Now our butterfly fluttering can enter your in any stretch of the course of the phenomenon. The closer the initial conditions are, greater the multiplier effect. Here it should be emphasized that it is quite feasible to consider two parallel phenomena nor to assume that it is possible to accurately reproduce a given phenomenon. One will change from another. Do not forget that we are talking about molecular level, and if we ever master it completely, fit is always the possibility that a "butterfly" fluttering in the storm and let the seeds of chaos hurricane. That is, the impossibility of shielding the event against which always surrounds us, the source of our fears: the unknown. "something" there may occur and to vary the conditions most carefully crafted without being noticed.

When mommy nature punishes us with all its fury.
"Chaos Theory", where nature develops
interactions greater complexity.
Friday March 18, 2011. *****
Mark Winokur (from Mexico. ARGENPRESS Special CULTURAL).
No, not going to discuss today's world. Neither of the sequences lived in Manhattan after the collapse of the Twin Towers. No, chaos theory, that's what it is, go in other directions, is incorporated into the scientific and means a revaluation ... Order! Indeed, taken as chaotic phenomena par excellence, ie, the turmoil caused in the water and air, are apparently only respond to an internal structure that determines them. You're sipping your coffee and pour a few drops of cream, the world still look like the liquid surface waves in a beautiful black and white. Are due to the shock turbulence in density between the two liquids, water and cream colored poured over it, ending with a standardized color "café con leche" that is halfway between black and white. Then stop turbulence. Of course, for that matter, their elucidation is very Urged to say, it seems that was "a storm in a teacup" or better, a cup of coffee. But if its place in nature? It is vital to know as nearly as possible the course of the storm, perhaps originating remotely, and now rushing like a hurricane over the Caribbean.
So what happens? There was a crash this time of cold winds speeds between (slower molecules) and hot (faster molecules) of the gases in the air, and the result is turbulence, ie Search hurricane Mesh temperatures, in search of an average of its entropy, its "coffee." And while drafts "settle their differences," we suffer the impact on land and at sea.
found the phenomenon in both events, meteorological as aerodynamic turbulence (caused by an object in flight) or whether it is the intercellular communication, ie in a liquid medium. After layers of data, at first glance incoherent, he discovers a profound order. The nature of interactions develops much more complex than assumed. And the order discovered in the turbulence was dubbed "the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems", preferring the more familiar name of "chaos theory."
As an illustration, has handled the "case of the butterfly" in Paris bat wings and causes a hurricane in the Caribbean . course, is an example of figurative but eloquent about the multiplier effect. Take two weather phenomena taken as identical, each of which addresses the training course taken as winds across the Atlantic via the Caribbean. The slightest variation is introduced initial condition of one of them ends up creating a gulf between the two phenomena. In fact, are regarded as identical, but in a butterfly flapping and will enter the hurricane to reach the Caribbean coast, while the other, without butterfly nosy, gentle breeze will cool to tourists on beaches.
But our butterfly flapping can enter your course in any part of the phenomenon. The closer the initial conditions are, the greater the multiplier effect. Here it should be emphasized that it is not feasible to consider two phenomena quite parallel nor assume that it is possible to replicate a phenomenon given. One will change from another. Do not forget that we are talking molecular level, and if we ever master it entirely, will always fit the possibility of a "butterfly" fluttering in the storm and let the seeds of chaos hurricane. That is, the impossibility of shielding the event against which always surrounds us, the source of our fears: the unknown. "Something" there may occur and to vary the conditions most carefully crafted without being noticed.
I still insist on the matter. In any experiment, plus: any event can ensure that it has managed to reproduce the conditions that gave rise. Why? For the infinite or its equivalent, the finite unconscionable, containing the great divisive, the unknown. He rules the universe, not us. And we have no means to anticipate its appearance, much less to prevent it. For that is the unknown. Not even know if there is one, pending threat, that's all. that genetic engineering and cloning , cybernetics, space exploration and everything else, do not make us lose our heads, man is only just making their first steps. It is the eternal struggle against the nature or harmful to us, which is, at stake is our ability to adapt as a species to change. One day the sun hurls into space a few licks gamma unexpected magnitude, another Ebola virus kills us in bleeding while AIDS makes its umpteenth mutation. So far as a species we have delivered, it came out with injury without affecting their survival but ... What will the next attack us Mommy Nature Reserve? We know, and painfully, taken by surprise: are earthquakes, and land-sea combination called tidal waves or tsunamis. Born of an innocent scratch on the bottom of the sea and have become wild beasts.
factor (or effect) multiplier, the flapping of the butterfly, was underestimated until the sixties started the boom of the computer, right tool for calculations of unprecedented complexity. Hence, in those years is the origins of chaos theory when Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studying the movements in the atmosphere, was forced to revise the standard mathematical model, which showed serious shortcomings.
