The French Socialist Party, which in this area want to be more sarkozista Sarkozy, issued a statement 11, declaring March impatient because the Western powers take to establish a no-fly zone over Libya what would be the first step of a new imperialist aggression "humanitarian." Obvious similarity in the case of Libya with Kosovo facts that preceded the devastating bombing and criminal NATO on Yugoslavia in 1999, carried out with total disregard of international humanitarian law.

opinion polls that put Marine Le Pen in pole position for the upcoming presidential elections have taken all media.
The Political Dilemma of France. The extreme right and the
Presidential elections.
Thursday March 17, 2011.
Alejandro Teitelbaum (Especially for ARGENPRESS.info)
In domestic politics, the news of last week in France has been the result of opinion polls that put Marine Le Pen, candidate of far-right National Front, in the first or second in the first round of presidential elections.
The party of President Sarkozy tries to minimize the survey, although some members say the blame is the Socialist Party, which does not offer an alternative program to the current government policy, thus leaving the way for the extreme right.
Socialists blame the government because it promotes the favorite themes of the extreme right: debates on "national identity", illegal immigration and the danger of arriving now huge masses of North African immigrants. All this against a backdrop of racism and Islamism.
The truth is that in France can be seen a proliferation of racist message, peddler in various ways by journalists, politicians, intellectuals and ordinary people .
Unless a journalist convicted for the crime of incitement to racial discrimination during a television broadcast (warmly defended in the name of freedom of expression and now star of the game Sarkozy ) and a bit grotesque episode fashion designer John Galliano for Dior, which is processed for in a bar, being drunk led to a couple racist comments, racist messages circulating widely and freely. Very recently were invited to a television broadcast a series of characters that were fought to a real festival anti-Islamic, sometimes cartoonish, but until now there has been no reaction directed against the issue or the participants.
antiracist social organizations, some far-left parties and figures of the Socialist Party denounced the escalation of racist ideas.
But with few exceptions, fail to put this climbing under the government plan to offer the popular vengeance a scapegoat the serious social situation in France characterized by unemployment, wages practically frozen, inflation, increased taxes and so forth.
So the French government's responsibility is great for bringing the country into a disastrous social situation, while benefiting the large fortunes, many of whose owners are close friends of the ruling elite. But it would expect something very different from the traditional French right.
Those who say that Socialist Party lacks a clear and coherent alternative program are correct, (the same can be said of the "left of the left") so that the political vacuum created by the rejection caused by the Government in the affected classes social problems not occupy the Socialist Party nor the extreme left but a simplistic and populist discourse, the extreme right,
For years the main task of the Socialist Party in its internal level is to try to maintain cohesion between different ideological trends, ranging from a left an outspoken moderate liberalism. Which results in lack of agenda and concrete proposals. Aggravated by the fact that there is a tendency to run as presidential candidate Dominique Strauss Kahn , current Director of the International Monetary Fund (appointed with the support of Sarkozy), an inveterate liberal who has nothing even social reformists. Strauss Kahn was finance minister Lionel Jospin , during whose government broke the record of privatization of public enterprises and services and the alignment of France on the neoliberal approach of the European construction was complete.
balance, and surveys confirm, is that Strauss Kahn comfortably win the election, because in the second round at the middle class vote "progressive", a good part of the electorate of the traditional right and small part of the popular classes, the latter to see if character change things a bit better. Although it lost votes "for left" people aware that Strauss Kahn would change something so that everything remains the same.
However, the postulation of Kahn Srauss diminish, even within the PS, because it is not defined as a candidate, may be because questions between keeping her quiet and well-paid position in the IMF and enter the unpredictability of political turmoil French.
