Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sample Death Anniversary

Hamas and other Palestinian factions deal with the escalating violence in Gaza

Hamas and other Palestinian factions deal with the escalating violence in Gaza

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) holds meetings with representatives of the different Palestinian factions to discuss the recent escalation in fighting with Israel, according to the Islamist group.
In recent days have stepped up rocket attacks from Gaza against neighboring towns in Israel, they were met with Israeli aircraft bombing that killed at least eight Palestinians killed, five civilians including two children, and three Islamic Jihad militants.
According to local press, the tension between Islamic Jihad and Hamas has increased by lack of agreement between the two groups on ways and means of responding to Israeli military attacks in the Gaza Strip.
respected Hamas and Israel since early 2009 the tacit cease-fire that ended the Israeli military offensive in the Gaza offensive that left 1,400 Palestinians dead, mostly civilians, and damage to property. Both
parties met in the last two years the agreement, even with ups and downs and specific attacks, but in recent days seems to crack the launch of missiles by smaller armed groups like Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, as well as the Israeli army.
launches rockets into Israeli territory, who on Wednesday joined a bomb attack in Jerusalem that killed a woman and left 30 wounded, and has not been claimed by any faction-has led some members the Government of Israel to seek a new major military action against Gaza.


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