El Salvador is not great thing, going beyond simply to try to sign some agreements against drug traffickers who are using El Salvador as part of operations and consolidate the U.S. presence in El Salvador as a point of operations. The Farabundo Marti shows his face again as a pro-imperialist party have not done anything to criticize this invitation Funes, President and shows how the ex-guerrillas in many places have become Conservatives in both Uruguay as Brazil and now in El Salvador . No surprises in this process of conversion from left to right.

guerrillas in many parties have become
conservatives. Uruguay, Brazil and El Salvador.
ARGENPRESS. Tuesday March 22, 2011.
CX36 Radio Centenario.
Angeles: Petras, course with central themes to listen. Lo Libya, we were just seeing the information that would seriously Gaddafi's son attacks suffered by where they are living. But listen on the conflict in its entirety.
Petras: Yes , which apparently is happening is a typical military invasion simply because they are controlling the movement of aircraft but have thrown missiles, bombs and other powerful weapons, destroying civilian and military structures and not just want to stop the advancing government forces but are in the process of destroying the state, the institutional structure to impose control opposition. We have received enough information on the composition of the leadership of the opposition, which we have identified a number of leaders have received money for years and funding from Western countries.
What is called the National Transitional Council, the leader, is an officer who has been trained in the United States, educated and it seems to be the head of this process of recolonization of Libya. Now, some people get confused between the dictatorship of Gaddafi with a justification of imperialism, using the presence of the opposition as an alternative. But when the opposition, at least dome, is controlled by the Western world, where they offer a simple cover for the projection of power in the Middle East and North Africa , you have to say one thing against any imperialist intervention must declare ourselves completely in opposition. Even in the 30's when Italy invaded a feudal country like Ethiopia, all the main leftist political figures denounced Italy, although Italy was talking about creating a modern society and overthrow an empire, a feudal emperor.
The fundamental problem is not the character of the regime under invasion; is that the conquest and imperialism when it enters a country, becomes sovereignty, economic and social structure, focusing on the imperial and blocking any internal process of transformation. This is why the confusion and dilemmas is one among the called "progressive" is a big mistake, because it takes into account that double process is now in the Arab world. A process of popular uprisings that have come a long way as in Yemen and other countries, and there is another process that is the world's imperial attack on two levels: one from the invasion of Libya, from launch referendum in Egypt other measures. How it works this imperial attack? It is from divisions among the opposition.
exist in all surveys two trends: a pro-imperial and other emancipatory, democratic, socialist. And one has to apply a more complex analysis to understand this process is operating.
He wants the Western world in surveys, is to impose a neo liberal regime managed by politicians who are clients of the world Western. Looking overthrow dictatorships and regimes clan because the clan used the state structure to monopolize resources and what imperialism wants is to move this system assets and impose a liberalism that these companies open to penetration by multinationals. For this reason in many cases put to the liberal capitalists to open the economy. What Hillary Clinton called the need for political and economic reforms. Reform means the failure of existing institutions to penetrate foreign capital.
Angeles: I wanted ask what you can envision, if this is going to be long term or what can be handled, in light of what you have seen and are seeing in Iraq and Afghanistan . But this conflict with Libya now, what do you look like?
Petras: is difficult to ascertain the degree of intervention. Remember that the field of Libya is not Afghanistan, no borders and has support Afghanistan with Pakistan and surrounding countries. Second, do not have a tradition of guerrilla warfare, third do not have the organizational structure that was in Iraq to maintain a long struggle from urban resistance and political networks of religious groups such as Shiites and Sunnis.
In Libya the land is desert, there are no countries on the border to sustain a prolonged war, also lack a political structure that could organize a resistance medium to long term then depends on the level of intervention of the imperial countries.
using opponents could perhaps result in a division of the country style Yugoslavia, Iraq , where nationalists are groups like the Kurds in Iraq or various ethnic groups in Yugoslavia . is possible to be finished in a country divided.
Angeles: And Libya has groups to lean?
Petras: Yes, the party controlling the opposition are talking about to create a pseudo ideology of differences between the east against west. There are several tribes and various groups that have a local identity. And if there, may want to magnify and install any false consciousness that they are separate, not part of a nation. Is a possibility.
The other possibility is that the opposition is so weak that despite the great support, armaments, weapons and aircraft and maritime control, can not conquer Tripoli , the center.
But much depends on how the capacity and willingness of the imperial world to destroy the infrastructure of the current government.
imperial If countries continue with the bombing and destructive attacks not only military facilities but the infrastructure: power, financial, I think in these conditions will be difficult for President Gaddafi remain in power. In this case you may be able to negotiate a way out of the Gaddafi family and from a negotiation between the West and Gaddafi.
And we must emphasize that what we might identify as popular rebellion sectors count for nothing in the current context. What determines the outcome of this conflict is now the invader imperial power that will dictate the results and use these figures clearly puppets of the national council as political proxies which will impose them.
Angeles: divide time into two broad themes. The other is Obama's visit in Latin America. The stage has already been fulfilled in Brazil and now Chile and El Salvador
Petras: The fact is that Obama's visit in Brazil was a big failure.
