Sam Parnia is conducting an interesting project called Aware, what if death is the end? Bélmez
What if death is the end?
Since 2008, Sam Parnia researcher is conducting an interesting project called Aware, which is getting to talk with the release of Hereafter ('Beyond Life'), a the worst films of Clint Eastwood. The aim is to prove the existence of so-called near-death experiences (NDE). Are those things happen when you say the solution to the crisis is driving at 110 km / h. Go see the story of your life before your eyes as Cinexin, then a light at the end of a tunnel and some loved ones (which have) that encourage you to go with them to a less bad. More than 20 hospitals in different countries collaborate in this study, the results will be known later this year. This picture symbols to hide in places that can only be viewed from above (for example, about a wardrobe). As always ECM sufferers say they feel how your body is raised, if the return to life are able to identify the correct symbol could be evidence in his favor.
Parnia doubt that NDEs are real. Is not the first time you try something like that, but it seems that this time the experiment has more guarantees. Still, this week Robert T. Carroll, in his indispensable, expressed some misgivings about the design of the test and control procedures. That's not good.
How to ensure that nobody, not those who have to put, you will see the sign ahead of time? Just stand on a chair or use a mirror. If so then we add further questions such as "What was the object so?" The result is served.
The most common explanation for NDEs is the lack of oxygen the brain. To this can be added, for example, that during an operation we are not 100% asleep and hear something that our mind then rebuilt. Mystery, mystery what is said, not much. I am content that appears on the first case described by a blind person. Do they suffer their souls the same limitations?
There are more questions. Can you explain someone ECM cases in which the subject was not even in mortal danger? And why do we read so little about the cases where the 'souls' appear to be hostile if even the less rigorous scholars recognize that occur? Do not worry, waiting for answers. But before we believe that our self from the body and goes to another site where the cost of living is not equally hazardous to your benefits, consider other aspects. For example, many of the surviving descriptions do not match reality. If there is a hallucinatory component or such feats of imagination, for nothing. If
automatically associate the sight of a light at the end of a tunnel after a traumatic experience to the next life is thanks to the work of Woody Raymond. It was the American psychologist who coined the term NDE in his book Life After Life (1975). On a glorious biography refer to the book by Pepe Rodriguez 'Dying is nothing. " He tells how, after writing several best-seller on the matter, broke with his publisher and is sent saying that everything was a lie. It goes without saying that you still making a living (and well) with his books and lectures on the subject.
The ECMs seem to speak to the soul, but that was not always so. When Edward J. Ruppelt, the director of the famous 'Blue Book' (the first serious official investigation into UFO), published The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (1956) described several cases in which the pilots allegedly chasing flying saucers were the same as those who say have had an NDE. The effect of speed on the pilots seemed a sufficient explanation. Nothing unusual. Currently has managed to provoke stimulating certain areas of the brain. is difficult to put a percentage, but some studies are between 8 and 12% the number of people suffering from an NDE after a stroke (18% says he remembers something.) If these phenomena are evidence that there is a soul will be that much heartless or that people spend the New Age.
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