Gaddafi Adultery no longer be a crime in Mexico
Adultery no longer be a crime in Mexico
If one happens in Mexico, be unfaithful to the wife or husband and unleash the passion with another in the marital home or in a situation that could be considered scandalous, as well as be the great anger of their partner may end up in jail behind bars and spend no less than two years. And he may be deprived of their civil rights for up to six.
That was in the XXI century the law of Mexico, which still defines adultery as a crime in Chapter IV of the Criminal Code. Until Thursday, because it seems the rule will change. In an initiative, passed by senators curiously and only male, has been approved a proposal that infidelity has ceased to be punished.
Achieved a favorable opinion of the Committee on Justice and Legislative Studies, the Senate has approved with 60 votes in favor, one against and one abstention, the resolution, which has also had the support of the PAN representatives (right) because they believe that the sanctions referred to the current legislation are difficult to enforce unless the adulterer / to be caught red-handed.
Chapter of the Criminal Code will be amended provides, inter alia, that the spouse who has to report the asulterio, but the courts will proceed against the accused and against her lover, if also be married a. also punishes 'only' consummated adultery, although it includes that if the complainant offended forgives the unfaithful, it stops all legal proceedings. But it happens that despite the initiative on Thursday, adultery is still part of the Mexican Civil Code.
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