In the current situation of the Three World Stage Global Crises, multidimensional crisis and the new process world capitalist accumulation, capitalism or appropriation accumulation by dispossession, capital's strategic objective is directed and focused on the exploitation and plundering of natural resources - materials premiums - for the very development of capitalism in its transnational imperialist phase or domain global markets by mega-corporations and transnational corporations . Oil, mining, gas, hydro-electric, food, pharmaceutical, commercial, timber, through investment supposedly democratic and authorized by the government in power or from the facilities that today give the corporations FTAs are located precisely where these raw materials. Obviously, we all know, which is in TERRITORIES - axis multidimensional economic, social, political, cultural, environmental - energy and biodiversity today basically cultural : popular culture, traditional knowledge. That people have in these territories. Historical Communities of peasants, small farmers, farmers, pastoralists, traditional artisans, etc, owners "Mother Earth"; and the native peoples, Amazon - extraordinary ethnic diversity. native population, "the historical owners " Mother Nature " , this is the stage where it is concentrated today " investment "of transnational corporations. is in these territories which emerge New Subjects Social in the process of historical construction, of opposition and struggle against the capitalist system and its new growth models' ownership by dispossession "in the global arena of neoliberal globalization.

Rodolfo Stavenhagen: Indigenous Peoples emerge
socially and politically.
Rodolfo Stavenhagen attended the International Symposium Québec-Mexico
"Development regional actors and new public spaces "
David Sandoval.
Friday March 25, 2011.
We are experiencing an emergency of indigenous peoples in Latin America (LA), said Rodolfo Stavenhagen, a researcher at El Colegio de Mexico (Colmex), by delivering the keynote address "Indigenous peoples in globalization "in the activities of the Québec-Mexico International Conference" Regional development, new actors and spaces public.
At the Institute of Historical and Social Research of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV), the scholar spoke "around the new and the old actors and the problems of the existence of cultural diversity in the history of our country Latin America. "
As to the actors of the conference, said: "In Mexico we have a similar problem in Canada with the long-troubled relationship between the Mexican state and the authorities, both colonial, national and contemporary period, with Mexico's indigenous peoples and this is a topic of conversation today, "and therefore thanked the organizers for the invitation to participate.
He argued that this has to do with indigenous peoples in other regions of the world, then addressed specific points as "very recent emergence of indigenous peoples in the world at the social, political and cultural as well as the redimensionalización of nations, the concept of autonomy based upon a concept that seems central to understanding these issues: human rights. "
Internationally, he added, the Organization United Nations has focused closely on these issues and in recent years we have a motion at its General Assembly of the Declaration of Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007.
Years earlier, in 1989, the International Labour Organization Convention 169 adopted as an international treaty has been ratified by Mexico on indigenous and tribal peoples, also said "in the region where we belong there a growing number of sentences passed in the Court of Human Rights recognizes the rights of these indigenous peoples. "
In Latin America continued, "we now have important constitutional reforms that have been in favor of recognizing the constitutional rights of indigenous peoples, but above all we have seen in the last 20 years an emergence of indigenous organizations and social movements that give the pattern of these rights and they're telling us where to take this social movement in the world. "
Today it is argued that national unity, national identity, is the mixing, "in other parts of romanization called in South America: cholificación. Linguistically is teaching English, "and said:" We still I recall working with a public education secretary saying to me, Rodolfo, that the Indians here is not it, that was in Mexico in the eighties, we must impose the teaching of English, then if there are Indians who want to speak their language, they do at home, but the teaching of English is the policy of the State. "
However, Stavenhagen said, there were advances in Indian policy to education, and in Mexico there, "at least, a middle school, especially elementary school, very important and today we high levels of schooling among indigenous people in many other Latin American countries have not been achieved yet. "
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