chromosomes but with male gonads (testicles cryptorchid) due to the presence of other genes that determine the testicular formation in the absence of the genes on the Y chromosome, "explains Campos.
The alteration, which has also been reported in 18 other races dogs in the world, is "uncommon but can occur." sexual reversal causes sterility and, ultimately, may predispose to diseases such as infections or tumors of the gonads, "not be a normal genital," says veterinarian.
The study showed that the urethra into the bladder directly ended, and the clitoris, 0.8 inches long, contained penis bone, which predisposed to urinary tract infections and infertility was studying for the dog. Hermaphroditism
dog with a happy ending
The dog, which is the first documented case of French bulldog with this change in the world, had a mild degree of masculinization, and that despite the size of the clitoris, vulva was normal. To avoid any medical complications in Tana, the best option was surgical sterilization, which was removed completely genital, which was later sent to the histopathology laboratory. "Today, the dog is in perfect condition," says Campos. veterinarians suggest that parents of the puppies are removed from hermaphroditic breeding program because "it is expected that at least half of the litter is a carrier." Siblings of affected dogs should not reproduce until they are able to identify the mutant genes, which would eliminate the carriers. However, still no data on the affected dogs of this particular race, but would determine the pattern of inheritance. According to genetic models of other races, this is an autosomal recessive disorder (the animal only needs to receive the abnormal gene from one parent to inherit the reversal).

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Invasion of the Martians chisposos

Invasion of the Martians chisposos

Monday September 4, 1967. Scotland Yard phones and the Ministry of Defense does not stop ringing. All calls are the same: six lights in formation are crossing southern England from the Bristol Channel Sheppey. The army sent in the cavalry. Four different police bodies take to the streets, the MI 6 mobilized and the RAF helicopters take off to avoid invasion. Besieged by hippies of Across Europe, the Perfidious Albion can not afford a new invasion, this time from Mars (sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from the former). Six aircraft of unknown land in various locations. England are on alert ... for a joke.
According to some documents declassified today as published in The Guardian Alan Travis, the event was nothing more than a clever hoax carried out by a group of six students chisposos the Royal Aircraft Establishment. The story was officially considered "successful" and "very intelligent", but the Administration chose to run a veil over the facts because, while the official line is that flying saucers not exist, a simple lights in the sky (and some models planted in different places), had sparked a nationwide alert. The fun of the story is that it reflects the extent to declassify UFO phenomenon in the world is a reality (see the light every year hundreds of documents in different countries) uncomfortable for the most sector of the UFO nuts: not yet appeared a single paper that challenges the official version but there are tons showing that either we are alone or if there is intelligent life in space and therefore do not come close to Earth or to collect a bet.
some X Files If you have not seen the light is not so hidden, but because administrations around the world (or worlds) are equally slow. In this case, the only thing that has made the last mystery until 2011 is that the Defense Department did not want to ridicule. This case is just one of those included in the 8,500 pages now have declassified the National Archives. The rest does not add much more in favor of this strange religion. declassified documents are for geeks like me, an excuse to spend hours on the computer. There are from an investigation into a flying saucer that, they say, is pine Kirby-In-Ashfield to requests for more type information it would be calling them to a psychiatrist. There are also some very interesting papers, such as those reflecting the possibility of a UFO invasion in the 70's took far more seriously (by the UN or the CIA) than many are willing to officially admit. Even came to request the creation of an international agency to study the case. With the usual British sneer, a diplomat said, though a ridiculous proposal, "no more so than many who are brought before the UN."
Each declassification, each wikileak UFO is a resounding bang, across the mouth! of misteriodistas. Why complain that no more files declassified, and when they do public ignore them.

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Sam Parnia is conducting an interesting project called Aware, what if death is the end? Bélmez

What if death is the end?

