Bibliography to change the world.
our selection of books on Marxist thought.
Fietta Jarque.
Lost Papers. Saturday March 19, 2011.
Marx Lounge is a bright red room, silent, with a long table full of books and armchairs invite you to stay, read, thinking. The Chilean artist Alfredo Jaar has provided this facility in the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo ( Sevilla) to make visible a personal selection of books about the axis of Marxist thought published, mostly in recent decades.
Because after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism, the ideas of Karl Marx trials continue to incite, attitudes and debates among the most brilliant intellectuals of our time. "All we are glad that communism, Stalinism oppressive, it ended in 1990.'s Dead ... But twenty years later, we're realizing that the social democratic welfare state has also come to an end," says Slavoj Zizek , one of the leading characters of this trend in the (gesture) attached video (sorry, could not find it with English subtitles). Are there solutions?
What follows is an exception in a blog like this, by extension. But consider that his interest warrants. It is the literature that unfolds in Marx Lounge who have given us the organizers. According Jaar, it contained all the necessary ideas to change the world. Who are not encouraged to read it all (it would take a couple of years will surely find plenty ...), and exciting titles to awaken the mind. Perhaps to act ...
BIBLIOGRAPHY MARX LOUNGE : Let's change the world (various authors).
Bruce Ackerman : Before they attack us. Theodor W. Adorno : Review of Culture and Society II, Minima Moralia, Critique of Culture and Society, vol.1, Aesthetic Theory. Giorgio Agamben Defile, Homo Sacer. The sovereign power and the silent life means endless, The Coming Community, Nymphs, The Open, The Clash of Fundamentalisms. Tariq Ali : Conversations with Edward Said; Fear of mirrors Bush in Babylon. Louis Althusser : Marx within its boundaries. Samir Amin : The liberal virus. Mario Amoros Quiles : Companion president. R. Benedict Anderson : Under three flags. Jon Lee Anderson : Che Guevara.
Perry Anderson : Spectrum: From right to left in the world of ideas. Hannah Arendt : Men in dark times, times in mind, Karl Marx and the tradition of Western political thought, Eichmann in Jerusalem. Giovanni Arrighi : The Long Twentieth Century. Marc Augé : Non-Places, Stories of the Century. Alain Badiou : Concept Model, The Century, Second revealed by philosophy. Mikhail Bakunin : God and the state. Paul Barry : Be a citizen. Georges Bataille : The darkness does not lie; The limit of the useful. Jean Baudrillard : Criticism of the political economy of sign: The Perfect Crime, The Gulf War did not take place, the illusion of order, Culture and simulation.
Zygmunt Bauman : Fear liquid culture as praxis; Lives wasted, The art of life, world consumption, Liquid Life, Work, consumerism and new poor weather urges, Modernity and the Holocaust, Identity, Europe: an unfinished adventure, freedom, globalization. Ulrich Beck : Risk society; A brave new world, What is globalization, global generation, the personal god. Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim : The normal chaos of love. Antony Beevor : The English Civil War. Miguel Benasayag and Edith Charlton. This sweet assurance of the worst. Juan Benet : The air of a crime;'ll return to Region; Autumn in Madrid around 1950. Seylalas Benhabib : Claims culture. Walter Benjamin: Critique of violence.
Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann : Modernity, pluralism and the crisis of meaning. Alexander Berkman : The abc of libertarian communism. Isaiah Berlin : Karl Marx. Marshall Berman : Adventures Marxists. Hakimtaz Bey : temporary autonomous zone. Gérard Jacques Bidet and Duménil : Altermarxismo. Pierre Bourdieu : Practical reasons. On the theory of action, Firewall, male domination, Self Analysis of a sociologist. Gerald Brenan : The English Labyrinth. Robert Brenner : The economics of global turbulence. Judith Butler : psychological mechanisms of power. Massimo Cacciari : Angel necessary; Geo-philosophy of Europe.
Hernando Calvo Ospina : Colombia, Laboratory of witchcraft. Elias Canetti : Crowds and Power. Noam Chomsky : Government in the future. Pierre Clastres : Society against the state. Daniel Cohn-Bendit : What to do. Paul Collier : The Bottom Billion. Guy Debord : Comments on the society of spectacle, the planet sick society of the spectacle. Regis Debray : Introduction the mediology. Gilles Deleuze : Conversations; spills between capitalism and schizophrenia. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari : Rhizome; Thousand Plateaus, Capitalism and schizophrenia.
Jacques Derrida : Margins of Philosophy, University unconditionally. Terry Eagleton : Ideology: An Introduction, The meaning of life aliens. Jon Elster : Nuts and Bolts. Modesto Emilio : Venezuela 10 years later. Friedrich Engels : The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. Hans Magnus Enzensberger : Crumbs policies, Europe, Europe!; Conversations with Marx and Engels, The radical loser, In the maze of intelligence. Lóopez Jesus Esparza and Pablo Iglesias Turrion (coords.): Bolivia in motion. Daniel Feierstein : Genocide as a social practice. Feyerabend : Revocations philosophical. Norman G. Finkelstein: The Holocaust industry. Viviane Forrester : A strange dictatorship.
Michel Foucault : The Enlightenment; The order of discourse, the thought from outside. Nancy Fraser : Scales of justice. Ronald Fraser : Remember that you and others remember it. Eduardo Galeano : Muddled. The school's world upside down, The Open Veins of Latin America and Other Stories Vagamundo; Days and Nights of Love and War. Julio Garcia Camarero : The decrease happy and human development. Nestor Garcia Canclini : different, disparate and disconnected. Marc Gavalda Palacin : Journey to Repsolandia: well to well, to Patagonia and Bolivia. Susan George : Lugano Report, hijacked thinking; His crisis, our solutions.
