Wikeleaks apparently unable to understand continue
the true extent of the facts.
Wikeleaks, is bringing to public light, although tempered by the media who was given the "dossier", the sea rot of our politicians, hypocrisy .... ***
Alfonso. J. Palacios EchevarrÃa.
Kaosenlared, Monday 14 March 2011. *
Behind all the events that we have the means of mass communication , and in particular those who are properly seasoned by the most powerful news agencies in the world, on the situation of North African and Middle East, where the only common characteristic is Muslim faith, a fact that stands is usually overlooked by writers and by those who read the news reports, the reports allegedly impartial analysis specialists who are themselves on the subject, or who simply fishing in troubled waters.
Opinions, criteria and interpretations about the motives and interests of major powers behind the phenomena that occur every day-these changes strange and unthinkable a few months ago, some are subtle, some crude and rude, and another written by him appears to be a person with the education of a pig farm, put aside an item of great importance: the role of infotech .
And we're not talking about large computer networks of governments and their intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, or the apparatus computer grids news agencies, which are currently used instruments to make us believe in something or other, in the interests of those who manage, and long ago became important in government plans of these powers. We are talking about something as simple as "social networking" through which communicate hundreds of millions of people every second, in all languages, without apparent censorship mechanism that works in large institutional machinery.
says Fernando Henrique Cardozo, in a recent article that more and more, in silence, people communicate, whisper and suddenly mobilize to "change things." In this process, communication technologies play a crucial role. So far, we have two lessons. One is that in the modern world social orders can be undone by means surprising to those who see things through the prism center. The word, transmitted from a distance, from the sum of impulses that seem to be single, earn an unprecedented force. This is not no old-fashioned leaflets and even revolutionary rhetoric of slogans, but rational and emotional reactions of individuals. Apparently isolated, they are actually "connected" with the climate surrounding world and linked together through networks of communication that are made, they break and re-do, the rhythm of time, the motivations and circumstances.
A world that seemed to be mostly separate and regulated by the strength of the powerful or the market, suddenly shows that there are values \u200b\u200b social cohesion and solidarity that transcend the boundaries of what is permitted. But we have another lesson: the reconstruction of order depends on the forms of organization, leadership and political will expressed by way of pointing a path. In their absence, returns to the above ... .... or, on the eve of the general disorder, there is always the possibility that a cohesive group and not always democratic outweighs the initial libertarian impulse. In other words, returns preaching the importance of democracy, acceptance of diversity, the right of the "other." Interesting are other views as those of José Mariman, who notes that: without diminishing the role played by activists cyber falls governments of Tunisia and Egypt, it seems appropriate to keep in mind that there are many objective factors and subjective considered in explaining why some people are successful in throwing his government and others, rather than attributing made communication technology itself. On
to Latin America not remember anyone trying to establish correlations between cybertech and the fall of President De la Rua in Argentina (2001) or the chairpersons Bucaram (1997) and Jorge Jamil Mahuad (2000) in Ecuador. Perhaps the technology was not as developed in those years, but that would indicate precisely that with or without it when people are subjected to conditions of economic, social, political and cultural unbearable, the surveys can happen and to be successful (or fail), as long as the opponent in power is not a trigger-happy, as it seems Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya or Al-Khalifa royal family in Bahrain, as we see nowadays.
Regarding the explanation of the demonstrations to destabilize and corrupt dictatorships in the Middle East or elsewhere, it is prudent not to get carried away when mobilizations attributed to the work of the cyber. We must make an effort to consider many other variables. This does not mean to downplay the role of networks and cyber activists (you have to give credit to the cyber in the development of the current movement in Libya and Bahrain), but an invitation to weigh the done properly.
In any case, it is undeniable that cyber networks have become a useful tool for civil society , which promises much in terms of improving the quality of democracies in appearance or in terms of changing authoritarian regimes totalitarian or monarchist. Now if we turn our eyes toward Latin America find that the issue of modern social movements coincides with the object of study of the social sciences are social conflicts, a company that studies and acknowledges is likely to resolve conflicts. Understanding Latin American history from social movements can understand contemporary developments in the region and its conflicts, contributing to the construction of a social history is the knowledge of the social majorities, that never appear on the scene of the 'great and renowned' characters or the events above and studied.
