has invited the public to support unconditionally a new stage of war in North Africa . The so-called international community has built consensus through media propaganda. The "responsibility to protect" has received support from organizations civil society and NGOs. Many sectors of the progressive left support the bombing of Libya as a means to democracy, without even analyze the nature and composition of rebellion. Proponents of the war lords, new forms of colonialism, military occupation of part of the western powers: asked "Where is the emerging Civil Society, where the power of millions of young that I knew that they at first and last instance were the central figures of removing power to the dictator Gaddafi? O is that "revolution" internal had other political objectives and that it was simply "infected" and imitated the experience of Tunisia and Egypt. Indeed there is "world" to clarify politically.

Objectives of the "humanitarian bombing" of Libya: Death
and destruction.
Michel Chossudovsky.
Global Research.
Rebellion .- Saturday March 26, 2011.
Translated by Silvia Arana.
The bombing of civilians
The goal is not going to rescue civilians. Quite the contrary. Have been pre-selected targets of military attacks and civil. Civilian casualties are unintentional. They are the result of "collateral damage." There were reports confirming that hospitals have been bombed, civilian airports and government buildings.
Hours after the air strikes a health official said the Libyan government that "the death toll from the bombings rose to 64 West on Sunday after he passed away several wounded." The number of wounded was about 150 ( Montreal Gazette, Gadhafi Hurls defiance as allied forces strike Libya, March 19, 2011).
The death toll due to air raids and missile attacks (March 24) is about 100 civilians, according to the Libyan government ( UN Chief Expects to Avoid Int'l Community Civilian Casualties in Libya , March 25, 2011).
media disinformation. deaths caused by missile attacks and airstrikes by US-NATO have denied or ignored as "collateral damage." According to the Foreign Secretary of Britain, William Hague, a modern humanitarian war no causes the death of civilians, totally absurd proposition:
"This operation has been doing what was supposed to do, protect the civilian population of Libya and there is no confirmed evidence of any civilian death caused by coalition attacks against the regime of Gaddafi "(British Foreign Secretary William Hague, No Evidence of Civilian Casualties in Libya strikes: Reuters UK, March 25, 2011)
Secretary of Defense U.S. Robert Gates confirmed that: "The coalition takes great efforts to avoid civilian casualties and most of the attacks are aimed at targets far away from populated areas. "
The purpose of the disinformation campaign of the media is blatantly cover up civilian deaths. The Western media reports of casualties are extremely indirect. Missiles Tomahawk and aerial bombardments are presented as instruments of peace and democracy, do not kill civilians.
Without this disinformation campaign, the legitimacy of military operations would collapse like a deck of cards.
Hundreds of people gathered at a funeral in Libya, and this was labeled as a propaganda action Gaddafi. The funeral was false, according to Western reports. He introduced himself as a "staging."
According to one of the reports: "Men pray for people who supposedly died in the airstrikes. But it is unclear who is in the coffin" (See Civilian Casualties in Question at Tripoli Funeral - WSJ.com , March 24, 2011, In Libya, a mystery carry coffins , SMH, March 26, 2011).
humanitarian bombing and the responsibility to protect.
The purpose of this bombing is the destruction of the country's institutions, its productive base. This called "humanitarian bombing." It is used as justification for the concept of "Responsibility to protect." Power generating facilities, bridges, roads, hospitals, television stations, government buildings, factories are designated "strategic targets".
A report (unconfirmed) Libyan sources said that bombed two hospitals and a clinic:
"They attacked Tajura hospitals and Saladin Al-Ain Zara. Clinical that is bombed near Tripoli, the Libyan capital. Not only is civil buildings, but also are far from the combat zone. "
were also attacks some civil airports in different parts of Libya. (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Breaking News: Attacked Libyan Hospitals. Libyan Source: Three Jets Downed French , Global Research, March 19, 2011).
