Monday, March 21, 2011

Dental Makeover Contest In Ohio

Europe someday?. Euro House, Euro protection, defense of the economies of the Lisbon Reform Treaty.

Thinking that future , go into the decisions of the Summit and other gatherings of these days. On the same has been written and said about everything. Is just elaborate a little on the steps that have been approved for, as pointed out at first, to defend our economies, making them less vulnerable to speculative movements we have experienced and which are for me a key to the crisis that plagues us all . On occasion I stated my point of view on the matter, explaining that the globalization of the economy had blown the mechanism shattered throughout the twentieth century had been loosely constructed in Europe and had allowed us to achieve a level of stability and unprecedented prosperity in our countries and unparalleled in any other region.

Europe on the brink of implosion by multidimensional economic and financial crisis.

time React to Europe someday?.

The Euro House Euro protection, defense of

economies to the Lisbon Reform Treaty.


Home> Opinion

Miguel Angel Martinez, Vice President of European Parliament

Digital Journal la Mancha.

Monday March 21, 2011.

Laura Espinar

The Parliament supports the Eurobond issue to deal with the crisis.


latter date there have been important meetings to discuss some issues of concern in the European Union . Thus, it has held an Extraordinary Summit where leaders of 27 have faced the situation of Libya and have taken a significant step to shield our economies from the speculation that threatens us all. In this all should move the solidarity that should govern the European community, but also has advanced safety applied the saying that "when you see your neighbor's beard shaving, put yours to soak." the Parliament also has dealt with these issues, anticipating decisions would be taken by intergovernmental bodies of the Union. We had even linked the defense of the Euro and the protection of our economies to the Lisbon Reform Treaty which aims to articulate our defense against speculative move diplomatically what we call "the markets."

Remember to move forward.

At the sitting of Parliament was also held for several reminders momentous, especially for the commitments that these celebrations entail. Thus, the eighth day we stopped again in the women's rights, won after a century of awareness and mobilization, but also those who are yet to conquer. So, take the opportunity to take stock of the distance traveled, checking for a party that has made significant progress, it seems impossible, especially for young, imagine the situation of women in our societies a few decades ago. More important and inalienable reaffirm what remains to be achieved to ensure gender equality is a priority objective of social justice and progress that the European Union identified.

no less exciting and far-reaching were the acts with the eleventh day we pay tribute to victims of terrorism. We did our duty of remembrance and gratitude to those who paid with his life to denounce the monstrous terrorist violence, and fought against it to defend the right to live in freedom. English for this date still had more sense than others. Because our town is one of those who have suffered the criminal absurdity of terrorism. And because, although they may be reasonably discerned the throes of ETA action, yet to be realized the disappearance of the band. But we are also excited to go to the initiative of our Government and the European Union decided to fix this very day the date to reject the scourge of terrorism: 11M meant so much pain for our people, was thus "Europeanized" date of conviction and hope.

So proclaimed on the floor of Parliament the legitimately elected representatives of all the peoples of the United Europe. I suppose that in the minutes of silence, each one of us would face and name to whom we honored, I thought of my friends Fernando Mugica and Fernando Buesa. And I thought Pilar Manjon, President of the Association of Victims of March 11, in whom I see the living symbol of dignity in pain who has been the hardest hit. And I thought of Irene Villa, who joined us recently in Brussels, showing by example how you can overcome that same beat for love of life and the cause of justice and peace. The M11, the seventh anniversary of those terrible massacres, was a European day of solemn remembrance, and a firm commitment to present and future.

defend against speculation.

Thinking about this future, go into the decisions of the Summit and other gatherings of those days. On the same has been written and said about everything. Is just elaborate a little on the steps that have been approved for, as pointed out at first, to defend our economies, making them less vulnerable to speculative movements we have experienced and which are for me a key to the crisis that plagues us all. On occasion I stated my opinion about it, explaining that the globalization of the economy had blown the mechanism shattered throughout the twentieth century had been loosely constructed in Europe and had allowed us to reach a level of stability and unprecedented prosperity in our countries and unparalleled in any other region.

Indeed, for decades, the economy in our countries had operated freely, but subject to an acceptable transparency-one knew who, what and where it was decided, and respect for certain social values, education, health, social security ...-. But with globalization, the economy has reached a total opacity and, in the shadows, has come to put in check the most powerful states. His movement, led by characters or hidden clans operate in a flexible, efficient and above all others to any democratic political control. Apparently so do a vision of the medium to long term. Only has the immediate benefit at the expense of whatever. So crisis has occurred, it being understood that the solution must be coordinated globally, starting with Europe as we are concerned.

That is understood, looking for answers, establishing a fund of resistance that makes them less vulnerable, one by one, the partner states in the Union. And that is now enshrined qualitatively and quantitatively, with a bailout fund to strengthen each, thanks to the strong solidarity of the whole. Of course there are compensatory. I do not surprise or bother me that Germany, which will pay the largest share of insurance to protect us all, wants to change security and responsibility, subject to collective control, in behavior of all beneficiaries of the policy. We'll see how this works, considering the malice of the powers that we face and to those who want to protect.

In any case, Spain is one of the most vulnerable to piracy of speculation and therefore also one of the more interested in shielding the Euro and our economies. I insist that the price for each is to act responsibly, knowing that our stability and security depend, insurance, collective solidarity, but also our ability to meet the commitments made by all. Ensuring a strong Euro is the best guarantee for our own stability and prosperity. The rest is up to us, sharing efforts and benefits fairly.

Gaddafi and will not pass.

is no space to talk about Libya. Just remember that whenever we heard screaming "no pass" for people coping with clubs and rifles to aircraft, tanks and mercenaries, these sooner rather than later "ended up happening." And sang it at 39 Celia Gámez: "They will not, say the Marxists, and we pasao , Fascists say ... "Meanwhile, in the international community, and specifically in the European Union, not react in time, lack of mechanisms to prevent acts of state terrorism as Muammar Gaddafi is using against his people. We'll see how to conclude this, but I do not smell anything right.


left in the inkwell I tell you the opening of an exhibition in Parliament, where Heritage's countrymen, with the Mayor Jesus Fernandez Almoguera to the head, have told you what were the Carnival, banned under the Franco dictatorship. And I have a jump to Jaen, in which University I made a presentation on "the role of Europe in the XXI century world stage."

was the end of the semester, with delivery of diplomas, medals, badges and other students, doctoral candidates and professors. A university as young as our evidence of the progress and lived in Spain a few years. Especially those most in need of progress. There I met Jose Antonio Griñán , President of Andalusia , who was inaugurating a new building in that university. We spent a couple of hours together, happy to meet again and chatting, sharing experiences, hopes and commitments.

course, is also in Japan for my next eurocrónica. I refer, of course, the earthquake and tsunami, but the alleged safety of nuclear energy some have been arguing consistently, they will know what interests they serve or what ignorance.



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