Since 2008, Sam Parnia researcher is conducting an interesting project called Aware, which is getting to talk with the release of Hereafter ('Beyond Life'), a the worst films of Clint Eastwood. The aim is to prove the existence of so-called near-death experiences (NDE). Are those things happen when you say the solution to the crisis is driving at 110 km / h. Go see the story of your life before your eyes as Cinexin, then a light at the end of a tunnel and some loved ones (which have) that encourage you to go with them to a less bad. More than 20 hospitals in different countries collaborate in this study, the results will be known later this year. This picture symbols to hide in places that can only be viewed from above (for example, about a wardrobe). As always ECM sufferers say they feel how your body is raised, if the return to life are able to identify the correct symbol could be evidence in his favor.
Parnia doubt that NDEs are real. Is not the first time you try something like that, but it seems that this time the experiment has more guarantees. Still, this week Robert T. Carroll, in his indispensable, expressed some misgivings about the design of the test and control procedures. That's not good.
How to ensure that nobody, not those who have to put, you will see the sign ahead of time? Just stand on a chair or use a mirror. If so then we add further questions such as "What was the object so?" The result is served.
The most common explanation for NDEs is the lack of oxygen the brain. To this can be added, for example, that during an operation we are not 100% asleep and hear something that our mind then rebuilt. Mystery, mystery what is said, not much. I am content that appears on the first case described by a blind person. Do they suffer their souls the same limitations?
There are more questions. Can you explain someone ECM cases in which the subject was not even in mortal danger? And why do we read so little about the cases where the 'souls' appear to be hostile if even the less rigorous scholars recognize that occur? Do not worry, waiting for answers. But before we believe that our self from the body and goes to another site where the cost of living is not equally hazardous to your benefits, consider other aspects. For example, many of the surviving descriptions do not match reality. If there is a hallucinatory component or such feats of imagination, for nothing. If
automatically associate the sight of a light at the end of a tunnel after a traumatic experience to the next life is thanks to the work of Woody Raymond. It was the American psychologist who coined the term NDE in his book Life After Life (1975). On a glorious biography refer to the book by Pepe Rodriguez 'Dying is nothing. " He tells how, after writing several best-seller on the matter, broke with his publisher and is sent saying that everything was a lie. It goes without saying that you still making a living (and well) with his books and lectures on the subject.
The ECMs seem to speak to the soul, but that was not always so. When Edward J. Ruppelt, the director of the famous 'Blue Book' (the first serious official investigation into UFO), published The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (1956) described several cases in which the pilots allegedly chasing flying saucers were the same as those who say have had an NDE. The effect of speed on the pilots seemed a sufficient explanation. Nothing unusual. Currently has managed to provoke stimulating certain areas of the brain. is difficult to put a percentage, but some studies are between 8 and 12% the number of people suffering from an NDE after a stroke (18% says he remembers something.) If these phenomena are evidence that there is a soul will be that much heartless or that people spend the New Age.

