Globalization is the modern articulation of ideology old used by elites to transform citizens in deer and the natural world a wasteland, towards making money. Nothing is sacred to these elites. Human beings and the natural world are exploited until they are exhausted and collapse. elites are not intended to defend the common good. In sum, the defeat of rational thought and the death of humanism. The march toward self-destruction is over with 90% of large fish in the oceans and half of mature natural forests, the lungs of the planet. At this rate for 2030 exist only 10% of tropical forests on Earth. Contaminated water kills 25,000 people every day on the planet, and each year 20 million children are damaged by malnutrition.
In the new global process of capital accumulation, accumulation by dispossession, transnational corporations take him absolutely everything on planet earth. Do not leave anything.
This time we got the whole planet with us.
our natural capital, our forests,
fossil fuel, air and water.
complex societies, precarious, vulnerable
terrorized populations and elites accumulating wealth
and extravagant consumption. " *****
What to learn from past civilizations and empires? The earth is a closed system. The time is cyclical and short. There are human barriers that transform globalization into a trap. ***
Chris Hedges.
Kaosenlared. Saturday March 12, 2011.
I walked through the barren remains of Babylon in Iraq, and the ancient Roman city of Antioch, the capital of Roman Syria, now buried in silt. I visited the marble ruins of Leptis Magna, once one of the most important agricultural centers of the Roman Empire, now isolated in the desolate sand dunes southeast of Tripoli. I climbed to the fantastic temples of Tikal elderly, while bands of colorful toucans fly in the foliage of the jungle down there. I have stood among the remains of the ancient Egyptian city Luxor along the Nile, watching the statue of the great Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II broken on the floor, with the poem Ozymandias by Percy Shelley in my mind:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look
my work, your powerful, and Desperate!"
Nothing beside remains. Some deterioration of colossal ruins, huge, naked
The lone and level sands stretch into the distance.
my work, your powerful, and Desperate!"
Nothing beside remains. Some deterioration of colossal ruins, huge, naked
The lone and level sands stretch into the distance.
civilizations rise, decay and die. The time for individuals and states, as the ancient Greeks argued, is cyclical. To what societies become more complex inevitably become more precarious. Become increasingly vulnerable. And when you start to break down the population terrified and confused folds of reality, with an inability to recognize their obvious fragility and its imminent collapse. The elites at the end of phrases and speak in a language that does not correspond with reality.
take refuge in a separate space, whether in the court of Versailles or the Forbidden City and state in modern palaces. The elites are dedicated to hedonism without control, to an even more vast accumulation of wealth and extravagant consumption. Become deaf to the suffering of the masses are suppressed even more fiercely. Resources are exhausted without mercy until they are completed. And then, the empty building collapses. Roman and Sumerian empires fell well. Maya elites, then they finished with forests and rivers polluted with silt and acid turned to primitivism.
As food and water are scarce, and it expands across the globe, as increasing poverty and misery caused by street protests in the Middle East, Africa and Europe, the elites do what all elites have done. Launch more wars, build great monuments to themselves, their nations plunge into an even greater debt, and what it all comes apart get even with the workers and the poor.
The collapse of the global economy, which has erased the incredible sum of $ 40 billion ( was caused by our elites, who after destroying our manufacturing base, has sold massive amounts of mortgage-backed documents fraudulent pension funds and small investors, banks, universities, the state itself and foreign governments and their shareholders. Elites, they covered their losses when they stole the treasury to return to speculate again. They also, in the name of austerity, began to dismantle the bases of services social, breaking what was left of the labor unions, cut jobs, freeze salaries, throwing millions of people from their homes, not troubled while creating a permanent class of unemployed and underemployed.