We are talking about scientific activity of the century. However, the multiplier effect was known since antiquity . is said that a king wanted to reward the inventor of chess, a game that had contributed so much to dispel his spleen, and said
-Ask what you want.
Then, "said the aforementioned:
Lord, I only ask that I be given the number of grains of wheat that is to double, from one, as often as boxes contains a chessboard. The first for one, the second two, the third of four, and thus followed.
The king smiled, thinking "So clever to invent the game of chess so silly to ask for the reward." When the king heard the final amount, he could not believe, the reader is invited to do the calculations.
It is, therefore, increase our predictive capability from a revaluation of the initial conditions. In the anecdote above, the king underestimates the number "one" with starting the calculation. well as figuratively, because a cyclone a butterfly flapping its wings. Knowing the initial conditions with the closest, and then calculate the consequences, that is what the late predictability. I say approximation because we are closed for accuracy ultimately, that is, in microcosm. Even if you master the turbulence phenomenon, what we are doing is outside of the molecules. We do not know whether the degree of impact of the levels atomic and subatomic in molecular motion is given to involve a specific point of turbulence.
So what happens? There was a crash this time of cold winds speeds between (slower molecules) and hot (faster molecules) of the gases in the air, and the result is turbulence, ie Search hurricane Mesh temperatures, in search of an average of its entropy, its "coffee." And while drafts "settle their differences," we suffer the impact on land and at sea.
found the phenomenon in both events, meteorological as aerodynamic turbulence (caused by an object in flight) or whether it is the intercellular communication, ie in a liquid medium. After layers of data, at first glance incoherent, he discovers a profound order. The nature of interactions develops much more complex than assumed. And the order discovered in the turbulence was dubbed "the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems", preferring the more familiar name of "chaos theory."
As an illustration, has handled the "case of the butterfly" in Paris bat wings and causes a hurricane in the Caribbean . course, is an example of figurative but eloquent about the multiplier effect. Take two weather phenomena taken as identical, each of which addresses the training course taken as winds across the Atlantic via the Caribbean. The slightest variation is introduced initial condition of one of them ends up creating a gulf between the two phenomena. In fact, are regarded as identical, but in a butterfly flapping and will enter the hurricane to reach the Caribbean coast, while the other, without butterfly nosy, gentle breeze will cool to tourists on beaches.
But our butterfly flapping can enter your course in any part of the phenomenon. The closer the initial conditions are, the greater the multiplier effect. Here it should be emphasized that it is not feasible to consider two phenomena quite parallel nor assume that it is possible to replicate a phenomenon given. One will change from another. Do not forget that we are talking molecular level, and if we ever master it entirely, will always fit the possibility of a "butterfly" fluttering in the storm and let the seeds of chaos hurricane. That is, the impossibility of shielding the event against which always surrounds us, the source of our fears: the unknown. "Something" there may occur and to vary the conditions most carefully crafted without being noticed.
I still insist on the matter. In any experiment, plus: any event can ensure that it has managed to reproduce the conditions that gave rise. Why? For the infinite or its equivalent, the finite unconscionable, containing the great divisive, the unknown. He rules the universe, not us. And we have no means to anticipate its appearance, much less to prevent it. For that is the unknown. Not even know if there is one, pending threat, that's all. that genetic engineering and cloning , cybernetics, space exploration and everything else, do not make us lose our heads, man is only just making their first steps. It is the eternal struggle against the nature or harmful to us, which is, at stake is our ability to adapt as a species to change. One day the sun hurls into space a few licks gamma unexpected magnitude, another Ebola virus kills us in bleeding while AIDS makes its umpteenth mutation. So far as a species we have delivered, it came out with injury without affecting their survival but ... What will the next attack us Mommy Nature Reserve? We know, and painfully, taken by surprise: are earthquakes, and land-sea combination called tidal waves or tsunamis. Born of an innocent scratch on the bottom of the sea and have become wild beasts.
factor (or effect) multiplier, the flapping of the butterfly, was underestimated until the sixties started the boom of the computer, right tool for calculations of unprecedented complexity. Hence, in those years is the origins of chaos theory when Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studying the movements in the atmosphere, was forced to revise the standard mathematical model, which showed serious shortcomings.