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prepares its 40 anniversary

Bélmez prepares its 40 anniversary

The exact date I can not say but I guess it will be on August 23, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the phenomenon. My prediction is that new faces will appear in the Moraleda Bélmez. I know because a group of researchers, vest with logo, has sealed a room for six months for an experiment, and if there are no faces researchers Bélmez. This time directed the orchestra one Diego Fuentes, parapsychologist guard and seller of esoteric products.
According to local press, the seal, notary, as required by the liturgy is not the famous home of the legend (where the phenomenon was born in 1971), but another owned by a niece of the discoverer of the case, María Gómez House, who spent years trying to scrape some of the ruinous business. Is used when the original owners (very bad) does not provide, and the false faces that came out in 2004. Are all false, even going out in August, and painters that ghosts do not exist.
The notarial seal has already been tried in the original house and was a fiasco. It happened in 1973 when, at the behest of legendary Germain of Argumosa parapsychologist (world champion curriculum false), the kitchen was closed in the first faces appeared. Three months later, the door opened and, as expected, nothing happened. But one thing is true and another official story says that emerged a new teleplasty galore.
lasted While the seal, and this is the key non-mystery, Mary is enabled a second kitchen, so she could do her housework. What happened was that much, but the important thing is that none of the misteriodistas who have copies of the affidavits showed intact ever for anyone to see that say nothing new teleplasty.
, however, has been widely used figure of the notary to justify the unjustifiable. When a notary public, Antonio Luque, interviewed him and Lorenzo Iker Jiménez Fernández (director of the magazine Enigmas) in 1996. According to the transcript of his remarks said: "Is that because Mary was closed that room, they gave him money and built a second kitchen, and the second began appearing faces" ("The faces of discord", 2 nd ed. Pp. 75, 76). In other words, the phenomenon only occurred in the room was not locked.
sealed in the room nothing happened. It's just another chapter in this soap opera that is written by chapter. I guess I do not add anything if you remember the ones who have insisted that the seal was miraculous and which new faces are Iker and Fernandez. For example in his book 'Nameless graves' (2 edition, pg. 167), claimed that the notary Navarre said: "desclausuré the seal, and the truth and the truth is that between the previous and subsequent figures had been variations" (that in proceedings does not put). Apparently, not even hear their own program in which several times has emtido the interview telling the war stories. The choice of the birthplace of Mary for the new precinct (rather than using the original which hosted the event) is due to a known problem. In 2004, the Pereira family did not stop to investigate the band led by the painter Pedro Amorós, so they had to move to that second home ownership of the famous Mary's nieces. I wrote then that "The New Faces of Bélmez were fabricated by a 'ghostbuster' in cahoots with the city." To say that Pedro Amorós, the 'Ghostbuster' of that headline, I complained. To me the Supreme Court has cleared up (I found out recently) and he would have sentenced four times to pay the costs (one for each resource and by asking other measures). But not everything has been bad for him: his curriculum (another show of fantasy) has continued to grow as a enrredadera.
do not forget my friend Bruno 'Pipo' Cardenas said he was going to fall a year's jail and up to 5 million old pesetas fine. For a change, did not give none. Indeed, he has always argued that the case is the most paranormal of the planet, but in his book '100 enigmas of the world 'and quotes him. Why? Ji, Ji, you see the plume.
Go ahead Diego that such sources can do whatever he wants at home, and who have given permission. In addition, certain that believes in what he does. The unfortunate thing is that the comic is now out in Ideal, English TV, radio and television Canal Sur, Diario de Jaén and some more that I will have passed. Of course, for them the mystery continues. The media has more to blame for what happens to all the people together.
is curious to see how some (with the session in the background) try to turn the town into the global benchmark of functional illiteracy. Being positive is a way to excel in something. But we must not forget that the town has budgeted more than 800,000 euros (well sûr public money) to build a museum dedicated to the thymus in a thousand years will be profitable because they do not have the support of the owners of the original house . Meanwhile, the Diputación de Jaén has to help the 60% of its municipalities to pay the electricity bill and payroll. That is worrying. But the absurdity must continue.

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idiots Were the Martians? Helping

idiots Were the Martians?