In Latin America the nineties strengthened the hegemony of the capitalist market in the world order, the victory of democracy as a political system and the introduction of neoliberal policies as an ideology of globalization; this context triggered a series of transformations sociopolitical in the region that triggered the onset new social conflicts and outlined new scenarios for the actions of social movements. In Latin America there is now a 'manifest tension "between: processes of globalization, neoliberalism, and democratic, social and political actors, where structural conflicts have been resolved and have not responded to social demands. Before
patterns new world order, social conflict deepens expressing a double crisis of the neoliberal: the economic recession that seems to extend to regional and global level, the political and social legitimacy. Thus, in the second half of the nineties in Latin America increases social protest and the emergence and consolidation social movements that reach a national and international significance by challenging more conservative views that advocated a consolidated 'social peace' in the region, obtained thanks to the kindness of a market economy safe from all social inquiry.
-called new social movements in Latin America going through a time of multiple challenges and contradictions: first, is presented as an alternative to the statist, dogmatic and located the scene of action traditional social movements and use innovative strategies resistant to market capitalism and neoliberalism, on the other hand, simultaneous with the former, are located in the risky area of \u200b\u200bpossible co-option because although some of their demands have been recognized and legitimized especially at the global level, the social movements increasingly identified as 'stakeholders' within democracies.
What we see clearly is the role of social networks and their implementation in organizing cyber social responses to the injustices of governments or foreign interference, at least in most countries of our region. And the inevitable question would concern whether we are still green the use of computers as a means of social communication. It is therefore interesting to see how one of the elements of globalization and the penetration of large neo-liberal capitalist interests, the opening of interpersonal media computerized slowly becomes a fifth column against their own interests social domination, and transformed into an instrument to facilitate in the future, hopefully sooner rather than later, the liberation movements of our peoples.
This is an issue that should be a little more study and attention. Notes Nessdy Caicedo Espitia that during the nineties, according to Helio Gallardo, neoliberalism in Latin America, from a marginal, minority, managed to become hegemonic doctrine, it was raised then as the main ideology of globalization becoming the reflection of the victory of market capitalism, democracy and the collapse of socialism as an ideology. Thus neoliberalism is presented rhetorically anti statist against E stado socialist planner and led to the destruction of the welfare state and redistribution practices of wealth. Following the same author, the term 'neoliberalism' refers in Latin American societies to three different practices: national development as an ideology, an ideology of globalization and how adaptation actions of political elites to the challenges of transition, the latter , are related to its sustainability as hegemony, expressed in the struggle between its segments to run natively process and the pressures of subordinate groups injured in their rights and interests by the unpopular nature of the model.
For authors such as Alfredo Calcagno content neoliberal reforms were often a condition requiring financial support countries in the region. These structural adjustment measures 'sold' to our countries as a transitional model and need to reactivate the economic system and reduce the problem of internal and external debt of countries, from the promoters of 'structural adjustment' is argued that structural reforms would soon lead to a significant expansion of investment, growth and therefore employment and wages. To 'remedy' the situation poorest states should focus resources on alleviating situations of extreme poverty in Latin America.
The hegemony of the new economic model establishes new conditions in the context of global change and require social and political actors to redefine their approaches and modify its policies taking into account the globalization and the new world order new rearrangement Global has significantly permeated Latin American social movements. But I want to bequeath to a conclusion. The ex-dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali ruled Tunisia from 1987 until January 14, 2011, day he had to leave the country due to mass protests organized through social networks. Tarek Chaabouni , one of only two opposition MPs, said: "This has been the Facebook revolution."
all started with some leaked documents on WikiLeaks that show evidence of government corruption. While traditional media censored information, citizens used social networking to expose and publicize the abuses of his government. At the same time began mass street demonstrations that the government strongly suppressed firing on protesters. Although the government tried to minimize deaths , videos uploaded to Internet by citizens revealed had been many. Given the pressures of society and the government's failure to censor the information, the dictator had to flee the country. This case demonstrates the power of the Internet and social networks, and in Tunisia only 4.12% of households have access to the network and yet was the catalyst for a revolution.
In Latin American countries is very variable the percentage of population with access to the Internet. But can you imagine the power we have as citizens if we find a way to organize the network and define mechanisms to make the much needed political change does to our country? could easily remove the currently corrupt in power.
So expect a matter of social reactions "computerize", especially when, as in the case of Costa Rica- cables WikiLeaks are bringing to the limelight, though somewhat tempered by the middle media who were given the "dossier" of our country, are confirming the rotting sea of \u200b\u200bour politicians, the hypocrisy of our democracy and of separation of powers, and the U.S. government's blatant intervention in the government decisions.
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