Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Did The Tahoe Change

prepares its 40 anniversary

Bélmez prepares its 40 anniversary

The exact date I can not say but I guess it will be on August 23, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the phenomenon. My prediction is that new faces will appear in the Moraleda Bélmez. I know because a group of researchers, vest with logo, has sealed a room for six months for an experiment, and if there are no faces researchers Bélmez. This time directed the orchestra one Diego Fuentes, parapsychologist guard and seller of esoteric products.
According to local press, the seal, notary, as required by the liturgy is not the famous home of the legend (where the phenomenon was born in 1971), but another owned by a niece of the discoverer of the case, María Gómez House, who spent years trying to scrape some of the ruinous business. Is used when the original owners (very bad) does not provide, and the false faces that came out in 2004. Are all false, even going out in August, and painters that ghosts do not exist.
The notarial seal has already been tried in the original house and was a fiasco. It happened in 1973 when, at the behest of legendary Germain of Argumosa parapsychologist (world champion curriculum false), the kitchen was closed in the first faces appeared. Three months later, the door opened and, as expected, nothing happened. But one thing is true and another official story says that emerged a new teleplasty galore.
lasted While the seal, and this is the key non-mystery, Mary is enabled a second kitchen, so she could do her housework. What happened was that much, but the important thing is that none of the misteriodistas who have copies of the affidavits showed intact ever for anyone to see that say nothing new teleplasty.
, however, has been widely used figure of the notary to justify the unjustifiable. When a notary public, Antonio Luque, interviewed him and Lorenzo Iker Jiménez Fernández (director of the magazine Enigmas) in 1996. According to the transcript of his remarks said: "Is that because Mary was closed that room, they gave him money and built a second kitchen, and the second began appearing faces" ("The faces of discord", 2 nd ed. Pp. 75, 76). In other words, the phenomenon only occurred in the room was not locked.
sealed in the room nothing happened. It's just another chapter in this soap opera that is written by chapter. I guess I do not add anything if you remember the ones who have insisted that the seal was miraculous and which new faces are Iker and Fernandez. For example in his book 'Nameless graves' (2 edition, pg. 167), claimed that the notary Navarre said: "desclausuré the seal, and the truth and the truth is that between the previous and subsequent figures had been variations" (that in proceedings does not put). Apparently, not even hear their own program in which several times has emtido the interview telling the war stories. The choice of the birthplace of Mary for the new precinct (rather than using the original which hosted the event) is due to a known problem. In 2004, the Pereira family did not stop to investigate the band led by the painter Pedro Amorós, so they had to move to that second home ownership of the famous Mary's nieces. I wrote then that "The New Faces of Bélmez were fabricated by a 'ghostbuster' in cahoots with the city." To say that Pedro Amorós, the 'Ghostbuster' of that headline, I complained. To me the Supreme Court has cleared up (I found out recently) and he would have sentenced four times to pay the costs (one for each resource and by asking other measures). But not everything has been bad for him: his curriculum (another show of fantasy) has continued to grow as a enrredadera.
do not forget my friend Bruno 'Pipo' Cardenas said he was going to fall a year's jail and up to 5 million old pesetas fine. For a change, did not give none. Indeed, he has always argued that the case is the most paranormal of the planet, but in his book '100 enigmas of the world 'and quotes him. Why? Ji, Ji, you see the plume.
Go ahead Diego that such sources can do whatever he wants at home, and who have given permission. In addition, certain that believes in what he does. The unfortunate thing is that the comic is now out in Ideal, English TV, radio and television Canal Sur, Diario de Jaén and some more that I will have passed. Of course, for them the mystery continues. The media has more to blame for what happens to all the people together.
is curious to see how some (with the session in the background) try to turn the town into the global benchmark of functional illiteracy. Being positive is a way to excel in something. But we must not forget that the town has budgeted more than 800,000 euros (well sûr public money) to build a museum dedicated to the thymus in a thousand years will be profitable because they do not have the support of the owners of the original house . Meanwhile, the Diputación de Jaén has to help the 60% of its municipalities to pay the electricity bill and payroll. That is worrying. But the absurdity must continue.


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