paranormal One of the most absurd theories I know is that the Martians built the pyramids. Is so widespread that I once heard an important intellectual defend on TV (can not remember if Ramoncín Saramago, I always get confused). The fact is I that I have my doubts. If aliens built the pyramids, there is no doubt that they were assholes. If not, explain that after halfway around world to come here and give them stacked stone.
To date Today it is undeniable that the Egyptians built the pyramids, and they did not use wheels or pulleys. That's why we continue to amaze their buildings. However, thinking coldly, we must recognize that they could come up with something better to waste time. The pyramids were designed to protect the remains of Pharaoh and his wealth for all eternity, but was looted long before the first Westerner to become interested in them. Did not occur to the Martians include some anti-theft system?
The first buildings (2,700 BC) was an evolution of the tombs (master) above, only vertical overlapping of so that took the form of stepped pyramids. The classic pyramid (as Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure) did not arrive until about two centuries later. Between a time and other buildings were based diamond, a technique that had to be abandoned by their architectural difficulties. Does it cost so much to master the technique Martians?
is rare that they did as much work out how to do them, especially for a civilization so advanced technologically. They were so ready not square with the remains of which collapsed because of an error in the design (side too inclined). This is the case of layered pyramid of Dahshur Meidum or both diamond, only partially damaged. At Saqqara there are still remnants of that came all the way down. Mars does not seem very. From purely economic standpoint, the pyramids were an unfortunate investment (to put it mildly.) Mobilized thousands of people a long time and they cost big bucks (which Plan E), and all to the glory of a belief in eternal life that has long been buried. The construction created jobs, but it was totally unproductive. The people were happy to work, "the myth that slaves rean is false, but it sure would have been happier not having to afford all their taxes. economic problem does not mean that they were very helpful from other points of view. Were crucial, for example, social cohesion, as the joint created between everyone from the pharaoh to the last peasant, a sense of group. Feeling, do not forget, very useful for the oligarchs, who lived like gods (some literally) without giving stick to water while others are happy following the revered and honored axiom that does not sting like scabies. All this has more human than alien.
If we look around we see that even today continue to build pyramids. The latest example-to the next, is the newly opened airport at Castellón: so far there is not one scheduled flight, but will for people to ride (as the president of the council of Castellón Carlos Fabra). There has been a Pharaoh's command and control, but a democratically elected government, which decided to invest 150 million euros of public money in the largest curling rink outdoor world.
The Egyptians built pyramids between 2,660 and 1,850 BC (basically, during the period known as the Old Egypt). Then sanity prevailed and appeared new funerary monuments as the temples of Luxor and Karnac (both built from 1350 BC), just as socially useful but much cheaper. Here in change will not learn. As the Royal City, Santiago and Lleida-Alguaire Castellón airport has no chance of being profitable. No matter: a concession will be managed at the cost of taxes for all without risking a dollar. Now that's' doing the Egyptian. "
Of course, there was no need slaves to build it, but were thousands of citizens lined up to participate (as in ancient Egypt). Watch Wizards of economists predicted a rain of millions that will never come (although they charge for their reports liars). I said, this is just one example . Any reader will have about a public project built according to similar the same logic as the pyramids. And if we change the eternal life of unpayable debt, see how easy it is to understand the Egyptians. The pyramids do not need Martians in the equation, human stupidity is a sufficient explanation. Either that, or what have opened in Castellon is a landing strip.

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Helping Japan

Loyalty Foundation, an institution nonprofit whose mission is to enhance confidence of English society in NGOs, has organizations consulted Guide Transparency emergency specialist to confirm whether they will implement actions to assist victims of the earthquake and tsunami that struck the northeastern coast of Japan on March 10.
As a developed country, Japan's third-world economy, it is assumed that local government is prepared to deal with the situation. In fact, more than 10,000 military Nipponese are treating victims from the first day. The Red Cross of the country, with more than two million volunteers and more than 1,000 doctors, also deployed nearly 100 teams of emergency in the first 24 hours after the disaster. Japan Although the government has not made a specific appeal for international assistance, more and more states, companies and organizations that are providing help or at least have offered to when Japan's request. In Spain, most organizations are evaluating the situation and waiting for news of their offices or partners in Japan to launch fundraising campaigns to assist victims. Therefore, the English Agency of International Cooperation and Development (AECI) has not sent nigún kind of help to Japan. In any case, both individuals and companies can make donations on their own. Contributions to reach their destination and are really effective Loyalty Foundation offers several tips. informed is paramount. You have to know what is needed in the affected area and decide which activities are to support: health care, providing food and water, child support ...
The next step is to check if the NGOs with which it wants to work has experience in emergency and sufficient structure in the country, and a consolidated relationship with local organizations. donation either by check or wire transfer must always be made payable to the organization, and never a particular. If you enter the money into an account make sure it has been open for the particular case. Otherwise, you must specify the emergency to which you want to spend the income. Another way to help is by providing food, clothing or medicine, necessary in any emergency. However, not all NGOs accept such contributions.
After donating you should consult the NGO information on the total amount collected and the fate of these funds. But the emergence does not end in the early days. The subsequent reconstruction work will be complicated and lengthy, so any assistance that will continue to receive ever more. International aid

