We Westerners, for example, are individualistic and dualistic so focused on our identity we have great difficulty accepting different to us. tend to treat different as inferior. This provides the ideological base our spirit colonialist and imperialist to impose our values \u200b\u200baround the world and worldview. Such limitations are found in all cultures. But there are limitations and constraints. Some violate all the parameters of decency, and just simple common sense to make them unacceptable. seem more violations and crimes that cultural traditions and ancestral submitted. And it serves that anthropologists and sociologists of culture go on defending in the name of respecting differences.

Tolerance zero to FGM.
"And it can not exist Anthropologists and Sociologists of Culture
go to defend them."
ALAI. America America on the Move.
Friday March 18, 2011.
Globalization as new stage of humanity and the Earth itself, not only has contacted individuals and peoples against each other, but also has spread worldwide the virus and bacteria, plants and fruits, cooking arts and fashions, their worldviews and religions, including their values \u200b\u200band bad values. is inherent in human nature and history, not a defect but as the evolution, we are sapient and insane and therefore, emerge as contradictory beings. Hence, alongside the bright dimensions, which are the best side of human beings and for which we enrich each other dimensions also appear bleak, secular traditions that penalize large sectors of the population. Thus, we must be critical of each other, to identify inhumane practices that are no longer tolerable.
We Westerners, for example, are individualistic and dualistic , so focused on our identity that we have great difficulty accepting the different us. We tend to treat different as inferior. This provides an ideological basis to our spirit colonialist and imperialist to impose our values \u200b\u200baround the world and worldview.
Such limitations are found in all cultures. But there are limitations and constraints. Some violate all the parameters of decency, and just simple common sense to make them unacceptable. Seem more violations and crimes that cultural traditions, however ancient they arise. And it can not exist anthropologists and sociologists of culture out to defend in the name of respecting differences. What is cruel is cruel in any culture, anywhere in the world. The cruelty, inhuman, has no right to exist.
I refer specifically to female genital mutilation. centuries is practiced in 28 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and several European countries where immigration from these areas. It is estimated that worldwide there are currently between 115 and 130 million genitally mutilated women. Three million, including five hundred thousand in Europe, are still subject annually to such horrors.
What is it? This is the removal of the clitoris and labia two and in some places even suturing the labia in girls aged 4 to 14 years. This is done without any hygienic concern with scissors, knives, needles and even with sharp pieces of glass. The screams of unimaginable pain and horror, emotional impact and untold suffering, and bleeding and infections can kill, as can be seen some Internet youtubes not advise anyone to see.
In Europe, such practices are prohibited. mothers then take their daughters to their home countries under the pretext of meeting their relatives. And there awaits them this horror, that more than a cultural practice is an aggression and gross violation of human rights. Works behind most primitive machismo that seeks to prevent women's access to sexual pleasure in order for transforming the exclusive pleasure of man. Not without reason the World Health Organization denounced the practice as torture unacceptable.
I see two reasons that disqualify certain cultural traditions and we have to fight them. The first is the suffering of others. Where the cultural difference involves dehumanization and emasculation of the other, there is the limit and should be inhibited. No person is entitled to impose unreasonable hardship to another. The second reason is the Charter of Human Rights 1948 UN signed by all States. All cultural traditions are confronted with its precepts. Practices involving violation of human dignity must be prohibited and punished. The supreme law is treat human beings humanely. In genital mutilation, we find a social convention inhuman and harmful. Therefore means has been established on 6 February as International Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation.
Each day of the year and in particular each March 8, International Women's Day, we sympathize with these girls, victims of a cultural tradition and fierce enemy life and pleasure.
- theologian Leonardo Boff.
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