tibia Arab League resolution condemning any attempt military occupation reflects divisions in the Arab world, which have been fed by the Western powers through sophisticated tools of persuasion behind two words full of magic and little real substance as they are, Democracy and Freedom. Terms echoed by spokesmen for the Transatlantic Alliance inside and outside the Arab world like magic bullets to overcome poverty and exploitation . It is likely that Libya to join Afghanistan and Iraq, forming a triad invasions of the Transatlantic Alliance imposed supremacy, against which the rest of the international community perplexed notes the absence of any bloc of nations that will position the front and include an unprecedented expansion since the end of colonialism.

United Nations decides to overthrow Gaddafi.
Hands of NATO, out of Libya!
Tuesday March 22, 2011.
Juan Francisco Coloane (ARGENPRESS special. info)
The Security Council last Thursday approved UN resolution for an international military force to attack Libya from aviation and maritime positions. The intense attacks on military installations include strategic command centers and residences Libyan army of Libyan leader Gaddafi. The operation was carried out with a style similar to "Shock and Awe" (hitting and spread fear) of Iraq 2003.
In a ruling expected but equally unusual, the UN decided in this way supporting the group of rebels to overthrow the Government of Gaddafi. Although the resolution does not authorize a ground invasion and military occupation, it anticipates a considerable increase in support for the rebels in various ways.
Some Transatlantic Alliance countries like France and the UK have been supporting the Libyan rebels and infantry weapons for over a month determined to overthrow the government Gaddafi. The United Nations, a milestone not seen since the Korean War 62 years ago, decides destabilize a state to overthrow a government.
The characterized as humanitarian intervention to protect civilians, begins to produce a level of civilian deaths and injuries that undermined the humanitarian nature of civil protection of the resolution. Until yesterday the operation had at least 50 civilians killed by NATO air strikes according to news sources independent of the international force trying to overthrow Gaddafi.
That is simple logic and directly behind the decision which in essence is conceived with the aim of supporting the rebels. No euphemisms, the UN opens its mandate, the doctrine of regime change, dealing another blow to multilateralism, with the consent of de facto two members China and Russia that instead of opposing the measure abstained.
NATO as a relic of the Cold War, is the only multinational military force preparedness to act against the Gaddafi government considered by the transatlantic alliance as a strategic threat . Which China and Russia have taken the step to not veto the resolution, explained the logic of nations that are experiencing their own problems of instability and disintegration, in the case of Chechnya, Russia, Tibet and Xinjiang in the case of China .
The same determination that seen with Gaddafi, it could be applied with the Liberation Tigers of Eelam in Srilanka , where they have been killed over 100. 000 civilians by government military forces (John Lee Anderson, 17-Jan-2011, The New Yorker) and even with the FARC in Colombia, where he also have indiscriminately killed civilians in pursuit of stability in the state.
The resolution is flawed and can be challenged internationally due to direct support to the rebels carried out before the resolution of two countries with a veto in the Security Council, as are France and the UK. Any authorized agency, the International Court in The Hague for example, could deliver an opinion.
The body was originally designed for negotiate and mediate, now sanctioned military intervention without debate and without further action, exclusively by the dominance of a select group of powers. In taking this decision to support rebel forces trying to overthrow a government, under the leadership of current general secretary Ban Ki Moon and the current situation of two unresolved wars in the Islamic world, polarized and radicalized the context and by contrast does not contribute processes of negotiation and agreement.
Korean diplomat Recall that the core part of the bureaucrats who administered the highest voltage the Cold War, whose epicenter is the peninsula of the two Koreas. Also as a South Korean envoy, supported the invasion of Iraq and the plan to destabilize the broader Middle East that was behind this invasion. With this resolution, the UN is violating the hardest blow for the recovery of multilateralism.
tibia resolution Arab League condemning any attempt by military occupation reflects the divisions in the Arab world, which have been fed by the Western powers through sophisticated tools of persuasion behind two words full of magic and little real substance as they are, Democracy and Freedom. Terms echoed by spokesmen for the Alliance Transtlántica inside and outside the Arab world as if they were magic bullets to overcome poverty and exploitation.
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Hands of NATO, out of Libya!
Beluche Olmedo (especially for ARGENPRESS.info)
With the perennial excuse of "humanitarian aid" imperialist allied countries in the Security Council of the United Nations and NATO armed instrument of , with the complicity of Russia and China, and all international social democracy, first voted a resolution establishing an illegal no-fly zone, and then systematically launched missile attacks and bombing raids on the territory of the Republic of Libya.
Taking advantage of the political crisis and internal civil war in Libya, in which sectors of the military and Popular rebelled against the regime of Colonel Ghadafi , Western imperialist countries have used to get their hands, not for democracy, or the social and economic demands that legitimately may have the Libyan people, but to ensure control over the oil wealth of that country.
Apart from the assessments that have about Ghadafi regime, of which there is no doubt that in the last decade betrayed his nationalist and imperialist origin, the principal duty of the revolutionaries and Western Democrats should be the requirement to stop the bombing and intervention imperialist military in Libya immediately.
With everything that can be repressive regime of Colonel Ghadafi, it is clear that much more perverse is the throng of politicians from Western powers, like Obama, Gordon Brown or Sarkosi, who with the usual cynicism , commit genocide and crimes against humanity, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, on behalf of the "democracy" and "human rights" to steal the natural wealth of these countries. The same shall apply in Libya.
The first duty of revolutionaries and democrats True world to denounce the evil intentions of the imperialist powers and their systematic violation of human rights and self-determination of peoples.
The NATO intervention in Libya not seek to support the Libyan revolutionary, but the partition of the country and impose a puppet government for the better plunder its oil wealth. In addition, the NATO intervention is a direct threat against all revolutionary processes towards democratization that have opened in the Middle East such as Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain.
Those from socialist labor movement and only focused its complaints against the regime of Ghadafi, without putting the fight against imperialist intervention in Libya, committed the worst mistake that a revolutionary can commit, be useful idiot of the interests of imperialism. The story of the last century is full of similar experiences, in which imperialism disguised as "humanitarian Democrats' internal processes involved in action against dictators, real or fictitious violations only to impose much worse: just remember Saddam Hussein in Iraq or Manuel Noriega in Panama.
Do not fall in simplistic reductionist they only consider contradiction dictatorship democracy also the contradiction imperialist nations - nations oppressed is real and determinant of the international class struggle. We demand the cessation of NATO bombing, the Security Council and the western powers, especially U.S. imperialism, draw their hands Libya Libyan the people decide their future freely, with or without Ghadafi.
Imperialism never brought democracy to any people but the opposite: slavery and plunder. Imperialism has never respected the rights humans in any country, but on the contrary, committed the most egregious violations of these rights. There are Iraq and Afghanistan as proof. Recall the case of Panama, which on behalf of "democracy" puppet that we, the U.S. slaughtered in the invasion of 1989, which all together repression of the Noriega regime.
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