Measuring global presence. Emerging
emerging economic powers.
***** USA is not as decadent or Europe so insignificant, according to an index of the Real Instituto Elcano. Of course, China's rise is real. Spain, meanwhile, increased its outreach, against domestic topic. ***
TRIBUNE: Ignacio Iliana Molina and Olivia.
Thursday March 24, 2011.
In the eighties and early nineties, the current process of globalization is understood primarily as an acceleration of economic interdependence. More recently it has become a phenomenon that transcends the commercial or financial and operations in other areas-security, environment, labor market, education, access to information, culture. This transformation, which so affects the daily life or the role State, also has a logical reflection on international relations that reflect, for example, in the blurring of the boundary between domestic and foreign policy, the increasing role of private actors, the rise of multilateralism, strengthening the European integration, the emergence of new powers or the supposed decline of American hegemony.
Austria attracts more immigrants than Brazil, and Greece beats South Africa in scientific texts
Spain expanded into the world in the last two decades, closing 2010 at the ninth position
However, to date , studies on globalization, while recognizing all these effects on world politics have hardly ventured into the objective analysis of the position occupied by various countries in the new global map. Yes there have been some attempts to measure the internal degree of globalization, accounting, for example, the percentage of international economic flows, personal communication, but these interesting works do more to demonstrate the remarkable degree of openness of Singapore and Estonia as to provide an accurate picture of the actual projection of each country in the different dimensions of contemporary international relations.
Therefore, from the Real Instituto Elcano and with the broad participation of experts, consultants and public policy makers, has worked on the methodology of an index that quantifies and finally add 14 variables relating specifically to tangible results internationally in economic, military, scientific, social and cultural. When calculated on an annual basis and compared to over 50 countries, this new tool to analyze not only large global trends, but also better understand the strategies and effectiveness of international promotion and diplomatic efforts of the countries included.
The first results of this index Elcano Global Presence (IEPG), considering both the past data available at December 31, 2010 as a retrospective reconstruction since 1990, can be summarized into three major conclusions. First, the United States is confirmed as the only global superpower since the end of the Cold War, with a comfortable lead in the ranking of presence that more or less triple its four immediate followers, Germany, France, UK and China or almost four times to Japan and Russia who are in sixth and seventh. However, only in the military section and some indicators of cultural and scientific dissemination, the global picture is clearly unipolar. In contrast, with regard to financial flows, human development cooperation is greatly reduced the U.S. advantage.
The second major empirical finding of measurement is that European countries are very well positioned in almost all dimensions, with an overseas presence significantly higher than that occupied by size of GDP. Both the highly developed as the large number of countries who live on a continent so connected to each other and the rest of the world explain this. Thus, despite the undoubted appearance on the global scene of so-called BRIC, it is interesting to note that in absolute terms Austria still attracts immigrants twice as Brazil, Denmark beats Russia in trade in services, Slovenia triples results in India sports Overall, Luxembourg as many troops deployed abroad as China and Greece exceeds South Africa in international scientific publications, a contrast that naturally increases if the above examples apply to medium or large European countries, in addition to a much greater capacity projection in some cases benefit from a major economic and cultural up on their old possessions.
However, if instead of the current snapshot serves trends in the evolution of the presence since 1990, the third conclusion quite qualifies the thesis of a globalization fundamentally Western. Indeed, as the U.S. or Europe are eroding slowly its global presence in almost all categories, there are several dimensions, such as trade or technology, where the role of other regions rises rapidly and is clearly dominant, as in power. Undoubtedly the most striking growth is China, which also occupy the first position as world export of goods, could soon become the second biggest global presence continues to transform its high if the internal potential in overseas presence, ie , as to be provided strategic military equipment which is still lacking, their firms to increase the still low volume of foreign direct investment or its university system improvement in international appeal. A pattern that, at a lower level may also be given for the rest of emerging.
findings are also interesting for the English case. To begin with, and against the impressionistic analysis underlies our very confronted both political and media debate, the data show that our country has a strong and sustained expansion of outreach in the past two decades that has only been surpassed in Western Europe, although obviously smaller scale, Ireland. Spain ended 2010 to occupy the ninth position in global presence, a short distance from Italy and about the same position within the ranking of GDP, with very relevant to human attraction (Third World), export of services (six) or development aid (sixth), and a position equivalent to its economic weight in relation to the foreign presence of multinationals, the cultural influence, the military or even sports.
But analysts to disprove naysayers or surface does not mean that there is no complacency. And this for three reasons. First, it remains true that changes in government are not so significant as to alter the broad patterns in the short term, yes that trends can change as a result of some major impacts, for example, the crisis that began three years ago.
also because, as noted earlier, emerging countries are called upon to project much more and, although the global presence is not a zero sum game, the role of the new powers if you move in certain dimensions Spain. Finally, because the English result suffers from serious weaknesses in terms of technology and internationalization of education. Spain ranks only 17 th in the world in number of export-oriented patents, and despite being one of the most attractive countries in the world to visit, work or reside, your system university is only 14 ยบ of the world flow of foreign students, some disturbing facts to the extent that it is precisely in the field of training and innovation where countries play the future of its international expansion.
addition, besides the above, be the ninth in the globalization does not necessarily mean being the ninth of globalization, and the hue prepositional means that the new index shows only the projection objective achieved in the different dimensions without judging whether Diplomatic action is taking advantage of that privileged position, that is, if our foreign policy is also the ninth in the world and is capable of turn influence the global presence in shaping the emerging global governance according to our values \u200b\u200band interests.
are principal investigators and coordinators Real Instituto Elcano Elcano Index Global Presence (IEPG).
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