The Maya elite became eventually, as the anthropologist Ronald Wright wrote in his notes "A short history of progress," ... "extremist and ultra conservative, sticking out until the last drops of profit nature and humanity. "This is like all civilizations, including ours, ossify and die. The signs of impending death are impossible to deny. Common sense demands a radical response. But the race for the self-immolation only accelerated by the moral and intellectual paralysis. As Sigmund Freud thought in Beyond the Pleasure Principle "and" Civilization and its Discontents ", human societies are intoxicated and blinded by their own race to the death and destruction, much as they are by the search erotic satisfaction.
uprisings in the Middle East, self-destruction of national economies such as Ireland and Greece, the growing anger of the working class at home and abroad, the growing desperation of human migration and the refusal to stop our relentless destruction of the ecosystem in dependent life itself are all signs of our collapse, due to the idiocy of our elite and madness of globalization. The protests that are not built around a complete reconfiguration of American society, including the rapid dismantling of the empire and the corporate state, can only delay the inevitable. We will be saved only by the birth of a new militant radicalism that seeks to overthrow our corrupt elite of power, and not to negotiate better terms with it.
The global economy is built on the mistaken belief that the market-read, must better human greed to dictate human behavior and ever expanding economies. Globalism works under the belief that the ecosystem can continue to be beaten by massive carbon emissions without serious consequences. And the machinery of global economic expansion is based on there will always be cheap and plentiful oil. The inability to confront some simple truths about human nature and the natural world makes elites paradigms unable to articulate social, economic and political new. Just looking for ways to perpetuate a dying system.
Globalization is the modern articulation of the old ideology used by elites to transform citizens in deer and the natural world into a wasteland, in pursuit of making money. Nothing is sacred to these elites. Human beings and the natural world are exploited until they are exhausted and collapse. The elites do not seek to defend the common good. In short, is the defeat of rational thought and the death of humanism. The march toward self-destruction has already completed 90% of large fish in the oceans and half of mature natural forests, the lungs of the planet. At this rate by 2030 there will be only 10% of tropical forests on Earth. Contaminated water kills 25,000 people every day on the planet, and each year 20 million children are damaged by malnutrition.
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now over 350 parts per million and the majority of climate scientists warn us that is the maximum level to sustain life as we know. [Editor's note: the preceding sentence has been revised since this article was first published here.] Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change estimates that the measure could reach from 541 to 970 ppm by 2100. At that point, huge areas of the planet, suffering from overpopulation, drought, soil erosion, unexpected storms, grain mass failure and rising sea levels, would be unfit for human existence.
Jared Diamond in his essay "The Last American" Note that by the time Hernán Cortés reached Yucatan Maya million had disappeared.
"Why," writes Diamond, "kings and nobles failed to recognize and solve these problems? The biggest reason was that their attention was evidently focused on short-term problems for enrichment, wars, put up monuments, competing with them, and extracting enough food from the peasants to support these activities. "
" Pumping the oil, cut down the trees and fish these fish may benefit the elite giving more money and prestige and yet be bad for society (including children of the elite) long term, "Diamond said. "The Maya kings were consumed by the immediate concerns for their prestige (requiring larger and larger churches) and their success in the next war (requiring more fans), rather than the happiness of the commoners or the next generation. Those people with greater decision-making in our society today make money regularly in activities that can be bad for society as such and for their own children, between the decision makers are the executives of Enron, many who develop the land (construction ), and who demand tax cuts for the rich. "
was no different on Easter Island. When the inhabitants arrived on the island of 64 square miles in the 5th century, they found plenty of fresh water and forests filled with Chilean Wine Palm, a tree can be as large as the oak. The seafood, including fish, seals, porpoises and turtles and nesting seabirds were abundant. The society of Easter Island, which was divided into a caste system developed by nobles, priests and commoners, had increased by five or six centuries to 10,000 people. Natural resources were swallowed and began to disappear.
"The forests were cut down to grow grain that would lead to an increase in population but also to soil erosion and declining fertility soil, "Paul Bahn and John Flenley write in" Easter Island, Earth Earth, or Easter Island, Earth Island. "" Gradually more land will be deforested. Trees and shrubs will be cut to make canoes, firewood, house construction and wood and ropes necessary to raise statues. The fruits of Palma will be eaten, reducing the regeneration of the palm. Rats, introduced with food, can feed on palm fruits, multiplying rapidly and completely preventing regeneration of the palm. The over-exploitation of prolific seabirds would have eliminated the islands except far the coast. Rats may have helped in this process by eating their eggs. Provided abundant food for fish, seabirds and rats would have increased the initial growth of the population.