We are talking about scientific activity of the century. However, the multiplier effect was known since antiquity . is said that a king wanted to reward the inventor of chess, a game that had contributed so much to dispel his spleen, and said
-Ask what you want.
Then, "said the aforementioned:
Lord, I only ask that I be given the number of grains of wheat that is to double, from one, as often as boxes contains a chessboard. The first for one, the second two, the third of four, and thus followed.
The king smiled, thinking "So clever to invent the game of chess so silly to ask for the reward." When the king heard the final amount, he could not believe, the reader is invited to do the calculations.
It is, therefore, increase our predictive capability from a revaluation of the initial conditions. In the anecdote above, the king underestimates the number "one" with starting the calculation. well as figuratively, because a cyclone a butterfly flapping its wings. Knowing the initial conditions with the closest, and then calculate the consequences, that is what the late predictability. I say approximation because we are closed for accuracy ultimately, that is, in microcosm. Even if you master the turbulence phenomenon, what we are doing is outside of the molecules. We do not know whether the degree of impact of the levels atomic and subatomic in molecular motion is given to involve a specific point of turbulence.
zero Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, we are warned: measurements, when it comes to the level of subatomic particles, they stop at the gates of the principle of indeterminacy (or uncertainty), formulated in the past century by Werner Heisenberg , and is one of the major theoretical contributions in the field of physics. Its author is aware that being close to death, said: "I have two questions for God: Why relativity and why turbulence. Surely God will answer the first question. " Perhaps, I venture on my own, the turbulence was an invention of Satan.
Well, Heisenberg was aware of the devilish-just-turbulence, despite it not being his specialty, but particle physics, on which he made, we said, the uncertainty principle. As it is not possible to establish the position of a particle in space and simultaneously speed precision you want, but subject to a constraint: the more accurate one, unless it be the other. Then the knowledge becomes relative, because sought certainty dissolves into probability statistic: the particle, the time of observation, is at some point in a certain area or its speed between two values. It therefore remains committed to the future, it is vain to attempt to predict an event at the subatomic level with the accuracy you want. In addition to her own devilish complication, this may have to take one day turbulence.
Here, say, the predictability meets its limits, the future can not vivĂrselo advance. But one day "reach us" as the title of a science fiction film, and we took for chaos is a facade, the internal structure is governed by the order. However, in route has emerged as a threat. We do not go alone against the damaging nature, but against all this: the predator threat is the man, his "turbulence" against the charity that shelters us, poisoned water, air and land, felling forests, in a word attack against itself in a destructive fury redoubled that looks like suicide and that we refuse to accept. Chaos theory but we want to cheat, is only front and ... punishment Mommy Nature: man is a fool who poisoned my possessions? Well there you go a tsunami to start.
Well, Heisenberg was aware of the devilish-just-turbulence, despite it not being his specialty, but particle physics, on which he made, we said, the uncertainty principle. As it is not possible to establish the position of a particle in space and simultaneously speed precision you want, but subject to a constraint: the more accurate one, unless it be the other. Then the knowledge becomes relative, because sought certainty dissolves into probability statistic: the particle, the time of observation, is at some point in a certain area or its speed between two values. It therefore remains committed to the future, it is vain to attempt to predict an event at the subatomic level with the accuracy you want. In addition to her own devilish complication, this may have to take one day turbulence.
Here, say, the predictability meets its limits, the future can not vivĂrselo advance. But one day "reach us" as the title of a science fiction film, and we took for chaos is a facade, the internal structure is governed by the order. However, in route has emerged as a threat. We do not go alone against the damaging nature, but against all this: the predator threat is the man, his "turbulence" against the charity that shelters us, poisoned water, air and land, felling forests, in a word attack against itself in a destructive fury redoubled that looks like suicide and that we refuse to accept. Chaos theory but we want to cheat, is only front and ... punishment Mommy Nature: man is a fool who poisoned my possessions? Well there you go a tsunami to start.
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