. occurs first release of American aggression against Libya at the time Obama giving a speech about his appreciation of the similarities with Brazil, Brazil opposes the attack and imperial intervention. The sample for the failure of Obama is on several sides. First, the agreements they signed no major economic and commercial consequences. These things are marginal.
Second, the fact is that in Brazil , Obama has been discredited, so much so that had to cancel his original speech Cinelandia Square and end at the town hall where only guests could attend government Rousseff claques with ruling party welcoming.
The bottom line was simply a public relations exercise with little consequence. Or get Rousseff U.S. support to enter the Security Council United Nations. In this sense we should give more importance to Obama's visit to Brazil.
going to give a speech on free markets and Chile matches for some time that Chile has complied with all U.S. policy: maintaining an electoral system, maintains an open economy with exports of commodities raw and has a great social inequality and polarization have not changed in the last twenty years. The main speech Obama going to happen in Chile where there is a better environment between both parties as the supposed official opposition, the coalition called .
El Salvador no big deal, just go there to try and sign some agreements on drug traffickers are using El Salvador as part of operations and consolidate the U.S. presence in El Salvador as a operations. The Farabundo Marti shows his face again as a pro-imperialist party, have done nothing to criticize this invitation Funes, President and shows how the ex-guerrillas in many places have become conservative both Uruguay and in Brazil and now El Salvador. No surprises in this process of conversion from left to right.
Angeles: On the subject Brazil, would you say anyway, despite the failure to mention that there is a new era in U.S. relations with Brazil, conditions are different?
Petras: there and there. There is an effort to approach Rousseff States Together, lowering the level of conflict in search of better diplomatic coincidence but the fact is that Brazil is increasingly dependent on exports to China and Asia . His capitalists particularly the agro-mineral and financial have many diverse interests and Rousseff can not go too accommodating with the United States without losing the driving force of the Brazilian economy is currently much more involved in various markets.
can sacrifice some diplomatic aspects and shaking hands with Chavez instead of a hug, make a policy less Bolivia friendly, perhaps lowering the level of support as a mediator in the Middle East , but in the end, the economic structure of Brazil not allow many similarities with the U.S. because they compete in some branches and have other options now more dynamic than what is offered Washington.
In the current case of U.S. attacking Libya, Brazil is against any intervention measure Libya, for historical reasons and regional within the political culture of Brazil, there is no basis for relying on the U.S. intervention anywhere in the world because it interferes with Brazil's own expansionist projects, which depends on open market relations rather than military intervention.
Angeles: you know that U.S. delegations are continually Uruguay, for all subjects, but last week was Frank Mora, the undersecretary of the ministry of defense for Western Hemisphere the U.S. government. He met here giving talks, with government, the military asked the budget for the Ministry of Defence. And move like parrot on your house as we say here.
Petras: Well, it's an overcompensation. We know that what is called the Frente Amplio left and looking to make good merits with imperialism acting sometimes with very embarrassing statements and subservient in a way that for example Brazil dare not show because it's so servile economy and ruling class has its own economic vocation. The ex-left sometimes acts in an exaggerated way to show they have left behind their leftism and now are completely different and more willing to embrace the American politicians to receive a certificate of good conduct.
Angels: Yes came to ask you open a strategic dialogue between Uruguay and the United States in defense matters. It comes hard to us the future.
Petras: Yes Another fact to note is that what is happening in relation to Japan with the explosion of nuclear facilities. That is part of a product of neoliberalism than a decade ago has left the regulation and supervision of power companies that handle these nuclear facilities. Not just a company error, a lack of investment. The fact is that the state in Japan has long ceased to administering regulations and controls in the search for higher profits for private companies that keep this whole system. Behind this disaster is neoliberalism that everywhere is promoting deregulation, lack of security for companies to maximize profits. That is what is behind this mess. Now lying multiplying with news that the radiation is less than what it is, that the contaminated food is not contaminated, the water is full of iodine radiation. But in any case does not only lie on the degree of contamination but lie on the number of dead. Gradually began first two, three thousand and eight thousand now come but even unofficial sources say the real figure is close to 30 thousand dead and many more will have a slow death by cancer who are going to have. They speak of eight thousand but the figures we have is that there are just under 20 thousand missing ten days after the disaster, are dead. But do not say how many more will die in the coming months and years affected by this radiation. So first is the neo-liberal policy, second are the lies to try to prevent the collapse of the government and the discrediting of the political system.
And the latest good news, we could end it is the case in Yemen where the government Saleh and instructing for over 30 years is about to fall. And it will be in hours or days because even pressure finally fighting mass has affected the power structure, several ministers have resigned and most importantly, the generals who command the armored troops have said they support the rebellion now. That is what the dictator Saleh depends. Saleh received millions of dollars in U.S. aid. It was his main support North America and now falls Saleh and the army is divided, but in a way favorable to the rebellion.
something that happens now appears everywhere: in the opposition is the mass that has fought, suffered over 60 dead and hundreds injured and the other side are the generals and politicians now come together to rebellion as opportunistic. U.S. will look the same formula Egypt to support a transitional government to arrange military policy in the coming period. While the masses are now going to seek a democratic civilian government to manage a transition. The second phase will start very fast but at least we have this good news that Saleh is falling depending on the day and time they will announce it.
Angeles: Good.
Petras, thank you very much as always and until next Monday.
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