Increasing human population pressure would then limitless availability of land, leading to disputes and eventually war. The lack of wood and strings made it impossible to carve more statues. Disillusioned with the effectiveness of the religion of the statues as to provide for the needs of people may have been that people leave the cult. The lack of restrictions on fishing boats and led to a further decline in the provision of protein. The result may have been a general famine, war and the collapse of the entire economy, leading to a sharp population decline. "
clans in the aftermath of the civilization of Easter Island, competed for the honor of their ancestors built stone images ever larger, they demanded the use of what remained of wood, rope and labor on the island. By 1400 there were no forests. The soil was eroded and was washed into the sea. The Islanders began to fight among themselves for the remaining wood and had to eat their dogs and soon nesting seabirds.
desperation, the islanders developed a system of beliefs that the gods raised stone moai, come to life and save them from disaster. The last refuge in magic characterizes all societies that fall into terminal decline. It is a desperate response to the loss of control, hopelessness and powerlessness. The desperate turn to magic was dancing ghosts of the Cherokee, the Taki Onqoy lost and rebelled against the English invaders in Peru and the Aztec prophecy of 1530. Civilizations in their last moments are completely separated from reality, a reality that becomes very depressing to be absorbed.
The modern belief in the Christian Bible in ecstasy, does not exist in biblical literature, It is no less fantastic when one accepts deny the reality of global warming or evolution, or accept the absurd theory that the righteous are to be saved and will be floating naked in paradise at the end of time, is falling in same. Faith that science and technology are morally neutral and serve human ambition, become whole once again the world is no less illusory. Magical Thinking We both secular and religious.
think we have somehow escaped the mistakes of the past. We are confident that we are wiser and larger than were others before us. Naively believe in the inevitability of our own salvation. And who provide false hope, especially as things deteriorate, receive our adulation and praise. We in the United States, we are only 5% of the world's population, but we are outraged if someone tells us we have no divine right to wasteful consumption levels 25% of the world's energy. President Jimmy Carter, when he suggested that consumption was not beneficial, was transformed into a figure of national ridicule. As things get worse we demand even more deluded and happy speech. Those who are willing to provide that fantasy and illusion are, because we are politically passive, very generously supported and promoted by corporate and oligarchic forces. And at the very end have to bring happiness to the cliff the same simpletons and lunatics, many of whom seem to be lining up now for the nomination of Republican presidential candidate (in USA).
"Can, events that occurred 300 years ago in a small island, have significance for the world?" Bahn and Flenley asked. "We believe so. We believe that Easter Island is a microcosm that provides a model for the entire planet. Like Earth, Easter Island was a closed system. People thought they were the only survivors on Earth, all other lands deep in the sea. They carried out for us this experiment unrestricted population growth, resource use without measure, environmental destruction and believe with confidence that their religion is responsible for the future. The result was an ecological disaster that led to a population collapse.
As food and water are scarce, and it expands across the globe, as increasing poverty and misery caused by street protests in the Middle East, Africa and Europe, the elites do what all elites have done. Launch more wars, build great monuments to themselves, their nations plunge into an even greater debt, and what it all comes apart get even with the workers and the poor.
The collapse of the global economy, which has erased the incredible sum of $ 40 billion ( was caused by our elites, who after destroying our manufacturing base, has sold massive amounts of mortgage-backed documents fraudulent pension funds and small investors, banks, universities, the state itself and foreign governments and their shareholders. Elites, they covered their losses when they stole the treasury to return to speculate again. They also, in the name of austerity, began to dismantle the bases of services social, breaking what was left of the labor unions, cut jobs, freeze salaries, throwing millions of people from their homes, not troubled while creating a permanent class of unemployed and underemployed.