Almost a hundred countries have offered assistance to Japan. The country now has accepted help only 15 of them, particularly in regard to medical services and specialized equipment in search and rescue. Russia, China, South Korea, Switzerland, France and Germany, among others, have already sent their staff.
companies have not been left behind. The Nipponese Sony, Fujitsu and Nintendo have donated several million euros between the three. Our country has followed suit. Telephone companies Movistar and Orange have announced on their Facebook pages that have partnered with the English Red Cross to raise funds through SMS, which the full cost (1.2 euro) will go to the recovery efforts in affected areas. Meanwhile, Inditex, owner of the Zara clothing chain, has announced that it will give one million euros to the International Red Cross to spend it to help Japan. The company, which closed as a precaution a score of 63 stores it owns in the country, has enabled an account for employees who wish to make contributions. Save The Children organization has also begun its own campaign of collaboration, which has made an initial appeal 3.6 million euros.
Meanwhile, travel companies and destinations Aaiáticos Groupon Spain have pledged to donate to the Red Cross a small percentage of sales they make in the coming days.

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40 years of war against cancer

40 years of war against cancer

As if a space mission, or the name of a military combat operation 40 years ago, the then U.S. President Richard Nixon, decided to declare 'war Cancer 'with the signature of a raised national objective of ending the disease.
That goal sounds utopian dream today, and all the predictions about the end of this disease that have been made since then have always remained a dead letter. However, in some respects, has nothing to do with the current situation that existed at that 1971. To mark the 40 anniversary, the journal Science published a special issue this week in which several articles discuss what has been done and, above all, what remains to be done to think about whether you want to start winning this 'war'.
"It is true that for some tumors (Pancreas, brain and liver, for example), the picture has not improved at this time, "laments one of the texts Eliot Marshall," but we must remember that cancer mortality began to decline in the U.S. in the nineties and care for many tumors has nothing to do today with what happened 40 years ago. Definitely, things are moving in the right direction. "
Indeed, as noted by David Malakoff in other comments, improvements in many of the therapies and the aging of the population present a new problem: how to care and nurture this new "army survivors', whose medicine will continue to pay. "Ironically, the costs [of cancer care] are increasing because the population survives diagnostic decades ago had ended their lives." In 2020, for example, is estimated to be about eight million people with breast and prostate cancer, as health care continued to be about 18,000 million dollars (about 13,000 million euros) on that date. The most optimistic talk of a 27% increase in cancer bill that will face the U.S. in the next decade. Good blame for this lies with the new treatments, which Jocelyn Kaiser devotes its space in this commemorative issue. Finding the Achilles heel of the tumor and attack it right there with a targeted drug has become the new guiding philosophy of modern oncology. The problem is that many times, as if it were a virus, tumor cells can generate resistance and 'escape' to the action of the drug after a few months.
These resistors are the writer to compare the cancer in some ways with the HIV virus, with the difference that cancer patients have many more genetic characteristics with each other, making it difficult to hunt the enemy. But if there is something as oncology is copying the pattern of the fight against the AIDS virus is in the use of various combinations of drugs to attack the disease from several sides at once. Although to try these cocktails, say, pharmaceutical companies will have to agree between them when designing their trials, leaving behind their "trade competition" also will need to verify that these combinations do not have serious side effects for patients.
genetics, immunology, molecular biology, psychological ... The 'war on cancer' that is being waged more than 40 years is still far from won, but more and more open fronts by the science that can be winning small battles.