
A Tsunami in the global crisis.
The worst disaster since the Second World War. "Care
with the bankruptcy of the Japanese State."

Thursday March 17, 2011.
Diego Mendoza (PRESS workers, especially for ARGENPRESS.info)
The natural disaster that struck Japan last Friday, an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale again revealed all the contradictions the social system, red hot, as they often do such events. The comparison with the recent earthquakes that occurred in Haiti or Chile are inevitable.
While in the first case there were over 200 people dead in Japan 1,500 deaths were recorded and 10 000 missing three days before the earthquake. A figure too far away from the hundreds of thousands killed by the Asian tsunami 2004. Buildings and planning against these facts allowed cities like Tokyo could resume their activities with relative normality. Japan had the resources to do to be the third world economy.
However, the picture is dark before the alarm of an impending nuclear fusion plant in Fukushima , after he recorded a series of explosions in several reactors the days after the earthquake. The walls built to protect nuclear plants from natural disasters were not built to prevent a tsunami, considered "unlikely." Similarly, diesel generators placed for food refrigeration systems were built at an altitude too low to draw a flood, which finally happened. This possibility was considered "as extremely unlikely but it is a matter of great concern for decades," said Ken Bergeron , a physicist specializing in reactor accidents.
These elements were the failure of all attempts to cool the reactor and forced the government to use seawater, which was defined as "an act of desperation," said Robert Alvarez specialist in the field. The chief of staff, Yukio Edan said there were several radiation leaks in some reactors, while radiation of the nuclear power exceeds allowable limits. Also declared a state of alert in the Onagawa plant (northwest), by a significant increase in radiation levels. Nuclear fusion has a range of highly destructive to the regional population, as evidenced by the experiences of Chernobyl (Ukraine, 1986) or Three Mile Island (USA, 1979). Japan has four nuclear power plants with several reactors each, in addition to Fukushima and Onagawa.
For this reason, Prime Minister Naoto Kan rushed out to deny the comparisons, ensuring that there is no possibility of scenario of such severity, although there are over 600 thousand evacuees. In addition, subject specialists denounced the "bias" of the information contained by the government on the issue, while denouncing the delay in power conversion technology for sustainable development, energy octopus blocked by tightly linked to the government, such as Tokyo Electric Company Center -management-u Fukushima plant other consortia and European firms.
Greenpeace has claimed that the development of alternative energies such as wind are blocked by lobby of the tentacles that exploit nuclear energy, highly questionable in its usefulness, in collusion with the state. Even with the construction of nuclear plants in seismic areas or who may be affected by a tsunami . nuclear crisis highlights the contradiction between the material potential for sustainable development, which can be organized and prevented further disasters of this kind, and the social orientation of the capitalist class, which stresses the interests of the whole population to benefit private.
Nature and economics.
The quake is the worst thing that could happen to Japan at the wrong time, "said analyst Nouriel Roubini, known as one of the few specialists who happened at the beginning of the global crisis . The phrase fully portrays the situation in the country after the earthquake. The Japanese economy suffers from the quake when he said to be emerging from a recession, but suffered a fall of 0.3% of GDP in the last quarter of last year. The enormous costs of reconstruction should be done within a 10% deficit in the budget and a debt that exceeds by 200%! GDP, the highest in the world.
The Finance Ministry said the country has a fund of U.S. $ 5,000 million to address events of this nature. However, reconstruction costs so far are located in 30,000 million, ie six times more, and this in a picture of extreme fragility of the situation of nuclear power plants. Some estimates bolder raise costs to 100 billion ( Página/12 , 13 / 3). This is compounded by the complete paralysis of Japan's economy. The main commercial ports are closed to the export and import of goods.
There ships detained more than 80 thousand ton of iron, coal and grains. Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Subaru were forced to partially or completely suspend its plants, as the company Sony. Kan Prime Minister defined the crisis as "the worst since World War II." Given that Japan suffered two nuclear bombs during this crisis, we understand the magnitude of the current crisis that exists to make such a comparison.
global crisis.
The quake also brought down virtually all world markets. The Tokyo Stock Exchange fell 1.72% and yen depreciated 1.47% against the dollar, which obviously adds more fire to the war of currencies. However, the sector most affected by the crisis Japan are insurers, a core of world capitalist crisis. Shares of insurers suffered a fall of 6% in European and Asian exchanges. In fact, there is the danger that cutting the grade of Japanese debt, considered excellent, although its debt ratio is the highest of all the imperialist countries.
A inherent contradiction of the capitalist system, but has since thousands of bondholders and bankers to put Japanese bond debt is, obviously, priceless. A drop in the note of debt in this scenario would mean, quite simply, the Japanese government bankruptcy which could trigger a new wave of bankruptcies investment funds, bank and even States integers. Needless to say, this takes place in a time of global crisis where masses have begun to rise against the effects of capitalist bankruptcy. The consequences of a natural disaster threatens to prove fatal to an entire social system as a whole.
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