The Maya elite became eventually, as the anthropologist Ronald Wright wrote in his notes "A short history of progress," ... "extremist and ultra conservative, sticking out until the last drops of profit nature and humanity. "This is like all civilizations, including ours, ossify and die. The signs of impending death are impossible to deny. Common sense demands a radical response. But the race for the self-immolation only accelerated by the moral and intellectual paralysis. As Sigmund Freud thought in Beyond the Pleasure Principle "and" Civilization and its Discontents ", human societies are intoxicated and blinded by their own race to the death and destruction, much as they are by the search erotic satisfaction.
uprisings in the Middle East, self-destruction of national economies such as Ireland and Greece, the growing anger of the working class at home and abroad, the growing desperation of human migration and the refusal to stop our relentless destruction of the ecosystem in dependent life itself are all signs of our collapse, due to the idiocy of our elite and madness of globalization. The protests that are not built around a complete reconfiguration of American society, including the rapid dismantling of the empire and the corporate state, can only delay the inevitable. We will be saved only by the birth of a new militant radicalism that seeks to overthrow our corrupt elite of power, and not to negotiate better terms with it.
The global economy is built on the mistaken belief that the market-read, must better human greed to dictate human behavior and ever expanding economies. Globalism works under the belief that the ecosystem can continue to be beaten by massive carbon emissions without serious consequences. And the machinery of global economic expansion is based on there will always be cheap and plentiful oil. The inability to confront some simple truths about human nature and the natural world makes elites paradigms unable to articulate social, economic and political new. Just looking for ways to perpetuate a dying system.
Globalization is the modern articulation of the old ideology used by elites to transform citizens in deer and the natural world into a wasteland, in pursuit of making money. Nothing is sacred to these elites. Human beings and the natural world are exploited until they are exhausted and collapse. The elites do not seek to defend the common good. In short, is the defeat of rational thought and the death of humanism. The march toward self-destruction has already completed 90% of large fish in the oceans and half of mature natural forests, the lungs of the planet. At this rate by 2030 there will be only 10% of tropical forests on Earth. Contaminated water kills 25,000 people every day on the planet, and each year 20 million children are damaged by malnutrition.
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now over 350 parts per million and the majority of climate scientists warn us that is the maximum level to sustain life as we know. [Editor's note: the preceding sentence has been revised since this article was first published here.] Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change estimates that the measure could reach from 541 to 970 ppm by 2100. At that point, huge areas of the planet, suffering from overpopulation, drought, soil erosion, unexpected storms, grain mass failure and rising sea levels, would be unfit for human existence.
Jared Diamond in his essay "The Last American" Note that by the time Hernán Cortés reached Yucatan Maya million had disappeared.
"Why," writes Diamond, "kings and nobles failed to recognize and solve these problems? The biggest reason was that their attention was evidently focused on short-term problems for enrichment, wars, put up monuments, competing with them, and extracting enough food from the peasants to support these activities. "
" Pumping the oil, cut down the trees and fish these fish may benefit the elite giving more money and prestige and yet be bad for society (including children of the elite) long term, "Diamond said. "The Maya kings were consumed by the immediate concerns for their prestige (requiring larger and larger churches) and their success in the next war (requiring more fans), rather than the happiness of the commoners or the next generation. Those people with greater decision-making in our society today make money regularly in activities that can be bad for society as such and for their own children, between the decision makers are the executives of Enron, many who develop the land (construction ), and who demand tax cuts for the rich. "
was no different on Easter Island. When the inhabitants arrived on the island of 64 square miles in the 5th century, they found plenty of fresh water and forests filled with Chilean Wine Palm, a tree can be as large as the oak. The seafood, including fish, seals, porpoises and turtles and nesting seabirds were abundant. The society of Easter Island, which was divided into a caste system developed by nobles, priests and commoners, had increased by five or six centuries to 10,000 people. Natural resources were swallowed and began to disappear.
"The forests were cut down to grow grain that would lead to an increase in population but also to soil erosion and declining fertility soil, "Paul Bahn and John Flenley write in" Easter Island, Earth Earth, or Easter Island, Earth Island. "" Gradually more land will be deforested. Trees and shrubs will be cut to make canoes, firewood, house construction and wood and ropes necessary to raise statues. The fruits of Palma will be eaten, reducing the regeneration of the palm. Rats, introduced with food, can feed on palm fruits, multiplying rapidly and completely preventing regeneration of the palm. The over-exploitation of prolific seabirds would have eliminated the islands except far the coast. Rats may have helped in this process by eating their eggs. Provided abundant food for fish, seabirds and rats would have increased the initial growth of the population.
