Doctors Francis Fukuyama, Stanford, world-renowned author, Manuel Alcántara, University Salamanca, very knowledgeable about the Salvadoran reality; Kenneth Roberts, Cornell, majoring in Latin American Policy, and Abraham Lowenthal, Pacific Council on International Policy, gave a varied and select audience his thoughts on governance the region, landing in El Salvador section of questions and answers, and left many lessons to transmit to society, social and political leaders, not only situation, but long term, many that we internalize immediately.

'Governance, Development requirement and ensure equity. "
LPG-Governance; Discussion FUSADES luxury.
Taken Wikio -Governance.
Tuesday March 15, 2011.
"Good governance is a prerequisite for development and ensure equity. Predictability, consensus, strong institutions, rule of law, political parties that actually represent the interests of the people. "
Rafael Castellanos. Taken from La Prensa Gráfica.
Four world-class political scientists with expertise in Latin America led a meeting on governance, which were consigned to achieve major requirements: a high degree of consensus, understanding, capacity building, rule of law, a high degree of predictability, a strong party system, internal party democracy among others, considering governance as a requirement for progress towards development and ensure equity.
The Department of Political Studies FUSADES, founded a few years ago, scored a notable success by staging an event of luxury, conversatorio "Governance in Latin America ..." with that impressive convening power that has the most prestigious think tank of America, among the top five in Latin America.
Doctors Fukuyama, Stanford, world-renowned author, Manuel Alcántara, at the University of Salamanca, very knowledgeable about the Salvadoran reality, Kenneth Roberts, Cornell, majoring in Latin American Politics and Abraham Lowenthal, the Pacific Council on International Policy gave a varied and select audience his thoughts on governance in the region, landing in El Salvador section of questions and answers, and left many lessons to convey to society, social and political leaders, not just short-term, but long term, many that we internalize immediately.
A point made as a key, very appropriate at the time of assault on the party-we live, is to strengthen democratic institutions, it is essential to solve the problem of citizen representation with political parties (here in obvious crisis), and reach understandings between main actors do leave a country, the problems facing accurate, high degree of consensus on the diagnosis, not necessarily in the course of action to solve them. These are built to analyze the feasibility and desirability for the country, not sectors, the various proposals.
indispensable condition for success is achieve a high degree of predictability. Countries that have succeeded have been overcome and those that are succeeding have a good future. It is crucial for investment and economic growth, social development implications. You need predictability about public policy on issues of nation, to continue the course designed without fear of alternation, by the following Governments, regardless of party. Not change the rules of the game.
This is one of our greatest weaknesses and one of the factors behind the slow economic growth and a deficiency in social strategies crucial, notably in education, health, water, subsidies ...
The importance of strong political party system. In countries where the party system collapse, such as Venezuela, can replace populist leaderships. If there is a crisis of representation of parties, it is essential to overcome it, what happens to overcome lack of internal democracy on them, lack of space for new people, lack of consistency in their proposals, the political patronage and corrupt practices occurring.
Would talking about us? Unfortunately, these problems are clearly identified in most of our games.
They referred to the phenomenon of turncoat as something harmful to the system, essentially because it subtracts the representation given by the voters to a party and their empowerment, to leak away. That's a big stone in our shoe.
noted that governments and entrepreneurs who are creating wealth, should be understood, is important. The government should encourage the business sector and at the same time watch schemes and rethink social policy because it threatens inequality.
A pleasant surprise was that some of the best and most poignant questions came from people under 30, something very rewarding in a time when many are calling "young faces."
Excellent event leaves many insights relevant to our reality.
Governance: Discussion luxury FUSADES .
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