
M. Yunus. The founder of the Bank for the Poor. Nobel Peace Prize 2006.
YUNUS. Nobel Peace Prize.
Father of Microcredit, is removed from the Bank of
Poor, by the government of the day.
Pablo Raul Fernandez Llerena.
Arequipa March 12, 2011.
Again in History , political arrogance, attacks against institutions that if they are recognized for their work on behalf of the poor. The first week of this month, the government of Bangladesh is the subject of some criticism by dismissing to Mohammad Yunus, known as "banker to the poor", the position of Director of Grameen Bank , or "Bank of the Poor" founded by himself. The economist was awarded in 2006 with the Nobel Peace Prize. Bangladesh, a country where poverty is concentrated really absolute in its maximum dimension. Where there is poverty itself and where intervention or the presence of the state and its different and / or successive governments is VOID.
Yunus and his work extraordinarily human, the "bank for the poor," is currently recognition world, as the initiator of a truly viable alternative in the fight against poverty and not need the millions of dollars from international agencies or supranational bodies, but based on their own efforts - their contribution of less than 30 000 U.S. dollar retirement product at a U.S. university - safety in special loans to poor women and extremely poor quality, morality and responsibility in the return of credit. Yunus and thousands of women from Bangladesh and later around the world have raised the largest and most prestigious Bank of the Poor .
The micro credit is now one of the financial strengths makes viable alternative effective fight against poverty and not billions of dollars spent , or leafy of bureaucracy supranational institutions - IMF, WB, IDB, EU, OECD, UN, - inefficient until now, or national agencies themselves represent only narrow interests of different governments rejuran who swear and their struggle against pobreza.Igual destructive role, corrupt, promises or deception, they fulfill some NGOs, churches groups , boards, institutions of relief, etc. That most of them only served to "fix" its good pockets.
Even raised global public policy within the United Nations as the year 2.000 "Millennium Goals" Goals, ratified in 2005 and reaffirmed in 2010, have not had the results that the world expected , especially the poor, poorer. For us, the proposed methodology, the structured analysis and the policies were due to a focus simply "external" epidermal circumstantial true reality of poverty by their structural and multidimensional is constitutive of the social and economic inequality and therefore treatment should be comprehensive, ie poverty, education, health care, child nutrition, employment, wages, informal transport, electricity, water , drainage, public safety, communication, roads, credit, micro credit, market, etc. If we work well. We can responsibly move forward with firm steps and especially with the active participation and commitment of the people themselves.
Central Bank, which took the decision on Wednesday, argued that his residence was illegal and that he should leave office 10 years ago. Yunus, 70, challenged the order the next day. Local and foreign supporters have criticized the government for the measure. "I acted according to the law of the bank," was justified, the chairman of the board of directors of Grameen.
The new "president" recently appointed by the government, which owns 25 percent of the shares of the institution. The assistant will serve as an interim Yunus.
But Yunus ignored the order and attended on Thursday to work at Grameen Bank headquarters in Dhaka and stayed up late, said a spokeswoman for the institution. "The Grameen Bank with legal advice, reads a statement released Wednesday by the institution that meets current standards. "We also respect the law, according to advisers in relation to the bank's founder, the laureate Professor Yunus, to remain in office."
economics professor founded the Grameen Bank in 1983 . The institution focused world attention on small loans, easy to apply to benefit unemployed women can not access security. The model was replicated by all parties, which won him the Nobel Peace Prize.
The government aims to discredit Yunus.
"If age is a problem, why wait 10 years", they ask, against the arrogance of the government. "I do not think there are good intentions behind it. can not get out of poverty so many people trapped in a vicious cycle of debt." However, many analysts speculate that the prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, is not happy with Yunus. Just because the teacher has acknowledged the appreciation, respect and worldwide example in the fight against poverty, in an efficient and effective, given mostly to the particular support of millions of poor women in the world, who see in his work rather than investment, the story or the promise of billions of dollars, but the strength, courage, strength and confidence in his work, microcredit, which belongs to them mimas. That is for us the origin of the animosity, rivalry and fear that if labor works and without corruption, mafias and no less than theft or assailants.
The Norwegian television broadcast in November 2010 a documentary film that revived an old controversy over a fund transfer of Norwegian assistance to Grameen to avoid taxes, according to the rules of the 90. The government of that country abolished the charges in December, but that of Bangladesh created a committee to review the bank's activities.
In January, Hasina accused Yunus to "trap" to evade taxes and lender, to "suck the blood of the poor in the name of poverty alleviation." The government's action may be in retaliation for criticism of Yunus old. After coming to power of an interim government, backed by the army and in a context of violence four years ago, the Nobel Prize told the French news agency AFP that politicians "chasing the money."
Yunus tried to create a major political party when many were prisoners or fugitives, but never succeeded. Hasina, detained by the interim government, won a landslide victory in general elections in December 2008 and formed a government.
Yunus was recently prosecuted for defamation by his statements then and faced two counts of fraud, which had to bail. The trials were for political purposes.
The international alliance Friends of Grameen, headed by former Irish President Mary Robinson , active advocate and leader in the worldwide protection of Human Rights, said in February that Yunus was the victim of a " political vilification. "
Firing Yunus, "is very sad," said international development minister of Norway, Erik Solheim . "What we see is a brutal power struggle in Bangladesh."
government representatives met with foreign diplomats to explain the reasons for the dismissal of Yunus. harms the country's image, they acknowledged, but the government had no choice, and insisted that there was no vindictiveness behind the move. "We called attention several times," he said.
"The U.S. is very concerned," said Ambassador of that country in Bangladesh. "humiliate a man of his stature at home will do you no good to Bangladesh."
"It's not important who is the director of Grameen Bank, the institution has eight million beneficiaries around the country should not be affected, "said Yunus on Thursday after the court hearing that challenged his dismissal.
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