Increasing human population pressure would then limitless availability of land, leading to disputes and eventually war. The lack of wood and strings made it impossible to carve more statues. Disillusioned with the effectiveness of the religion of the statues as to provide for the needs of people may have been that people leave the cult. The lack of restrictions on fishing boats and led to a further decline in the provision of protein. The result may have been a general famine, war and the collapse of the entire economy, leading to a sharp population decline. "
clans in the aftermath of the civilization of Easter Island, competed for the honor of their ancestors built stone images ever larger, they demanded the use of what remained of wood, rope and labor on the island. By 1400 there were no forests. The soil was eroded and was washed into the sea. The Islanders began to fight among themselves for the remaining wood and had to eat their dogs and soon nesting seabirds.
desperation, the islanders developed a system of beliefs that the gods raised stone moai, come to life and save them from disaster. The last refuge in magic characterizes all societies that fall into terminal decline. It is a desperate response to the loss of control, hopelessness and powerlessness. The desperate turn to magic was dancing ghosts of the Cherokee, the Taki Onqoy lost and rebelled against the English invaders in Peru and the Aztec prophecy of 1530. Civilizations in their last moments are completely separated from reality, a reality that becomes very depressing to be absorbed.
The modern belief in the Christian Bible in ecstasy, does not exist in biblical literature, It is no less fantastic when one accepts deny the reality of global warming or evolution, or accept the absurd theory that the righteous are to be saved and will be floating naked in paradise at the end of time, is falling in same. Faith that science and technology are morally neutral and serve human ambition, become whole once again the world is no less illusory. Magical Thinking We both secular and religious.
think we have somehow escaped the mistakes of the past. We are confident that we are wiser and larger than were others before us. Naively believe in the inevitability of our own salvation. And who provide false hope, especially as things deteriorate, receive our adulation and praise. We in the United States, we are only 5% of the world's population, but we are outraged if someone tells us we have no divine right to wasteful consumption levels 25% of the world's energy. President Jimmy Carter, when he suggested that consumption was not beneficial, was transformed into a figure of national ridicule. As things get worse we demand even more deluded and happy speech. Those who are willing to provide that fantasy and illusion are, because we are politically passive, very generously supported and promoted by corporate and oligarchic forces. And at the very end have to bring happiness to the cliff the same simpletons and lunatics, many of whom seem to be lining up now for the nomination of Republican presidential candidate (in USA).
"Can, events that occurred 300 years ago in a small island, have significance for the world?" Bahn and Flenley asked. "We believe so. We believe that Easter Island is a microcosm that provides a model for the entire planet. Like Earth, Easter Island was a closed system. People thought they were the only survivors on Earth, all other lands deep in the sea. They carried out for us this experiment unrestricted population growth, resource use without measure, environmental destruction and believe with confidence that their religion is responsible for the future. The result was an ecological disaster that led to a population collapse.
... Do we have to repeat the experiment on a larger scale? Do we have to be as cynical as Henry Ford and say, 'The story is silly "? Is it not more sensible to learn from the lesson that tells the story of Easter Island and apply it to the Earth Island in which we live? "
Humans seem to suffer the curse of having to repeat these cycles of exploitation and collapse. And with a larger size of the deterioration is less able to understand what is happening around them. The Earth is littered with remains of human folly and arrogance. We seem doomed to go us and take our species to extinction, but now seem to live the outcome of what has been established and civilized life of the planet that began about 5000 years ago. Nothing left on the planet to make. We are spending the last of our natural capital, including our forests, fossil fuel, the air and water.
This time the fall, our fall has to be global. There are no new lands to plunder, no new people to exploit. The technology, which over time and space constraints, our global village has become a global death trap. The fate of Easter Island is to be written large over the extension of the planet Earth.
(Translate Nora Fernández)
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