Sunday, March 27, 2011

Peace Signs Comforters

Easter rarámuri

Easter rarámuri

In the Sierra Tarahumara of Lent is celebrated with a ritual in which they combine their own beliefs with Christian traditions. Throughout the week you can hear the sound of the drum and flute. drums can not stop playing. We hear from the four cardinal points. "They are our guides on the path of wisdom; mimic the heartbeat of Mother Earth," says Martin Macahuit, one of the more than 800 rarámuris living in the municipality of Guachochi, in the Sierra Tarahumara in Chihuahua.
The sound is not to since I started in February and until Easter Sunday, the last day of the celebration of Easter for Christians. About
drummers are the grandparents, the sages who for years have taught others the meaning of life and love of nature.
Here in the Sierra Tarahumara, holy days beginning on Wednesday at noon. After the singing of the drums down all members of the community to the church and decorate it with pine needles and flowers sotol.
crosses are placed around, and climb the hill, which is also decorated for Thursday (our Holy Thursday), the day on which he dances to the wind. "The wind is a human being that helps us understand the way, "says Martin.
The church was finished spruce up late at night. All the trappings are to protect the Spirit. Martin explains that the spirit lies within the church and can not wake up until Saturday. Only the chirping of crickets is heard. The rarámuris and rest at home to prepare body and soul for long hours.
Thursday "pinto"
Three of the morning. Guachochi The community begins to leave their homes. The drum announces the start of the day. "First come the authorities (leaders of society).
whole community passes through them. Then they will wear out the Pharisees, are painted white and carrying a machete. Others wear hats decorated with turkey feathers. This is a day of fasting, not eating anything until the 13 hours, "explains Martin. Lent is not only a time of sacrifice, but a spiritual retreat in which meditation and prayer should be intensified to achieve renewal.
At Guachochi church, placed at the entrance of the door four champions, two of them dressed in red and two white. The flag has the function of protecting the temple, to see who enters and leaves, control the energy of souls who are still in sin and monitoring to make sentences.
Inside hear the murmur of prayers, all occurring in Castilian and are led by a priest. When finished, one of the Pharisees out and makes a rattle sound, this means that the party has been blessed and all who were inside the temple by a path laid out with flowers and go on pilgrimage around the circular church to protect "onoruame" as he called the Spirit rarámuris.
Martin said that after that we rest and go to their respective homes to eat, so, about six in the afternoon, return to the church and den start dancing. Again playing the drum. Whoever touches of white face makeup and put a bandana on his head. Then becomes the guide of all. After dancing around the church to give strength to the Spirit and also for any evil force approaching you. "
The first to dance are called" pinto ", they wear a loincloth and a red collar and pintitas are white all over his body and face. From now until the morning, they will not stop dancing. "Up until the sun rises must dance to ward off evil."
tesgüino Friday
The dances continue. A pintos are joined by the Pharisees. Today we drink the tesgüino, a traditional fermented alcoholic who is prepared at home by the authorities. "We all gathered outside the church to get on the Cerro Colorado," continues Martin.
It's 11 o'clock in the morning. Not only is the beating of the drum is heard, also the breath of the flute.
Pintos, Pharisees, flag, man, women and children go toward the hill. It represents the Christian procession and the crucifixion. They go about 15 minutes and do so in silence. They leave offerings in the middle of a circle that has been decorated with flowers. There nopales, tortillas, pinole made with roasted corn, and pumpkin porridge, and of course tesgüino. The pinto dance, jump in a circle, the drum is the heartbeat, the accompanying flute. Everyone else is standing, also in a circle with his arms crossed.
The ceremony lasts for two hours and the standard bearers and community authorities take tesgüino and shared with others.
"This is the dance of wind, we thank him for his life, who gives us breath and give it to plants and animals."
Pilgrims down the hill to the church and spread the offering and the tesgüino. "After that the priest performed a Mass for people continue taking good care of the Spirit. "
After the Eucharist, the pascolas and wait outside the temple. These are other characters of Easter, they wear a white trousers known as wisiburka, are brought to the Judas who have developed with grass. "They are in a circle and walk around the church, do it three times and then let the Judas exposed front of the temple. All tesgüino and pinto drink, accompanied by flutes, start a new dance. "
Saturday, for a new cycle
The Judas burning in the flames. He was stoned and pierced by the spears of the Pharisees . The fire burned along with it. "The evil has been expelled from the Rarámuris "says Martin, while the flute and drum perform a melancholy song. It's been over 48 hours of nonstop dance of days under the hot sun and cool nights lit by the moon.
By Sunday, there's no dancing, or painting. The rarámuris leave at noon to listen to the last Mass of the Holy Week. Those days that they mean spiritual unity, saying: "One way to thank your god and the wind for the new life. " Martin Macahuit, cultural promoter taraumaras he sighs. He says that as of today have a new travel rarámuris based on mutual respect." I learned these days is the sum of our existence in the world "and open a chest where he keeps his paintings and flute, that they will play until the next holy ceremony. 63510.html


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