In the case of attacks on hospitals, "smart" bombs were extremely accurate. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia accused a Western military coalition to carry out a campaign of indiscriminate bombing. ( Metro - Russia: Stop 'indiscriminate' bombing of Libya , March 19, 2011)
Western media will continue to hold unchanged Gaddafi's forces bombarded the country's hospitals, without providing any evidence .
There is evidence that hospitals are included in the list of targets to attack. For the Canadian CF-18 aircraft were assigned specific civilian targets. The pilots decided to return to base without attacking the preset goal, which was identified as a civilian airport. According to press reports, was next to a hospital, "Lawson said that the action did not respond to any risk for CF-18 aircraft but drivers tried to avoid potential damage to civilians or critical infrastructure such as hospitals " ( CTV Calgary-Canadian pilots abort bombing over Risk to Civilians - CTV News , March 23, 2011, emphasis added by author)
has invited the public to support an unconditional new theater of war in North Africa. The so-called international community has managed to build a consensus through the media propaganda.
The "responsibility to protect" has received support from civil society organizations and NGOs. Many sectors of the progressive left supported the bombing of Libya as a means to democracy, without even analyzing the nature and composition of the rebellion.
Those who express themselves against the "no-fly zone" declared by U.S. and NATO are immediately labeled as "apologists for Gaddafi."
The Yugoslav model of "humanitarian bombing"
The humanitarian bombing is part of a historical process. It is part of military planning.
The campaign of "humanitarian bombing" Libya is an integral component of military strategy of destroying the civilian infrastructure of the country. It has become the model used previously in other sites, including the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and the military campaign against Iraq in 2003.
When bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, bridges, power stations, schools and hospitals were designated as "legitimate targets of attack" by the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC according to its acronym in English) NATO in Vincenza, Italy, and carefully "validated before the release of attack." Libya is using the same procedure: the military and civilian targets are approved in advance. Pilots do not always know the precise nature of the target.
In 1999 the children's hospital located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe embassy was the target of an airstrike. Had been identified by the military in charge of the plan as a strategic target.
NATO acknowledged his authorship but insisting that it was to "save the lives" of newborns. Not blasted the section of the hospital where babies were but where they were attacked the electric generators, which broke the power of the incubators. This meant that the entire hospital was disabled and many children died.
I visited the hospital a year after the bombing of June 2002 and saw with my own eyes what they had done with the utmost precision. These are war crimes committed with the most advanced military technology, with so-called "smart bombs."
In Yugoslavia, the civilian population was the target of attacks: hospitals, airports, government buildings, factories, infrastructure, not to mention the seventeenth century churches and historical sites and cultural heritage as part of the country.
The diabolical purpose of triggering an environmental catastrophe in the Danube River Basin contained in the plan. NATO attacked a petrochemical plant in Pancevo, near Belgrade. The goal was not only destroy the plant but also trigger an environmental catastrophe. How did they do?
"A heat generator of images from a spy satellite or a plane can detect infrared radiation emitted from any object that is in the petrochemical plant and converts that reading in a high-resolution image or photograph ... In the words of a Pentagon spokesman, "takes a picture from a high altitude, is issued to a recipient in the United States, where it is analyzed quickly." And from there, "the information of the correct targets" is relayed to the CAOC in Vicenza, which in turn sends it to the people in the cabin. "
The" smart bombs "are not dumb, they tell them where to go. NATO has identified in detail the containers, tanks and tanks containing toxic materials. According to the statement by the director of the petrochemical plant, NATO did not target in any empty container: "This was not accidental; chosen as targets of full containers and chemicals spilled into the canal that flows into the Danube ..." When the "smart bombs" were in their white lethal Pancevo, toxic fluids and gases released into the atmosphere, water and soil. "There was a leak of more than a thousand tons of ethylene dichloride Poncevo petrochemical complex to the Danube (via the channel that connects the plant to the river). Also shed more than a thousand tons of sodium hydroxide. And about thousand tons of hydrogen chloride increased from Pancevo to the river Danube. "
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