Another possible candidate is Martine Aubry PS, who also could win the election but more precise than those Strauss Kahn, for there would engage the votes of the electorate's right, he sees "very left" but certainly it is not. As general secretary of the PS at their main job is to criticize government policy and formulate proposals vague as to not disturb any of the various currents party. Take for example recently that a sentence criticizing the party's deputy Sarkozy ("immigrants coming from the Mediterranean is to put them back on the boats") Martine Aubry said he was "horrified" and said other general . But refrained from denouncing the social roots of the current escalation racist.
The picture of the so-called left of the left France is not encouraging. The Communist Party, who left decades ago a critical focus of the system and a proposal for radical change in society, is in the final stages of a long agony. Much of its popular electorate emigrated to the National Front.
The New Anti-Capitalist Party, led by Olivier Besancenot , emerged a couple of years of ideologically heterogeneous melting of the Revolutionary Communist League, some environmentalists and independent people with vague left-wing ideas (not even to agree to give a positive name the Party) raised some hopes at the time of its creation, coming to collect some 9000 members, now reduced to less than half, who also fail to agree on an agenda and a policy of alliances.
Jean-Luc Melenchon who left the PS to the left and founded in 2009, the Parti de Gauche is a strong personality, recent author of a book entitled qu'ils s'en aillent tous! (They must all go!) Courted while rejected by the PC totally afraid of losing their identity and be reduced to the role of apparatus Melenchon.
With the withdrawal of its historic leader Arlette Laguillier, Lucha Obrera, a stronghold of a rigid policy of "class against class" and refractory to any alliance with other leftist groups, may have lost some rather its symbolic presence in the French political scene.
can put the green (Europe Ecology) in the left, well represented in the figure of its general secretary Cecile Duflot, who was precisely one of the few politicians left characterized While the current escalation of racism as a way to divert attention from the real perpetrators of the serious social situation.
In summary, the traditional right and the French extreme right being exploited successfully, given the political and ideological emptiness of the left-rejection of the other, the different, existing in dormant in many of the people (and as strong ideological conviction in a militant minority) not only in France but in all countries and vigorously hatched in the light of day when social problems are worsening. There are many examples around the world and in all ages, whose expression was bloody awful and Hitlerism.
Now Sarkozy wants to recover, (but do not succeed, his discredit is increasing) the forefront of the French right that she removed the National Front, not only to promote certain policy within France, but pretending to assume, as a new Bush international leadership on the right with his proposal to bomb Libya, so far met with some reservation by the other European countries and even USA as it emerges from the statements of Minister of Defense Obama, Robert Gates . Although in the meantime increasing the deployment of air and naval forces against Libya.
The French Socialist Party, in this area wants to be more sarkozista Sarkozy, issued a statement declaring March 11 as the Western powers eager to take to establish a zone fly over Libya, which would be the first step of a new imperialist aggression "humanitarian." Obvious similarity in the case of Libya to the events in Kosovo that preceded the devastating and criminal NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, carried out with total disregard of international law humanitarian.
opinion polls that put Marine Le Pen in pole position for the upcoming presidential elections have taken all media.
These resources have apparently not space to publish another poll conducted in January 2010 and repeated in January 2011 CEVIPOF (Center for Policy Research) of Political Science (SciencesPo) associated with the CNRS (National Centre Research) which shows that only 14% of French people have confidence in political parties political (13% in January 2011), while 51% would have more confidence and 31% no confidence.
The vast majority of French people are fed up, like many other people, having to choose in each election between the pan and the fire, which no doubt will be reflected in a high abstention rate cantonal elections of 20 and 27 March next.
And for the next presidential election if the Socialist Party, instead of seeking the candidate who can gather more votes (and Segolene Royal failed with that strategy in 2007), is not concerned with promoting a coalition left around a program to lead France out of stagnation (and left of the left is not pushing strongly in that direction), the 2012 presidential election may end in the second round in a duel between a "republican front" center -right to "lock step" with the National Front on one side and the National Front on the other, with a likely favorable outcome to the "republican front" and 2002, when Chirac won against Le Pen. But it is possible that the result is the reverse and be successful, the National Front.
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