Paul Ginsborg : So we can not continue. Juan Goytisolo : Coto forbidden; Ella, elle. Antonio Gramsci : Under the mole, the maneuvers of the Vatican. Ger Groot (ed.): Forward, contradígame! Fredric Gros : Foucault. The courage of truth. Boris Groys : Under suspicion. Felix Guattari : Plan on the planet. Suelu Rolkik : Micropolitics: cartography of desire. Sergio Guerra and Alejandro Maldonado : History of the Cuban revolution. Diego Guerrero : A complete overview of Capital, Marx. Ernesto "Che" Guevara : Diario de Bolivia. Pepe Gutiérrez-Álvarez : A bouquet of red roses and a photo. David Harvey : The condition of postmodernity. Robert Harvey : The liberators. Guy Hermet : Populism, democracy and good governance.
Fernando Hernández Sánchez : war or revolution. Diego Hidalgo : globalization and European monetary union. Tom Hodgkinson : How be free, In Praise of Laziness. John Holloway : Change the world without taking power. Fredric Jameson : Documents of culture, documents of barbarism; The seeds of time, a singular modernity. Robert Kagan : The Return of History and the End of Dreams. Mary Kaldor : Global civil society: a response to the war. Ryszard Kapuscinski : The Shah and excess of power, the Emperor, Ebony, Christ with a rifle on shoulder Cynics do not work for this office, The Empire, The Jungle Polish, One more day alive. Claudio Katz : The dilemmas of the Left in Latin America.
Naomi Klein : No Logo, The Shock Doctrine. Mikhail Koltsov : Journal of the war in Spain. Dirk Kruijt : Guerrillas. George Lakoff : Points for reflection. Maurizio Lazzarato : For a less political. Lenin : The State and Revolution. Primo Levi : Trilogy of Auschwitz. Gilles Lipovetsky : The third woman, The society of deception, the era of vacuum Empire of ephemeral Twilight of duty, the happiness paradox. Gilles Lipovetsky and Sebastien Charles : hypermodern times. Enrique Lister : Our war. Karl Lowith : Max Weber and Karl Marx. Manuel Lucena Giraldo : Nations of rebels. John Lynch : The English American revolutions. JF Lyotard : The Postmodern Condition. Michel Maffesoli : Iconology. Herbert Marcuse : One-Dimensional Man. Juan Marse : If they say they fell. Salvador Martí i Puig and David Close : Nicaragua and the FSLN 1979-2009. Jesús Manuel Martínez : Salvador Allende.
Karl Marx : Writings of youth on the right; Praise of crime, Communist Manifesto; With regard to the Jewish question, The Rhenish Diet debates, the crisis of capitalism capital , The German Ideology, vol. I; The revolutionary Spain, Manuscripts of Economics and Philosophy. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels : Communist Manifesto. Javier Moro : Pathways to Freedom. Bernat Muniesa: Freedom, liberalism, democracy. Jean Luc Nancy : The look of the portrait. Mary Nash : Red. Republican women in the civil war. Antonio Negri : Movements in the empire porcelain factory. Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt : Empire. Andreu Nin : The English Revolution (1930-1937). Martha C. Nussbaum : Nonprofit.
Arcadi Oliveres : In what world we live! Luis Ortega : I'm Che. Amos Oz : Against fanaticism. Thomas Paine : Rights of man. Peter Pal Pelbart : Philosophy of desertion. Raj Patel : The value of nothing. Thomas Pogge : Poverty in the world and human rights. Muruchi Poma : Evo Morales. Paul Preston : The English Civil War. Ignacio Ramonet : Fidel Castro. Biography in two voices. Jacques Ranciere : Disagreement. Politics and philosophy. Raunig : Mil machines. Jeremy Rifkin : empathic Civilization, The End of Work. Eduardo Romero García : Migration, borders and capitalism. Marc Saint-Upéry : The dream of Bolívar.
Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio : El Jarama. Yoani Sánchez : Cuba libre. Jean Paul Sartre : Existentialism is a humanism. Saskia Sassen : A sociology of globalization, territory, authority and rights. Cayo Sastre : McWorld. José María Seco and Rafael Rodriguez : Why am I on the left? Ramon J. Sender : Requiem for a English peasant. Richard Sennett : The Corrosion of Character, Respect, The culture of new capitalism. Jean and Gilles Lipovetsky Serroy : The cultural world. Answering a disoriented society. Peter Singer : Practical Ethics, Rethinking Life and Death; Compendium of ethics; desecrate human life, the president of good and evil. Peter Singer and Jim Mason : We are what we eat.
Spain Rodriguez: Che a Graphic Biography. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak : Can the subaltern speak?; Death of a discipline. Pablo Suero : Spain raises his fist. Paco Ignacio Taibo II : Ernesto Guevara, also known as Che. Goran Therborn : Science and Society class. Reiner Tosstorff : The POUM in espanyola revolució. Alain Touraine : The social gaze. Leon Trotsky (foreword by Slavoj Zizek): Terrorism and Communism. Mario Vargas Llosa : Dream and Reality in Latin America.
Paul Virilio : The accident original; The cyberworld. The politics of desperation. Simone Weil : The working condition. Jonathan Wolff : Political Philosophy. An introduction. Yves C. Zarka (ed.): Political Deleuze. Slavoj Zizek : The sublime object of ideology Llenin Repeat: Welcome to the desert of the real; On Violence; Lacrimae Rerum, In Defense of intolerance; Looking bias; Reading Lacan. Slavoj Zizek, Sebastian Budgen and S. Kouvelakis : Lenin reactivated. Slavoj Zizek, Eric L. Santner and Kenneth Reinhard : The neighbor.
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